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Fils   Listen

100 Yemeni fils are worth one Yemeni rial.  Synonym: Yemeni fils.
A fractional monetary unit in Bahrain and Iraq and Jordan and Kuwait; equal to one thousandth of a dinar.

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"Fils" Quotes from Famous Books

... even to the smallest that are visible—the red spider which is no spider; and the minute gossamer spider clinging to the fine silvery hairs of the flying summer; and the coccus that fall from the fruit trees to float on their buoyant cottony down—a summer snow. Fils de la Vierge are these, and sacred. The man who can needlessly set his foot on a worm is as strange to my soul as De Quincey's imaginary Malay, or even his "damned crocodile." The worm that one sees lying ...
— Birds in Town and Village • W. H. Hudson

... charbon de saule, du salpetre, de l'eau de vie, de la resine, du soufre, de la poix et du camphre. Mais il est probable que nous ne savons pas qu'elle etait sa composition, surtout a cause du secret qu'en faisaient les Grecs. En effet, l'empereur Constantin Porphyrogenete recommende a son fils de ne jamais en donner aux Barbares, et de leur repondre, s'ils en demandaient, qu'il avait ete apporti du ciel par un ange et que le secret en avait ete confie aux Chretiens (Constantini Porphyrogennetae opera, p. 26-27, de admin. imper., ...
— The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, Complete • Leonardo Da Vinci

... selected them, ostensibly on a special system of her own. In reality she simply gave Natalya everything which the French bookseller forwarded her from Petersburg, except, of course, the novels of Dumas Fils and Co. These novels Darya Mihailovna read herself. Mlle, Boncourt looked specially severely and sourly through her spectacles when Natalya was reading historical books; according to the old French lady's ideas all ...
— Rudin • Ivan Turgenev

... John William Falle, age de 37 ans, et de son fils William Slowley Falle, age de 17 ans, Fils et petit fils de William Falle, Ecr. de Beau Regard, Sercq. Qui furent noyes 20'eme jour d'Avril 1903, durant la traversee de Guernsey a Sercq. 'Ta voie a ete par la mer et tes sentiers dans ...
— Pearl of Pearl Island • John Oxenham

... range, which animates them, and which finds its highest expression in his four great lyrical pieces, "Les Nuits"; his fine instinct for dramatic situation and gift of witty dialogue are manifest in the dramas already mentioned, as also in many others; of his prose works, "Le Fils du Titien," "Mademoiselle Mimi Pinson," and the "Confessions" are his best; he was a handsome man, with ...
— The Nuttall Encyclopaedia - Being a Concise and Comprehensive Dictionary of General Knowledge • Edited by Rev. James Wood

... the history of Les Quatre Fils Aymsn, we read that Duke Richard of Normandy was playing at chess with Ivonnet, son of Regnant, (Rinalde) when he was arrested by the officers of Regnant, who said to him, "Aryse up Duke Rycharde, for in despite of Charlemagne who loveth ...
— Chess History and Reminiscences • H. E. Bird

... Marie, souvenez vous du moment supreme ou Jesus votre divin Fils, expirant sur la croix, nous confia a ...
— Through the Wall • Cleveland Moffett

... epoch and his kind; while of those who assisted him in the production of his immense achievement the most exist but as fractions of the larger sum, and the others have utterly disappeared. 'Combien,' says his son in that excellent page which serves to preface le Fils Naturel—'combien parmi ceux qui devaient rester obscurs se sont eclaires et chauffes a ta forge, et si l'heure des restitutions sonnait, quel gain pour toi, rien qu'a reprendre ce que tu as donne et ce qu'on t'a pris!' That is the true verdict of posterity, ...
— Views and Reviews - Essays in appreciation • William Ernest Henley

... achieved a public-house notoriety here. The nobles ought to have appeared in it yoked to the plough, but on Dingelstedt's advice Rost toned down that scene!—A translation by Frau Schuselka (who has performed here sometimes) of the "Pere prodigue" of Dumas fils was to have come on the boards; but it appears that there are scruples about making such very ominous demands on the customary powers of digestion of our un-lavish fathers of families! Amongst other inconveniences the piece also contains ...
— Letters of Franz Liszt, Volume 1, "From Paris to Rome: - Years of Travel as a Virtuoso" • Franz Liszt; Letters assembled by La Mara and translated

