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A bivalent and trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group.  Synonyms: atomic number 63, europium.
An international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members.  Synonyms: Common Market, EC, EEC, Europe, European Community, European Economic Community, European Union.

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"Eu" Quotes from Famous Books

... plus vive reconnoissance que J'accepte la charge de Secretaire pour la Correspondence etrangere de votre Academie a laquelle J'ai eu l'honneur d'etre choisi par vos suffrages unanimes gracieusement ...
— Life Of Johnson, Vol. 3 • Boswell, Edited by Birkbeck Hill

... action—which for us form its peculiar interest and its peculiar glory—were anathema to Madame du Deffand. In her letters to Walpole, whenever she compares the present with the past her bitterness becomes extreme. 'J'ai eu autrefois,' she writes in 1778, 'des plaisirs indicibles aux operas de Quinault et de Lulli, et au jeu de Thevenart et de la Lemaur. Pour aujourd'hui, tout me parait detestable: acteurs, auteurs, musiciens, beaux esprits, philosophes, tout est de mauvais ...
— Books and Characters - French and English • Lytton Strachey

... Lord Henry Petty's: "Nous avons lu en societe a Bounds, Tales of Fashionable Life. Toute societe est un petit theatre. 'Ennui' et 'Manoeuvring' ont eu un succes marque, il a ete tres vif. Nous avons trouve un grand nombre des dialogues du meilleur comique, c'est a dire ceux ou les personnages se developpent sans le vouloir, et sont plaisants sans songer a l'etre. ...
— The Life And Letters Of Maria Edgeworth, Vol. 1 • Maria Edgeworth

... forth in their yacht, much to Victoria's satisfaction. "I do love a ship!" she exclaimed, ran up and down ladders with the greatest agility, and cracked jokes with the sailors. The Prince was more aloof. They visited Louis Philippe at the Chateau d'Eu; they visited King Leopold in Brussels. It happened that a still more remarkable Englishwoman was in the Belgian capital, but she was not remarked; and Queen Victoria passed unknowing before the steady ...
— Queen Victoria • Lytton Strachey

... localites situees pres de l'endroit ou a eu lieu la destruction des chemins de fer et lignes telegraphiques seront punies sans pitie (il n'importe qu'elles soient coupables ou non de ces actes.) Dans ce but des otages ont ete pris dans toutes les localites situees pres des chemins de fer qui sont menaces ...
— A Journal From Our Legation in Belgium • Hugh Gibson

... ceux qui abandonnent le Mahomtisme, mais longtemps dj l'usage avait adouci la rigueur d'une loi si peu en harmonie avec les prceptes de la civilisation, et depuis nombre d'annes aucune excution de ce genre n'avait eu lieu. Celle du malheureux Serkiz doit par consquent tre considre comme un triste retour aux barbaries du fanatisme Musulman. Elle le doit d'autant plus que, d'un ct, l'nergique intercession ...
— Correspondence Relating to Executions in Turkey for Apostacy from Islamism • Various

... I stray in lowly array, I am a damsel of high degree; And the Compte of Eu, and the Lord of Ponthieu, They serve my father ...
— Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol 4 • Charles Dudley Warner

... Thrush, And sings without ceasing the whole morning long; Now wild, now tender, the wayward song That flows from his soft gray, fluttering throat; But oft he stops in his sweetest note, And shaking a flower from the blossoming bough, Drawls out: "Mi-eu, mi-ow!" ...
— Ohio Arbor Day 1913: Arbor and Bird Day Manual - Issued for the Benefit of the Schools of our State • Various

... roys ont eu, dez le Commancement des decouvertes des lieutenans generaux Dans ces payis ...
— A Half-Century of Conflict, Volume II • Francis Parkman

... thy health in Helicon to drinke As to her Bellamour the Muse is wont: For thou dost her embozom; and dost vse Her company for sport twixt grave affaires; So vtterst Law the liuelyer through thy Muse. And for that all thy Notes are sweetest Aires; My Muse thus notes thy worth in eu'ry Line, With yncke which thus ...
— Bacon is Shake-Speare • Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence

