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Munition   /mjunˈɪʃən/   Listen

Weapons considered collectively.  Synonyms: arms, implements of war, weaponry, weapons system.
Military supplies.  Synonyms: ordnance, ordnance store.
Defensive structure consisting of walls or mounds built around a stronghold to strengthen it.  Synonym: fortification.

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"Munition" Quotes from Famous Books

... at once, and we sail round the foreland yonder till we can open out the other valley and the river's mouth twenty miles along the coast. Don Ramon and his men are gathering at Velova, and they want our munition badly there." ...
— Fitz the Filibuster • George Manville Fenn

... of them hired out to the company at less wages than are paid in industrial centers I'll agree was true during war times. We could not hope to compete with the wages paid in the munition factories of the East. The company does, however, pay standard wages, as high as are paid anywhere for the ...
— A Stake in the Land • Peter Alexander Speek

... England all such & so many of our Loving Subjects or any other Strangers that will become our Loving Subjects & live under our Alleigeance as shall willingly accompany them in the said Voyages & Plantations, And also Shipping, Armour, Weapons, Ordnance, Munition, Powder, Shott, Corn victuals & all manner of Cloathing, Implements, Furniture, Beasts, Cattle, Horses, Mares, Merchandizes & all other things necessary for the said Plantation and for their use & Defence & for Trade with the People there & in passing & returning ...
— Old New England Traits • Anonymous

... ships were too strong for them; the Spaniards, therefore, came to the resolution of hiring foreigners to act against them. Accordingly, certain merchants of Bristol fitted out two ships of thirty guns, well manned, and provided with every necessary munition, and commanded them to sail for ...
— The Pirates Own Book • Charles Ellms

... piano-crime among the munition-makers brings me to another fact—how utterly impossible it is for the majority of people to judge any big scheme without having regard to the particular instances which threaten its success. Because some working people are so utterly bestial ...
— Over the Fireside with Silent Friends • Richard King

... people back in their place, revived in them the habits of submission and obedience. Napoleon the Little, it was argued, had started the war of 1870 with that idea. Russia had welcomed the present war as an answer to the Revolution that was threatening Czardom. Others contended it was the great munition industries, aided by the military party, the officers impatient for opportunities of advancement, the strategists eager to put their theories to the test. A few of the more philosophical shrugged their shoulders. It was the thing itself that sooner or later was bound to go off of ...
— All Roads Lead to Calvary • Jerome K. Jerome

... crude as a roadblock. But the port will be crawling with every agent they have. They know once the money gets off-planet it is gone forever. When we make a break for it they will be sure we still have the goods. So there will be no trouble with the munition ship ...
— Deathworld • Harry Harrison

... stout gentleman, with a nod, "Alec will toss for us next Saturday, because we won't allow the Donohue family to shake the dust of Chester off their shoes. Why, it happens that my night watchman has just given notice that he must throw up his job because he has taken a position in one of those munition works in another town, where they pay such big wages for men who know certain things. So consider that I offer Donohue the position at twenty-four dollars a week; and there's no reason why it shouldn't be a permanent job, as I understand he's a ...
— Jack Winters' Baseball Team - Or, The Rivals of the Diamond • Mark Overton

... that they hate not only their enemies but everyone who does not share their hatred, and that they want to fight and to force other people to fight. They have turned their churches into recruiting stations and their vestries into munition workshops. But it has never occurred to them to take off their black coats and say quite simply, "I find in the hour of trial that the Sermon on the Mount is tosh, and that I am not a Christian. I apologize for all the unpatriotic nonsense I have been preaching all these years. Have the ...
— Androcles and the Lion • George Bernard Shaw

... wildest confidence. Yesterday afternoon a pigeon arrived covered with blood, bearing on its tail a despatch from Gambetta, of the 11th, announcing that the Prussians had been driven out of Orleans after two days' fighting, that 1,000 prisoners, two cannon, and many munition waggons had been taken, and that the pursuit was still continuing. The despatch was read at the Mairies to large crowds, and in the cafes by enthusiasts, who got upon the tables. I was in a shop when a person came in with it. Shopkeeper, assistants, and customers immediately ...
— Diary of the Besieged Resident in Paris • Henry Labouchere

... rest—ached would be a better word....This last year has been full of both nervous strain and desperate monotony. Nineteen-seventeen was bad enough in another way: the internal defeatist campaign, the constant menace of mutiny, soviets in the army, strikes in the munition towns,—all the rest of it....But could one stand California after such an experience? I know they have done splendid work since we entered the war, but I know also that they will immediately subside into exactly what they were before, settle ...
— The Sisters-In-Law • Gertrude Atherton

... Women and Children be Listed Together in Labor Laws?—There is grave question whether some of these items listed as essentials in the protection of women in industry, and certainly useful in the peculiar conditions of munition manufacture into which women rushed in such vast numbers in answer to the call of war, should form a permanent outline of the relation of law to women workers. Some of them have, and clearly, a place in any future code in peace time. ...
— The Family and it's Members • Anna Garlin Spencer

