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Immutably   Listen

In an unalterable and unchangeable manner.  Synonyms: unalterably, unassailably, unchangeably.

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"Immutably" Quotes from Famous Books

... laying the groundwork for his history, and his researches in making it thorough, were such as to have liberated him to the knowledge of other manners and ideals, but he remained strictly a Bostonian, and as immutably of the Boston social and literary faith as any I knew in that capital of accomplished facts. He had lived like an Indian among the wild Western tribes; he consorted with the Canadian archaeologists in their mousings among the colonial archives of their fallen state; every year he went to ...
— Henry James, Jr. • William Dean Howells

... example, says that "we are not striving for ourselves alone, but for our children," that "our aim is not merely for one country, but for all the world," that "we stand here immutably resolved against the whole of capitalism."[165] And Mr. Russell will hear nothing either of compromise or of a Labor Party. But when we come to examine the only question of practical moment, how his ideal is to be applied, we are astounded to read that, "every time a government acquires ...
— Socialism As It Is - A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement • William English Walling

... elementary subjects of knowledge. From their standpoint, however, they have reached the highest DESIRABLE pinnacle of human development. Nothing remains to be changed. Their customs, religions, and duties have been worked out and immutably established long ago; and nobody dreams of questioning either their wisdom or their imperative necessity. They are the conservatives ...
— The Land of Footprints • Stewart Edward White

... the fortresses of these different places had taken no part in these revolutions, and had remained immutably faithful to the ...
— The Borgias - Celebrated Crimes • Alexandre Dumas, Pere

Words linked to "Immutably" :   immutable

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