... par cet ayfect le temognage de nos bonnes et droyctes yntantions, cor ne les avons jeames eu aultre que tendant a son honneur," etc. Letter of Catharine de' Medici to Philip II., Aug. 28, 1572, in Musee des archives nationales; documents originaux de l'hist. de France, exposes dans l'Hotel Soubise (published by the Gen. Directory of ...
— History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird

... you'll find my play very long; when my poor father began cutting it, he looked ruefully at it, and said, "There's plenty of it, Fan," to which my reply is Madame de Sevigne's, "Si j'eusse eu plus de temps, je ne t'aurais pas ecrit si longuement." Dear H——, if you knew how I thought of you, and the fresh, sweet mayflowers with which we filled our baskets at Heath Farm, while I lay parched and full of pain ...
— Records of a Girlhood • Frances Anne Kemble

... in the left hand pocket of my blue coat, all written down clearly. So what's the use of bothering? We aren't there yet. By and bye we'll get to Eu-rope an' do it up brown. Whatever happens, and wherever we go, it's got to be a spree and a jolly good time; so take it easy, Patsy dear, ...
— Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad • Edith Van Dyne

... was performed by William Edington, Bishop of Winchester, after which they partook of a magnificent banquet. The festivities were continued for several days. At the jousts held on this occasion, David, King of Scotland, the Lord Charles of Blois, and Ralph, Earl of Eu and Guisnes, and Constable of France, to whom the chief prize of the day was adjudged, with others, then prisoners, attended. The harness of the King of Scotland, embroidered with a pale of red velvet, and beneath it a red rose, was provided at Edward's own charge. ...
— Windsor Castle • William Harrison Ainsworth

... de' Medici, from whom she received many marks of favour, and was secretly married to Francois de Bassompierre (q.v.), who joined her in conspiring against Cardinal Richelieu. Upon the exposure of the plot the cardinal exiled her to her estate at Eu, near Amiens, where she died. The princess wrote Aventures de la cour de Perse, in which, under the veil of fictitious scenes and names, she tells the ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 7, Slice 2 - "Constantine Pavlovich" to "Convention" • Various

... femmes qui n'ont jamais eu de galanterie; mais il est rare d'en trouver qui n'en aient jamais eu ...
— Notes and Queries 1850.02.23 • Various

... Court of England had been on terms of unprecedented cordiality with the French Court. The Queen had personally visited King Louis Philippe at the Chateau d'Eu—an event which we must go back as far as the days of Henry VIII to parallel—and had contracted a warm friendship for certain members of his family, in particular for the Queen, Marie Amelie, for the widowed Duchess of ...
— Great Britain and Her Queen • Anne E. Keeling

... H. Martin was one of the most prominent, his argument for authenticity appearing in the Revue Archeologique for 1856-1857, and in his treatise Les signes numeraux etc. See also M. Chasles, "De la connaissance qu'ont eu les anciens d'une numeration decimale ecrite qui fait usage de neuf chiffres prenant les valeurs de position," Comptes rendus, Vol. VI, pp. 678-680; "Sur l'origine de notre systeme de numeration," Comptes rendus, ...
— The Hindu-Arabic Numerals • David Eugene Smith

... les Anglais n'ont eu tant de superiorite sur mer; mais ils en eurent sur les Francais dans tous les ...
— The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France • Charles Duke Yonge

... Eu un Da' ei u aa an oo. By oo eeeeyee aa Vaullee, Vaullee, Vaullee, Vaullee, Vaullee om is igh eeaa ...
— Hard Cash • Charles Reade

... officer of the national guard who had been present during the whole of the battle of the 10th, said to me, "La journee a ete un peu forte, nous avons eu plus de quinze cens des notres de tues," (the day was rather warm; we have had more than fifteen hundred of our own people killed.) This was confirmed by many more of the officers there, with whom I ...
— A Trip to Paris in July and August 1792 • Richard Twiss

... lord his bookie fele [many] Hath eu'y clerk at werk. They of hem gete Metaphisic; phisic these rather feele; They natural, moral they rather trete; Theologie here ye is with to mete; Him liketh loke in boke historial. In deskis XII hym serve as half a strete Hath ...
— Old English Libraries, The Making, Collection, and Use of Books • Ernest A. Savage

