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Impoverish   /ɪmpˈɑvrɪʃ/   Listen

(past & past part. impoverished; pres. part. impoverishing)
Make poor.
Take away.  Synonym: deprive.

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"Impoverish" Quotes from Famous Books

... he exclaims, "She neither declines the hated suit nor has she power to end it, while they with feasting impoverish my home." ...
— Primitive Love and Love-Stories • Henry Theophilus Finck

... teaching, the property-owners as a class are useless idlers who impoverish the workers and who shamelessly spend their whole income on demoralising luxuries. "The idlers and non-workers produce no wealth and take the greater share. They live on the labour of those who work. Nothing is produced by idleness; work must be done to obtain a thimble, ...
— British Socialism - An Examination of Its Doctrines, Policy, Aims and Practical Proposals • J. Ellis Barker

... sides in the conflict that is being waged in this country today. On the one side are the allied hosts of monopolies, the money power, great trusts and railroad corporations, who seek the enactment of laws to benefit them and impoverish the people. On the other side are the farmers, laborers, merchants, and all others who produce wealth and bear the burdens of taxation. The one represents the wealthy and powerful classes who want the control ...
— The Agrarian Crusade - A Chronicle of the Farmer in Politics • Solon J. Buck

... that moth. Clinging to my finger, the living creature was of such delicate beauty as to impoverish my stock of adjectives at the beginning. Its big, pursy body was covered with long, furry scales of the purest white imaginable. The wings were of an exquisite light green colour; the front pair having a heavy costa of light purple that reached across the back of the head: the back ...
— Moths of the Limberlost • Gene Stratton-Porter

... art so perverse in answering, Harvest, hear what complaints are brought to me. Thou art accused by the public voice For an engrosser of the common store; A carl that hast no conscience nor remorse, But dost impoverish the fruitful earth, To make thy garners rise up to the heavens. To whom giv'st thou? who feedeth at thy board? No alms, but [an] unreasonable gain Digests what thy huge iron teeth devour: Small beer, coarse bread, the hind's and beggar's cry, Whilst thou withholdest ...
— A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VIII (4th edition) • Various

... sperm. Either kill the micrococcus or heal the wound, and you are free from both. It being, therefore, granted that the ills of life are in the air, we have but to find the peculiar nature of the case in hand, its habits, tastes, and constitution, in order to destroy it. Impoverish the soil on which it thrives, before its arrival, if you can foresee the nature of the inoculation to which you will be exposed, by a dilute solution of itself, and supply it only with what it particularly dislikes. For an already established tubercle requiring ...
— A Journey in Other Worlds • J. J. Astor

... with a power but seldom appraised. Prison life, factory service long continued, a clerk's stool, a housewife's day-long duties—these things stunt and transform the human animal as nothing else, because of all experiences they most restrict, most impoverish the natural environment. And it is the especial function of nature books to make vivid and warm and sympathetic our background of nature. They make conscious our sub-conscious dependence upon earth that bore us. They do not merely inform (there the scientist may transcend them), ...
— Definitions • Henry Seidel Canby

... and were in the closest kind of an alliance to save the situation. He discovered that until prices had fallen fifty points neither of them had been in the market to any significant extent; and that, to avert the appalling calamities which seemed imminent, both were ready if necessary to impoverish themselves or to take unusual risks of so doing. He learned the real causes of the panic, so far as these were not hidden from Merriman and Waters themselves, and when at last the two men decided what should be attempted, to what strategic points they should send re-enforcements, ...
— The Spread Eagle and Other Stories • Gouverneur Morris

... influence in this city, and of established loyalty to the land of his birth, described the position here very distinctly in the following words: 'I wish I could make money and remain an Englishman, but I can't, and hence I propose to become an American, for I cannot impoverish myself and my family ...
— Buchanan's Journal of Man, October 1887 - Volume 1, Number 9 • Various

... clearing, supposing, (which is often the case,) the land adjoining to be unoccupied, he merely makes a lane through the wilderness, not half of which will produce a crop, on account of its being shaded by the adjoining woods: which not only exclude the sun, but impoverish the land by drawing the nourishment from the plants to the adjoining trees. To obviate this, and many other inconveniences, it would be far better to lay out settlements, where the face of the country would admit of it, in square ...
— First History of New Brunswick • Peter Fisher

Words linked to "Impoverish" :   decline, disestablish, pauperise, smash, break, ruin, pauperize, enrich, reduce, worsen, beggar, bankrupt

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