... exemple dans l'histoire d'une maison si longtems infortunee. Le premier des Rois d'Ecosse, qui eut le nom de Jacques, apres avoir ete dix-huit ans prisonnier en Angleterre, mourut assassine, avec sa femme, par la main de ses sujets. Jacques II, son fils, fut tue a vingt-neuf ans en combattant centre les Anglois. Jacques III, mis en prison par son peuple, fut tue ensuite par les revoltes, dans une battaille. Jacques IV perit dans un combat qu'il perdit. Marie Stuart, sa petite fille, chassee, de son trone, fugitive en ...
— The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. • James Boswell

... ainsi que la nature change continuellement la surface de notre globe; elle eleve les plaines, abaisse les montagnes; et l'eau est principal agent qu'elle emploie pour operer ces grandes revolutions; il ne faut que du temps, pour que le mot de Louis XIV. a son petit-fils, se realise. La posterite pourra dire un jour; il n'y a plus de Pyrenees. On concoit combien cette epoque est eloignee de nous. M. Gensanne a trouve, par des observations qu'il pretend non equivoques, que la surface de ces montagnes baisse d'environ dix pouces par siecle; ainsi, en les supposant ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 2 (of 4) • James Hutton

... pupils—Don Jose Madrazo, who studied at the same time as Ingres in the studio of David, began the modern renaissance. He became Court painter, and left many fine portraits; but, perhaps, as Comte Vasili says, "La meilleure oeuvre de Don Jose fut son fils, Federico; de meme que la meilleure de celui-ci est son ...
— Spanish Life in Town and Country • L. Higgin and Eugene E. Street

... especially shown in various dramas which have been held up as triumphs. In these, an inoculation from the French drama seems to have resulted in destruction of the nobler characteristics of the German stage. One detects the cant of Dumas, fils, but not his genius; and, when this cant is mingled with German pessimism, it becomes at times unspeakably repulsive. The zeal for this new drama seems to me a fad, and rather a slimy fad. With all my heart I wish the Emperor success ...
— Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White Volume II • Andrew Dickson White

... sister-in-law; of Delaunay, a young man from St. Malo, who had come from Bourbon to establish at Manilla some manufactories for baking sugar; of Bermigan, a young Spaniard; and my friend, Captain Gabriel Lafond, like myself, from Nantes. He had come to the Philippine islands on board the Fils de France, had passed some years in South America, and had occupied several places of distinction in the navy, as captain-commandant, until at last, after many adventures and vicissitudes, he came with a small fortune to Manilla, where he bought a vessel, and set sail for the Pacific Ocean, to fish ...
— Adventures in the Philippine Islands • Paul P. de La Gironiere

... the bottle nearest to hand. It was of a dark green colour, and labelled 'Extrait d'Absinthe. Pernod fils.' ...
— Sacred And Profane Love • E. Arnold Bennett

... ses enfants vetus de peaux de betes, Echevele, livide au milieu des tempetes, Cain se fut enfui de devant Jehovah, Comme le soir tombait, l'homme sombre arriva Au bas d'une montagne en une grande plaine; Sa femme fatiguee et ses fils hors d'haleine Lui dirent:—Couchons-nous sur la terre, et dormons.— Cain, ne dormant pas, songeait au pied des monts Ayant leve la tete, au fond des cieux funebres Il vit un oeil, tout grand ouvert dans les tenebres, Et qui le regardait ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... aurois-je d l'honorer, lui obir, l'aimer toute ma vie! Pardon, Reine des Anges et des hommes! pardon de ce qu'aprs avoir reu de vous tant de marques, par lesquelles vous m'avez convaincu que vous m'avez adopt pour votre fils, j'ai eu l'ingratitude pendant des annes entires de me comporter encore plutt en esclave de Satan qu'en enfant d'une Mre Vierge. O que vous tes bonne et charitable! puisque quelques obstacles que mes pchs ayent pu mettre vos graces, ...
— The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century • Francis Parkman

... "N'importe, mon fils. I did want the mandarin. He nodded this way—this way. He wagged his head as a dog wags his tail, like Thomas Scattergood in the Meeting. Comme ca." She became that man in a moment, turning up the edge ...
— Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker • S. Weir Mitchell