... est le seul, au moins dont on ait eu les ecrits jusqu'a lui, auquel Dieu ait decouvert le fond de la nature, tant des choses spirituelles, que des corporelles."—Peter Poiret, in a note at the end of his ...
— Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries • Rufus M. Jones

... (i.e. a beloved child). The father laments the loss of his pearl.] Perle plesau{n}te to prynces paye, To clanly clos in golde so clere, Oute of oryent I hardyly saye, Ne proued I neu{er} her precios pere, 4 So rou{n}de, so reken in vche araye, So smal, so smoe her syde[gh] were. Quere-so-eu{er} I Iugged ge{m}me[gh] gaye, I sette hyr sengeley i{n} synglure; 8 Allas! I leste hyr i{n} on erbere, ur[gh] gresse to grou{n}de hit fro me yot;[1] I dewyne for-dolked of luf daungere, Of at pryuy ...
— Early English Alliterative Poems - in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century • Various

... arable - and most food has to be imported. The principal livestock activity is sheep raising. Manufacturing output consists mainly of cigarettes, cigars, and furniture. Andorra is a member of the EU Customs Union and is treated as an EU member for trade in manufactured goods (no tariffs) and as a non-EU member ...
— The 2003 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency

... form: none conventional short form: Europa Island local long form: none local short form: Ile Europa Digraph: EU Type: French possession administered by Commissioner of the Republic; resident in Reunion Capital: none; administered by France from Reunion Independence: none (possession ...
— The 1993 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... ein Kindlein heut gebor'n Von einer Jungfrau auserkor'n, Ein Kindelein so zart und fein, Das soll eu'r Freud ...
— Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan • Clement A. Miles

... [2] Eu Jose da Silvestra que estou morrendo de fome na pequena cova onde nao ha neve ao lado norte do bico mais ao sul das duas montanhas que chamei scio de Sheba; escrevo isto no anno 1590; escrevo isto com ...
— King Solomon's Mines • H. Rider Haggard

... Eu sou aquelle occulto e grande Cabo, A quem chamais vos outros Tormentorio, Que nunca a Ptolomeo, Pomponio, Estrabo, Plinio, e quantos passaram, fui notorio: Aqui toda a Africana costa acabo Neste meu nunca vista promontorio, Que para o polo Antarctico se estende, A quem vossa ousadia ...
— The Discovery of America Vol. 1 (of 2) - with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest • John Fiske

... les figures des gens qui en sortaient 'etaient bien diverses. Les uns avaient la fiert'e dans le regard, les autres portaient la honte au front. Les deux trafiquants achetaient des 'ames pour le d'emon. L''ame d'un vieillard valait vingt pi'eces d'or, pas un penny de plus; car Satan avait eu le temps d'y former hypoth'eque. L''ame d'une 'pouse en valait cinquante quand elle 'etait jolie, ou cent quand elle 'etait laide. L''Ame d'une jeune fille se payait des prix fous: les fleurs les plus belles et les plus pures sont ...
— The Countess Cathleen • William Butler Yeats

... begin in good earnest. He was therefore taken from the day school at Tours, and sent to the semi-military college founded by the Oratorians in the sleepy little town of Vendome. On page 7 of the school record there is the following notice: "No. 460. Honore Balzac, age de huit ans un mois. A eu la petite verole, sans infirmites. Caractere sanguin, s'echauffant facilement, et sujet a quelques fievres de chaleur. Entre au pensionnat le 22 juin, 1807. Sorti, le 22 aout, 1813. S'adresser a M. Balzac, son pere, a Tours."[*] ...
— Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings • Mary F. Sandars

... say through the world at once, and push your crow bar in till you reach EU-ROPE, which, Ernest says, lies in a straight line from our feet. I should like to have a peep down, such a hole, for I might thus get a sight of ...
— The Swiss Family Robinson Told in Words of One Syllable • Mary Godolphin