... the importance which grenade-fighting was to play in trench warfare. Her experts in explosives were set to work, and by the time we were ready for active service, ten or a dozen varieties of bombs were in use, all of them made in the munition factories in England. The "hairbrush," the "lemon bomb," the "cricket ball," and the "policeman's truncheon" were the most important of these, all of them so-called because of their resemblance to the articles for which they were named. The first three were exploded by ...
— Kitchener's Mob - Adventures of an American in the British Army • James Norman Hall

... standing in the doorway, a simple figure in his striped black and yellow vest and white apron, I wondered just what effect the war had had on him. Through the open window of the room, seen over the dark silhouette of the roofs of Nancy, shone the glowing red sky and rolling smoke of the vast munition works at ...
— A Volunteer Poilu • Henry Sheahan

... is a munition factory where, in defiance of regulations, there are stored High Explosives. These blow up from time to time, causing great damage and loss of life among ...
— This Giddy Globe • Oliver Herford

... of the ministry of munitions, I discovered that 50,000 Irish boys and girls are annually sent to the English harvests, and that during the war there were 80,000 placements in the English munition factories. ...
— What's the Matter with Ireland? • Ruth Russell

... for you; For Countryes sake this Counsaile do I give you: When y'are before the Lords rule well your tongue, Be wary how you answer, least they tripp you; For they know the whole number of your shipps, Burthen, men & munition, as well As ...
— A Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. II • Various

... castle and place or take the consequences. Lord Methven appeared personally, but Colin did not, where-upon their Lordships ordained letters to be directed to him charging him to give them up, "with the whole munition and ordnance therein" to Henry Lord Methven or to any other having power to receive them, within twenty-four hours of the charge under the ...
— History Of The Mackenzies • Alexander Mackenzie

... it was always so is most unlikely. Army subalterns during the war were given no end of a good time. And quite right too, it was the least that could be done for us: and the most, in nine cases out of ten: personally I had no use for munition workers in mud-coloured overalls, but I still remember with gratitude the nymphs who decorated ...
— Nightfall • Anthony Pryde

... almost as much as she always had; but she loved G. G. very much more. And having definitely decided to defy her family, to marry G. G. and live happily ever afterward, she consulted her check-book and discovered that her available munition of war was something less than five hundred dollars—most of it ...
— IT and Other Stories • Gouverneur Morris

... the Empire, proud of her position in that Association of Nations but not unmindful of her shortcomings. The world-conflict, however, caused her to realise her own constructive ability and possibilities only limited by population. Under the Imperial Munitions Board factories were converted into munition works, old plants were enlarged, and new machinery installed, so that the country is industrially equipped to supply a population considerably larger than it is to-day. Not only was wooden ship building revived, but also steel ship building plants ...
— Canada • J. G. Bourinot

... these blinded men, who once were ordinary, leaves me silent and appalled. They are happy—how and why I cannot understand. Most of them have been taught at the Lighthouse how to overcome their disability and are earning their living as weavers, stenographers, potters, munition-workers. Quite a number of them have families to support. The only complaint that is made against them by their brother-workmen is that they are too rapid; they set too strenuous a pace for the men with eyes. It is a fact that in all trades where sensitiveness ...
— Out To Win - The Story of America in France • Coningsby Dawson

... talking so much, and in Europe so long, the biggest-business administration of which he was the chief went along on its own more or less mechanical momentum. By 1917 Canada had a total export trade of more than half a billion; with a possible yearly munition order of 500 millions—no thanks to the Minister of Trade. No nation in the world exported so much from so few people. No Ministry of Trade had such a record. Sir George knew exactly what it all meant. He was used to analytical surveys. ...
— The Masques of Ottawa • Domino

... not a chart of any bay or water at all. It's a plan of Cardiff by night for the guidance of German airships. Those patches are not shallows, but the loom in the sky of the furnaces. The black spots are the munition factories. Here are the docks," he pointed with the tip of his pencil. "The Jesus-Maria brought that back a week ago. Let it get from here to Germany, as it will do, eh? and a Zeppelin coming across England on a favourable night could make things ...
— The Summons • A.E.W. Mason

Words linked to "Munition" :   protective embankment, defence, bastion, intrenchment, scarp, defense, Maginot Line, arms, rampart, breastwork, escarpment, ammo, defence system, defilade, wall, entrenchment, arm, palisade, redoubt, stockade, castle, weapons system, bunker, parapet, defensive structure, instrumentation, Siegfried line, weapon system, gunnery, defense system, implements of war, Joint Direct Attack Munition, fortification, naval weaponry, ordnance, hardware, bomb, armament, lunette, bulwark, fieldwork, dugout, instrumentality, weapon, escarp

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