... sea-king who conquered Normandy. [Footnote: Old French had a declension in two cases. The nominative, which has now almost disappeared, was usually distinguished by -s. This survives in a few words, e.g. fils, and proper names such as Charles, Jules, etc] Was Holman the holy man, the man who lived near a holm, i.e. holly (Chapter XII), on a holm, or river island (Chapter XII), or in a hole, or hollow? All ...
— The Romance of Names • Ernest Weekley

... lesquels on lavait les tissus, demeura immobile, et bientt, dans toute la fabrique, il ne resta plus que [3] M. et Mme Eyssette, la vieille Annou, mon frre Jacques et moi; puis, l-bas, dans le fond, pour garder les ateliers, le concierge Colombe et son fils ...
— Le Petit Chose (part 1) - Histoire d'un Enfant • Alphonse Daudet

... made by the Vereinigte Glanzstoff-Fabriken, Aachen, according to a series of patents under the names of H. Pauly, M. Fremery and Urban, Consortium mulhousien pour la fabrication de fils brillants, E. Bronnert, and E. Bronnert and Fremery and Urban (1). The first patent in this direction was taken by Despeissis in 1890 (2). It appears this inventor died shortly after taking the patent (3) The matter was later developed by Pauly (4) ...
— Researches on Cellulose - 1895-1900 • C. F. Cross

... constantly counting upon her practical aptitude and zeal, he makes her a fellow worker toward the great total of his fame and fortune. At fifty years of age, at the climax of his distinction, announcing to her his brilliant marriage, he signs himself Ton fils soumis. To his old friend Mme. Carraud he speaks thus of this same event: "The denouement of that great and beautiful drama of the heart which has lasted these sixteen years.... Three days ago I married the only woman I have loved, whom I loved more than ever, ...
— The Galaxy, Volume 23, No. 2, February, 1877 • Various

... but a lonely friendless girl, in broken health and spirits; and, though she lent no positive encouragement to his suit, yet, at the time, when Clement reappeared in Paris, Madame Babette was beginning to think that Virginie might do worse than encourage the attentions of Monsieur Morin Fils, her nephew, and the wine merchant's son. Of course, he and his father had the entree into the conciergerie of the hotel that belonged to them, in right of being both proprietors and relations. The son, Morin, had seen Virginie ...
— My Lady Ludlow • Elizabeth Gaskell

... cestui monde qui avez talent de vous deliter en rommans, si prenez cestui (livre) et le faites lire de chief en chief, si orrez toutes les grans aventure qui advindrent entre les Chevaliers errans du temps au Roy Uter Pendragon, jusques a le temps au Roy Artus son fils, et des compaignons de la Table Ronde. Et sachiez tout vraiment que cist livres fust translatez du livre Monseigneur Edouart le Roy d'Engleterre en cellui temps qu'il passa oultre la mer au service nostre Seigneur Damedieu ...
— The Travels of Marco Polo Volume 1 • Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa

... de la Literature Francaise. Par D. Nisard, de l'Academie Francaise, Inspecteur-General de l'Enseignement Superieur. Tome Quatrieme, Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, Fils, et Cie. 8vo. ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 9, No. 54, April, 1862 • Various

... et active, ne peut que suivre les anciens principes, acquiert une superiorite theorique dont on doit tenir compte dans la hierarchie sociale. Le plus souvent le pere n'est-il pas penetre de l'esprit de routine, tandis que le fils represente et defend la science progressive? En diminuant l'ecart qui existait entre l'influence des jeunes generations et celle de la vieillesse ou de l'age mur, les peuples modernes n'auraient donc fait que reproduire dans leur ordre social ...
— A Lecture on the Study of History • Lord Acton

... wheeled round and saw me; introduced me again; introduced Myra as my wife, Archie as her brother, and Dahlia as Archie's wife; and then with a sudden inspiration presented Thomas grandly as "le beau-pere du petit fils de mes amis Monsieur et Madame Mannering." Thomas seemed more assured of his place as Peter's godfather than as the brother ...
— The Sunny Side • A. A. Milne

... Universe du XIX Siecle," and I reached forward and pulled down the letter "N." "Nevers"—there it was—"Capitol of the Department of Nievre. Ducal palace built in 1475. Charles III de Gonzagne, petit-fils de Charles II," had sold the duchy of Nevers and his other domains in France to Cardinal Mazarin "par acte du Jul. 11, 1659." So far so good. The cardinal had left the duchy by will to Philippe Jules Francois ...
— True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office • Arthur Train

