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Perfervid   Listen

Characterized by intense emotion.  Synonyms: ardent, fervent, fervid, fiery, impassioned, torrid.  "An ardent lover" , "A fervent desire to change society" , "A fervent admirer" , "Fiery oratory" , "An impassioned appeal" , "A torrid love affair"

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"Perfervid" Quotes from Famous Books

... in its favor. Still, it passed. But that did not satisfy its pertinacious enemies. Neither were they restrained by the President's proclamation. The Constitution assigned the duty of negotiating and ratifying treaties to the President and Senate; but to the perfervid Anti-Britishers the Constitution was no more than an old cobweb to be brushed away at pleasure. The Jay Treaty could not be put into effect without money for expenses; all bills involving money must pass the House of Representatives; therefore, ...
— George Washington • William Roscoe Thayer

Words linked to "Perfervid" :   passionate, fiery

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