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Manor house   /mˈænər haʊs/   Listen
Manor house

The mansion of a lord or wealthy person.  Synonym: manor.

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"Manor house" Quotes from Famous Books

... of the Manor House, Coleby, as he glanced at Sir James Danby's hopeful fat-faced son, his mother's idol, before which she worshipped ...
— Quicksilver - The Boy With No Skid To His Wheel • George Manville Fenn

... XVIII.) described some features of domestic life in castle and village during the age of feudalism. In England, where the Norman kings discouraged castle building, the manor house formed the ordinary residence of the nobility. Even in Continental Europe many castles were gradually made over into manor houses after the cessation of feudal warfare. A manor house, however, was only less bare and inconvenient than a castle. It was still poorly lighted, ill-ventilated, ...

... paces further on the main Fulham Road, at the north or opposite side, stood "Manor House," now termed Manor Hall, and occupied by St. Philip's Orphanage, a large, old-fashioned building, with the intervening space between it and the road screened in by boards,—which were attached to the antique iron gate and railings about twenty ...
— A Walk from London to Fulham • Thomas Crofton Croker

... his duty at St. Ignace, was experiencing that reaction which must always follow upon a sudden change in the affairs of life when the person concerned has a tendency towards the reflective. The absence from the manor house of that interesting personality, Miss Clairville, threw him altogether on the society of the village, but, apart from Poussette, who had become mysteriously friendly again, the two individuals most in need of ...
— Ringfield - A Novel • Susie Frances Harrison

... for further information, but he put me off by saying it was too long a story, and that he had many other things to show me on this my first evening in the manor house. ...
— Border Ghost Stories • Howard Pease

Words linked to "Manor house" :   mansion house, hall, manor, manse, residence, mansion

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