... toutefois, que j'accuse ici LE COEUR de M. Dibdin. Je n'ai jamais eu l'honneur de le voir: je ne le connais que par ses ecrits; principalement par son Splendid Tour, et je ne balance pas a declarer que l'auteur doit etre doue d'une ame honnete, et de ces qualites fondamentales qui constituent l'homme de bien. ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... n'a eu aucune influence sur le developpement intellectuel des mouflons que nous avons possedes. . . . Les hommes ne les effrayaient plus; il semblait meme que ces animaux eussent acquis plus de confiance dans leur force en apprenant a nous connaitre. Sans doute on ne peut point conclure de quelques ...
— Sir John Constantine • Prosper Paleologus Constantine

... Moniment, Here we aliue shall view thee still. This Booke, When Brasse and Marble fade, shall make thee looke Fresh to all Ages: when Posteritie Shall loath what's new, thinke all is prodegie That is not Shake-speares eu'ry Line, each Verse Here shall reuiue, redeeme thee from thy Herse. Nor Fire, nor cankring Age, as Naso said, Of his, thy wit-fraught Booke shall once inuade. Nor shall I e're beleeue, or thinke thee dead (Though mist) ...
— The Facts About Shakespeare • William Allan Nielson

... every county has its catchwords, just as no doubt every state in the Union has. I cannot believe that the pioneer American, for example, can spare time to learn that last refinement of modern speech, the exquisite diphthong, a farfetched combination of the French eu and the English e, with which a New Yorker pronounces such words as world, bird &c. I have spent months without success in trying to achieve glibness ...
— Captain Brassbound's Conversion • George Bernard Shaw

... river Eu'no[^e]. It had the power of calling to the memory all the good acts done, all the graces bestowed, all the mercies received, but no evil.—Dant[^e], ...
— Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama - A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3 • E. Cobham Brewer

... la traduction francaise teemoigne qu'il a eu du succes, et je suis sure que beaucoup de personnes ont prefere, avec raison, ...
— The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss • George L. Prentiss

... "La France n'avait eu encore aucune correspondance avec la Russie; on ne le connaissait pas; et l'Academie des Inscriptions celebra par une medaille cette ambassade, comme si elle fut venue des Indes."—Histoire de l'Empire de Russie, sous ...
— The Empire of Russia • John S. C. Abbott

... Mademoiselle, Mademoiselle de, Mademoiselle; guess the name; he marries Mademoiselle, MA FOI, PAR MA FOI, MA FOI JUREE, Mademoiselle, la grande Mademoiselle, Mademoiselle, daughter of the late Monsieur, Mademoiselle, grand-daughter of Henry IV, Mademoiselle d'Eu, Mademoiselle de Dombes, Mademoiselle de Montpensier, Mademoiselle d'Orleans, Mademoiselle, cousin of the king, Mademoiselle, destined to the throne, Mademoiselle, the only parti in France worthy of Monsieur. VOILA a fine subject for conversation. If you cry out, if you ...
— The Women of the French Salons • Amelia Gere Mason

... comblees, aboutissantes au filon principale. Ils font de meme calcaires et marins faits par couches; mais ces couches ont une si grande inclinaison, que je ne puis les comprendre: il faut qu'il y ait eu d'etranges bouleversemens dans ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton

... extremely fortunate to have escaped with their lives from the effects of Capri vintage. The landlord was an old Cossack." On the other hand, we read, "J. Cruttard, homme de lettres, a passe quinze jours ici, et n'a eu que des felicites du patron de cet hotel et de sa famille." Cheerful man of letters! His good-natured record will keep green a name little known to literature. Who are G. Bradshaw, Duke of New York, and Signori Jones and Andrews, Hereditary Princes of the United States? Their patrician ...
— Italian Journeys • William Dean Howells

... de recevoire, votre chere letre par Mr. Clepen, et vous sui bien oblige, de l'attention que vous ave eu, de mervoyer dutee, lequell ne sauroit que etre bon venant de vous; vous me marquez avoire de la peine a ecrire le fransoi, mai votre esprit vous, laprendera bientot. Le Roi me charge de vous faire, se compliment ...
— Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. - Volume I. • Mrs. Thomson

... eu'n gentle friend. Couer thy head, couer thy head: Nay prethee bee couer'd. How olde ...
— Bacon is Shake-Speare • Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence

... humani"). But it is almost certain that there was originally no such clear distinction. The general opinion of historians of Roman law is thus expressed by Cuq (Institutions juridiques des Romains, p. 54): "Le droit civil n'a eu d'abord qu'une portee fort restreinte. Peu a peu il a gagne du terrain, il a entrepris de reglementer des rapports qui autrefois etaient du domaine de la religion. Pendant longtemps a Rome le droit theocratique a coexiste avec le droit civil." (See also Muirhead, ...
— The Religious Experience of the Roman People - From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus • W. Warde Fowler

... a'i garw draeth Gofleidir gan y don, Sy'n orlawn o gyfrinawl ddysg 'R hwn draetha'i gwyneb llon: Gwlad yw lle mae mynyddoedd ban, A glynoedd gwyrdd eu lliw; Lle'r erys awenyddiaeth glaer: Hoff ...
— The Death of Saul and other Eisteddfod Prize Poems and Miscellaneous Verses • J. C. Manning

... born about the year 1339, at Eu in Normandy. He was of good family, and Baron of St. Martin-le-Gaillard, and had distinguished himself both as a navigator and warrior; he was made chamberlain to Charles VI. But his tastes were more for travelling than a life ...
— Celebrated Travels and Travellers - Part I. The Exploration of the World • Jules Verne

... qui l'enfant enseognoit l'eu mena i jour en riviere, et quant il revint, la reine Gerberge dist que se il jamais l'enmenait fors des murs, elle ...
— The Little Duke - Richard the Fearless • Charlotte M. Yonge

... pentref hyfryd ger y fan yr abera afon Rhiw i afon Hafren. Yma dysgai Ladin a Groeg gyda'r ficer, y Parch. Thomas Richards. Yn y lle tawel Seisnig hwn, cymerodd ei awen edyn ysgafnach, cywreiniach. Clerigwyr pobtu'r Hafren oedd ei gyfeillion, ac yn eu mysg yr oedd Gwallter Mechain ac Ifor Ceri. Yma, at Eisteddfod y Trallwm, y cyfansoddodd ei draethawd gorchestol ...
— Gwaith Alun • Alun

... long and dang'rous Voyage beene, And call'd to tell of his Discouerie, How farre he sayl'd, what Countries he had seene, Proceeding from the Port whence he put forth, Shewes by his Compasse, how his Course he steer'd, When East, when West, when South, and when by North, As how the Pole to eu'ry place was rear'd, What Capes he doubled, of what Continent, The Gulphes and Straits, that strangely he had past, Where most becalm'd, wherewith foule Weather spent, And on what Rocks in perill to be cast? ...
— Minor Poems of Michael Drayton • Michael Drayton

... down for him, or else, he! he! he!—Of course you know Napoleon's estimate of Mezzofante; he sent for the linguist from motives of curiosity, and after some discourse with him, told him that he might depart; then turning to some of his generals he observed, "Nous avons eu ici un exemple qu'un homme peut avoir beaucoup de ...
— Lavengro - The Scholar, The Gypsy, The Priest • George Borrow

... known that the parish church of Eu, France, where the chateau of the Comte de Paris is situated, is dedicated ...
— Donahoe's Magazine, Volume 15, No. 1, January 1886 • Various

... of a full cargo on export, and one-half cargo on import. It was estimated that this scheme for fostering domestic shipbuilding would entail smaller drafts on the national treasury than would the granting of direct construction and navigation premiums.[EU] ...
— Manual of Ship Subsidies • Edwin M. Bacon

... liege," then said Taillefer, gravely, and with a shade of sympathy on his large face, "my news is such as is best told briefly: Bunaz, Count d'Eu and descendant of Richard Sanspeur, hath ...
— Harold, Complete - The Last Of The Saxon Kings • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... course he's had Tiff'ny rub it up. Ain't you ever heard of ancestral jewels, Mrs. Spragg? In the Eu-ropean aristocracy they never go out and BUY engagement-rings; and ...
— The Custom of the Country • Edith Wharton

... Roderick O'Conor, as a pledge for the fulfilment of the treaty of Windsor, and with other diplomatic functions. On reaching England, he found the king had gone to France, and following him thither, he was seized with illness as he approached the Monastery of Eu, and with a prophetic foretaste of death, he exclaimed as he came in sight of the towers of the Convent, "Here shall I make my resting-place." The Abbot Osbert and the monks of the Order of St. Victor received him tenderly, ...
— A Popular History of Ireland - From the earliest period to the emancipation of the Catholics • Thomas D'Arcy McGee