... Berne, le 17 Mars, MM. Brunner et Hipp, directeurs des telegraphes electriques de la Suisse, viennent d'inventer un appareil portatif a l'aide duquel, en l'appliquant a un point quelconque des fils telegraphiques, on peut transmettre une depeche. L'essai de cet appareil a ete fait a deux lieues de Berne, dans un lieu ou il n'existe ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 233, April 15, 1854 • Various

... and Hernanis, and stuff? Monsieur le Vicomte de Chateaubriand was a man of genius as a writer, certainly immortal; and M. de Lamartine was a young man extremely bien pensant, but, ma foi, give him Crebillon fils, or a bonne farce of M. Vade to make laugh; for the great sentiments, for the beautiful style, give him M. de Lormian (although Bonapartist) or the Abbe de Lille. And for the new school! bah! these little Dumass, and Hugos, and ...
— The Newcomes • William Makepeace Thackeray

... which they cause you. Don't do what I did, with my blind man of the Pont de la Concorde, that frightful clarinet-player, who for the last ten years has been blighting my life by playing all day 'De tes fils, Norma.' I have tried everything to get him away from there—money, threats. Nothing has succeeded in inducing him to go. The police? Ah, yes, indeed. With modern ideas, it becomes quite a business to clear off a blind man from a bridge. The Opposition newspapers ...
— The Nabob • Alphonse Daudet

... is, it is unpleasantly unimportant. I clean house intermittently; read intermittently; write letters intermittently. That reminds me, do read Leon Daudet's "Fantomes et Vivantes"—the first volumes of his memoirs. He is a terrible example of "Le fils a papa." I don't know why it is that a vicious writer, absolutely lacking in reverence, can hold one's attention so much better than a kindly one can. In this book Daudet simply smashes idols, tears down illusions, ...
— A Hilltop on the Marne • Mildred Aldrich

... Paris. He should have left the 25th of December; his trunk was strapped; your first letter was awaiting him every day at Nohant. At last he is all ready to leave and he goes tomorrow with his son Alexandre [Footnote: Alexandre Dumas fils.] who is anxious to ...
— The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters • George Sand, Gustave Flaubert

... word; for when he had taken the scroll, and was passing on, she rushed out of the line, and planting herself immediately before him so as to prevent his walking on, screamed, rather than spoke, for her voice was shrill with impetuosity to be heard and terror of failure, "C'est pour mon fils! vous me l'avez promis!"(189) The first Consul stopped and spoke; but not loud enough for me to hear his voice: while his aides-de-camp and the attending generals surrounding him more closely, all ...
— The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay Volume 3 • Madame D'Arblay

... happened to be that "Fils Gaos," of whom she had heard the Moans speak as a great friend of Sylvestre's. On the evening of this same Pardon, Sylvestre and he, walking arm-in-arm, had crossed her father and herself, and had stopped to ...
— An Iceland Fisherman • Pierre Loti

... the number? Come, speak frankly, mon fils; elle est encore jeune, plus agee que toi peut-etre, mais juste asset pour unir la tendresse d'une petite maman a l'amour d'une epouse devouee; n'est-ce pas que ...
— The Professor • (AKA Charlotte Bronte) Currer Bell

... hour. Had the party been French the donkeys would have arrived only fifteen minutes before the appointed time. And then out came Damer pere and Damer mere, Damer fille, and Damer fils. Damer mere was leaning on her husband, as was her wont. She was not an unprotected female, and had no desire to make any attempts in that line. Damer fille was attended sedulously by Mr. Ingram, for whose demolishment, however, ...
— An Unprotected Female at the Pyramids • Anthony Trollope

... home. My mother came running to one door when I entered, and my wife to another. 'O mon fils!' and 'O mon ami!' they said, rushing upon me. They wept, these dear women. I could not at first prevail upon them to tell me what was the matter. At last they confessed that they believed something to have happened to ...
— A Beleaguered City • Mrs. Oliphant

... the night before, ran under an archway supporting some kind of overhead chamber, and separated the dwelling-house from a warehouse wall on which vast letters proclaimed the fact that Veuve Morin et Fils carried on therein the business of hay and corn dealers. Hence, Doggie reflected, the fresh, deep straw on which he and his fortunate comrades had wallowed. The double gate under the archway was held back by iron stanchions. The two-storied house looked fairly large and comfortable. ...
— The Rough Road • William John Locke

