"Fiber" Quotes from Famous Books
... "jingles," "taps," fiber half soles, and the like, that the expert dancer in this type of work will wish to have on his dancing shoes, and I shall tell you about them here, but it is best to avoid their use while you are learning the dances. After you have mastered your stuff and qualified ... — The Art of Stage Dancing - The Story of a Beautiful and Profitable Profession • Ned Wayburn
... with its drearier unending rain, had dropped once more. Lieutenant Perkins was seated in his old place. He had been there since the execution in the morning. This was the longest session he had ever indulged in; but the moral fiber degenerates rapidly in the tropics. Besides, the friendly rain had curtained him and kept away the spoil-sports. All day he had sat communing with the shapes and shadows. And it was very pleasant. He ... — McClure's Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, July 1908. • Various
... mighty engines was a human intelligence crooning a song of joy. For him the crowded passenger list held a significance that was almost epic, and its names represented more than mere men and women. They were the vital fiber of the land he loved, its heart's blood, its very element—"giving in." He knew that with the throb of those engines romance, adventure, tragedy, and hope were on their way north—and with these things also arrogance and greed. On board were a hundred conflicting ... — The Alaskan • James Oliver Curwood
... outcasts of society, in San Francisco began to look upon Henry George as the Bishop of Outsiders. Often he was called upon to go and visit the stricken, the sick and the dying. And there was a kind of poetic fitness in all this, for the man possessed that superior type of moral and intellectual fiber which makes a great physician or an excellent priest—he could "minister." And it was only division of labor that separated the offices of doctor and priest, and actually they ... — Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 9 - Subtitle: Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Reformers • Elbert Hubbard
... houses, cabins—were made of straw-paper turned hard as metal by compression, and—what was not to be despised in an apparatus flying at great heights—incombustible. The different parts of the engines and the screws were made of gelatinized fiber, which combined in sufficient degree flexibility with resistance. This material could be used in every form. It was insoluble in most gases and liquids, acids or essences, to say nothing of its insulating ... — Rubur the Conqueror • Jules Verne
... more favorably disposed toward the rights of children than I am, and yet I am thoroughly convinced that soft-heartedness accompanied by soft-headedness is weakening the mental and moral fiber of hundreds of thousands of boys and girls throughout this country. No one admires more than I admire the sagacity and far-sightedness of Judge Lindsey, and yet when Judge Lindsey's methods are proposed ... — Craftsmanship in Teaching • William Chandler Bagley
... the gums"—Geranium maculatum—Wild Alum, Cranesbill: Used in decoction with Y[^a]n[^u] Unihye[']st[)i] (Vitis cordifolia) to wash the mouths of children in thrush; also used alone for the same purpose by blowing the chewed fiber into the mouth. Dispensatory: "One of our best indigenous astringents. * * * Diarrhea, chronic dysentery, cholora infantum in the latter stages, and the various hemorrhages are the forms of disease in which it is most commonly used." Also valuable ... — The Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees • James Mooney
... engulfed every nerve and fiber of her—wave upon wave of wild, primitive passion surged through her veins until her heart seemed bursting with the sweet, intense pain of it. Fiercely, in the hot, quick flame of passion, she strained ... — The Promise - A Tale of the Great Northwest • James B. Hendryx
... not tell her friends this. They would not understand it—not even Nelson. Janice felt that although the schoolmaster sympathized with her in every fiber of his being, he was bound by his very love for her to oppose her desire in ... — The Mission of Janice Day • Helen Beecher Long |
Words linked to "Fiber" : food product, bristle, cell, raffia, fiber optic cable, lint, personality, raveling, strand, muscle fibre, cloth, spindle, natural fibre, textile, beard, glass fibre, spirit, Cebu maguey, cellulose, luffa, foodstuff, staple fiber, responsibility, material, coir, stuff, trait, bassine, thoughtfulness, loufah sponge, sensory fiber, integrity, fibrous, muscle cell, ravelling, responsibleness, striated muscle fiber, fibril, cantala, oakum, character, optical fibre, byssus, string, nerve fibre, bran, loofah, acrylic fiber, filament, fabric, manila maguey, nerve fiber, loofa |
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