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Filmed   /fɪlmd/   Listen

Recorded on film; made into a movie.  "The filmed version of the novel"

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"Filmed" Quotes from Famous Books

... his voice, the father of the girls goes into the movies and the girls follow. Tells how many "parlor dramas" are filmed. ...
— The Outdoor Girls on Pine Island - Or, A Cave and What It Contained • Laura Lee Hope

... counting no odds; for down there on the level he would have stood no ghost of a chance had the beast turned back upon him. Grom yelled to him to keep away, and swung up his club for another shattering blow. But in that same moment the great glaring eyes filmed and rolled upwards; blood spouted from between the gaping jaws; and with a spluttering cough the monster lost its hold. It fell, with a soft but jarring thud, upon its back, and slowly rolled over upon its ...
— In the Morning of Time • Charles G. D. Roberts

... long enough for him to peer into Dewforth's eyes in order to see if his madness was worth sharing, then they filmed over again as he ...
— In the Control Tower • Will Mohler

... on the breasts where tiny beaks were thrust in sleep; round, bright eyes were filmed by the delicate lids; the bushes held undisturbed the little ...
— Secret Bread • F. Tennyson Jesse

... a wistful sigh. Tears filmed her eyes. He was her first lover, had given her apples and candy hearts when he was in the third grade and she learning her A, B, C. So she felt a heartache to see him go like this. Their friendship was shattered, too. Nor had she experience enough to know that this ...
— Mavericks • William MacLeod Raine

... shoaly and sandy little port, and the tawny shore dotted by six distinct palm-tufts. They are outliers of the main line, yon flood of verdure, climbing up and streaming down from the high, dry, and barren banks of arenaceous drift, heaped up and filmed over by the wind, and, lastly, surging through its narrow "Gate," with the clifflets of conglomerate forming the old coast. Add the bluff headland of the Ras el-Trah to the north of the harbour, and behind it the Rughmat Makn, the greenish-yellow, flat-backed "horse" ...
— The Land of Midian, Vol. 1 • Richard Burton

... him with a little gasp of surprise. "Mr. Lindsay!" Sudden tears filmed her eyes. She forgot that she had left him with the promise never again to speak to him. She was in a far country, and he was a ...
— The Big-Town Round-Up • William MacLeod Raine

... we have vowed to commemorate, by drinking great flaggonage of tea, and that is the 18th of September, Dr. Johnson's birthday. The Great Cham needs no champion; his speech and person have become part of our common heritage. Yet the extraordinary scenario in which Boswell filmed him for us has attained that curious estate of great literature the characteristic of which is that every man imagines he has read it, though he may never have opened its pages. It is like the historic landmark ...
— Mince Pie • Christopher Darlington Morley

Words linked to "Filmed" :   recorded

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