... 'Care-charmer, sleep,' although directly inspired by the French, breathes a finer melody than the sonnet of Pierre de Brach {101a} apostrophising 'le sommeil chasse-soin' (in the collection entitled 'Les Amours d'Aymee'), or the sonnet of Philippe Desportes invoking 'Sommeil, paisible fils de la nuit solitaire' (in the collection entitled 'Amours d'Hippolyte'). {101b} But, throughout Elizabethan sonnet literature, the heavy debt to Italian and French effort is unmistakable. {101c} Spenser, in 1569, at the outset of his literary career, avowedly translated numerous sonnets ...
— A Life of William Shakespeare - with portraits and facsimiles • Sidney Lee

... report aux beaux Arts. Elle doit etre composee de 21 Membres, dont il y en a deja 19 d'Arretez savoir les Ducs de Beaufort & d'Ormond; les Comites d'Arran & d'Orrery: les Lords Duplin, Gendre du Grand Tresorier; Harley, Fils dudit Tresorier; Lansdowne, Secretaire des Guerres; Masham & Bathurst: les Chevalier Windham: Messieurs St. Jean, Secretaire d'Etat: Harcourt Fils du Garde des Seaux; Raymond Solliciteur-General; les Colonels Hill & Desney; Swif, Docteur en Theologie; Prior Arbuthnott, ...
— Reflections on Dr. Swift's Letter to Harley (1712) and The British Academy (1712) • John Oldmixon

... bonne volonte? ils respondent qu'ouy, Faictes donc ce que ie veux, & ce que ie fay. Et alors la grande maistresse & Royne du Sabbat qui leur sert de pedagogue, dict a ce nouueau qui se presente, qu'il die a haute voix, Ie renie Dieu premierement, puis Iesus Christ son Fils, le S. Esprit, la vierge, les Saincts, la Saincte Croix, le Chresme, le Baptesme, & la Foy que ie tiens, mes Parrain & Marraine, & me remets de tout poinct en ton pouuoir & entre tes mains, ne recognois autre Dieu: si bien que tu es mon Dieu & ie suis ton esclaue. Apres ...
— The Witch-cult in Western Europe - A Study in Anthropology • Margaret Alice Murray

... smoke, or homoeopathic globules to such as crunched up the whole bottleful for the sake of the sugar, as soon as her back was turned, no one ever smiled now with anything but real pleasure at sight of her calm and truly sweet smile, and the scent of soap on her pale hands. "Cher fils, je croyais que ceci vous donnerait un peu de plaisir. Voyez-vous comme c'est commode, n'est ce pas?" Each newcomer to the wards was warned by his comrades that the English angel with the grey hair was to be taken without a smile, exactly as ...
— Tatterdemalion • John Galsworthy

... plane dans l'air alourdi du crepuscule, comme une aile fatale—Jesus est mort! Le grand cadavre livide, que les apotres angoisses soutiennent, n'a rien dans sa robustesse inerte de la depouille emaciee des Christs mystiques. Le fils de Dieu semble un patriarche douloureusement frappe par ...
— Six Centuries of Painting • Randall Davies

... Farewell again, my good fellow; we are well affected towards you, and shall expect you the day after to-morrow at eight o'clock. Breakfast shall be ready for you, if that early meal does not become as usual a late meal. Ah! au diable avec ces grands coquins de neveux, allez-vous en, soyez mon fils, mon fils bien aime. Adieu; je vous baise, votre pere sincere ...
— Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826 Vol. 2 • Lady Wallace

... toute la depouille du defunt et s'il n'avoit rien, les parens y supleent. Ainsi ils ne pleurent pas en vain. Le deuil consiste a ne se point couper ni graisser les cheveux et de se tenir neglige sans aucune parure, couverts de mechantes hardes. Le pere et la mere portent le deuil de leur fils. Si le pere meurt les garcons le portent, et les filles de ...
— A Further Contribution to the Study of the Mortuary Customs of the North American Indians • H.C. Yarrow

... gestures can be seen from a distance. The newspapers insult you; don't read them if you cannot conceal the emotion they cause you. Don't do what I did with my blind man on Pont de la Concorde, that horrible clarinet player, who has made my life a burden for ten years, whistling at me every day: De tes fils, Norma. I tried everything to make him go away, money, threats. Nothing would induce him to go. The police? Oh! yes. With our modern ideas, to turn a poor blind man off his bridge would become a momentous affair. The opposition newspapers would speak of it, the Parisians would make a ...
— The Nabob, Vol. 2 (of 2) • Alphonse Daudet

... his Martha the Innocent, which we have already briefly described. Two years later he composed Les Deux Freres Jumeaux—a story of paternal and motherly affection. This was followed by his Ma Bigno ('My Vineyard'), and La Semaine d'un Fils ('The Week's Work of a Son'), which a foot-note tells us is historical, the event having recently occurred in the ...
— Jasmin: Barber, Poet, Philanthropist • Samuel Smiles

... chemist, who is said to have begged that the axe might be stayed while he completed some experiments, and was told that the Republic had no lack of chemists. Madame du Deffand, whose hotel in the Rue des Quatre Fils still exists, welcomed Voltaire, D'Alembert, Montesquieu ...
— The Story of Paris • Thomas Okey

... he hath not yet subscribed this: where your Majesty demands, that the King of France, having any occasion to write for matter of grant, shall name your Highness in this form and with this addition, in French, Notre tres-cher fils Henri, Roi d'Angleterre, Heritier de France; and thus in Latin, Praeclarissimus filius noster Henricus, Rex ...
— The Life of King Henry V • William Shakespeare [Tudor edition]

... those of humbler folk; and it is preserved to us no longer in mediaeval verse, but in a prose version, doubtless of the fifteenth century, under the name, familiar on the stalls of village fairs, of "The Quatre Fils Aymon." But, as Renaud is the equal of Roland, so is this humble prose tale nevertheless the equal of the great song of Roncevaux; and even now, it would be a difficult task to decide which were the grander, the tale of loyalty ...
— Euphorion - Being Studies of the Antique and the Mediaeval in the - Renaissance - Vol. II • Vernon Lee

... said he, with another grin. "Il est mon fils—il est mon fils, Curey," presenting me, as he spoke, while the burgomaster, in whose eyes the major seemed no inconsiderable personage, saluted me ...
— Charles O'Malley, The Irish Dragoon, Volume 2 (of 2) • Charles Lever

... tout au plus viagere, jamais hereditaire, sauf la seule exception admise en faveur de la famille Benchimol, qui, de pere en fils, a fourni et fournit des censaux ...
— Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question • Lucien Wolf

... choisi justement le temps que je parlois a mon traiste de fils. Sortons! Je veux aller querir la justice, et faire donner la question a toute ma maison; a servantes, a valets, a fils, a fille, et ...
— Gallantry - Dizain des Fetes Galantes • James Branch Cabell

... may be, I quite agree with Berlioz, who remarks, a propos of this gentleman's Vie de Rossini, that he writes "les plus irritantes stupidites sur la musique, dont il croyait avoir le secret." To which cutting dictum may be added a no less cutting one of M. Lavoix fils, who, although calling Beyle an "ecrivain d'esprit," applies to him the appellation of "fanfaron d'ignorance en musique." I would go a step farther than either of these writers. Beyle is an ignorant braggart, ...
— Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks

... (French): Pierre Barrau, Rue de Pigue, Aurillon, Lafon fils, Capdeville senior and junior, Fermin Barrau. (Spanish) Francisco. For ordinary excursions and hunting: Jean and Luis Sanson; Jean Brunet, chamois-hunter (recommended for all ...
— Twixt France and Spain • E. Ernest Bilbrough

... And the mother, weeping over the tin-tacks, would make the neatest little parcel of them, murmuring out of her tears: "Il faut que a finisse; mais la France—il ne faut pas que la France—Nos chers fils auraient t tus pour rien!" Poor souls! I remember another couple up on the hillside. The old wife, dignified as a duchess—if duchesses are dignified—wanting us so badly to come in and sit down that she might the better ...
— Another Sheaf • John Galsworthy

Words linked to "Fils" :   dirham, Jordanian dinar, fractional monetary unit, subunit, Bahrain dinar, Yemeni monetary unit, Kuwaiti dirham, dinar, Iraqi dinar

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