... The walls were covered with red damask and there were pictures of Queen Victoria and Louis Napoleon. It seems the Queen slept in that room one night when she came over to France to make her visit to Louis Philippe at the Chateau d'Eu. We found quite a party assembled—all the men in uniform and the women generally in white. We breakfasted in a large dining-room with glass doors opening into the garden, which was charming, a blaze of bright summer ...
— Chateau and Country Life in France • Mary King Waddington

... you how much your list of Alpine plants has interested me, and I can now in some degree picture to myself the plants of your Alpine summits. The new edition of your Manual is CAPITAL news for me. I know from your preface how pressed you are for room, but it would take no space to append (Eu) in brackets to any European plant, and, as far as I am concerned, this would answer every purpose. (This suggestion Dr. Gray adopted in subsequent editions.) From my own experience, whilst making out English plants in our manuals, it has often struck me ...
— The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume I • Francis Darwin

... EU. Slay me, I do not deprecate thy wrath. But this city indeed, since it has released me, and feared to slay me, I will present with an ancient oracle of Apollo, which, in time, will be of greater profit than you would expect; for ye will bury me when I am dead, where it is fated, ...
— The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I. • Euripides

... a son of 'Madame d'Ecouis avait eu de sa mere sans la connaitre et sans en etre reconnu une fille nommee Cecile. Il epousa ensuite en Lorraine cette meme Cecile qui etait aupres de la Duchesse de Bar . . . Il furent enterres dans le meme tombeau ...
— The Works of Aphra Behn - Volume V • Aphra Behn

... coms m'a mandat e mogut Per N'Arramon Luc d'Esparro, Qu'eu fassa per lui tal chanso, On sian trenchat mil escut, Elm e ausberc e alcoto E ...
— The Evolution of Love • Emil Lucka

... and Chichester Harbour recalls the old mercantile importance of their respective neighbourhoods. The only other places of any note in mediaeval Sussex were Steyning, under the walls of Bramber Castle; Hurstmonceux, which the Conqueror bestowed upon the lord of Eu; Battle, where he planted his great expiatory abbey; and Hurst Pierpont, which also dates from William's own time. The sole important part of the county was still the strip along the coast between the Weald and ...
— Science in Arcady • Grant Allen

... relations et les voyageurs parloient beaucoup de Tadoussac, les Geographes ont suppose que e'etait une ville, mais il n'y a jamais eu qu'une maison Francaise, et quelques cabannes de sauvages, qui y venoient au tems de la traite, et qui emportoient ensuite leurs cabannes; comme on fait les loges d'une foire. Il est vrai que ce port ...
— The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Warburton

... return by the north. Pass through Coutances and Valognes to Cherbourg, thence through Caen and Bayeux to the crossing of Seine at Honfleur, and then on by the chalk uplands and edges of the cliffs till you reach Eu upon the Bresle again. In such a double journey the character of the whole will be revealed, and if you have studied the past of the place before starting you will find your journey full. Avranches, Coutances, Lisieux, Bayeux, Rouen are not chance sites. Their great churches ...
— First and Last • H. Belloc

... lotz, Stopes and half stopes, 20 Pintes et demy pintes. Pintes and half pintes. Ung lot est appelle A stope is called Eu aucun lieu[2] vng quart. ...
— Dialogues in French and English • William Caxton

... de salut: si je le manque, signe de damnation. Tout en disant ainsi, je jette ma pierre d'une main tremblante, et avec un horrible battement de coeur, mais si heureusement qu'elle va frapper au beau-milieu de l'arbre: ce qui veritablement n'etoit pas difficile: car j'avois eu soin de le choisir fort gros et fort pres. Depuis lors je n'ai plus doubte de mon salut. Je ne sais, en me rappelant ce trait, si je dois rire ou gemir sur moimeme.'—Les Confessions, Partie I. ...
— Narrative And Miscellaneous Papers • Thomas De Quincey

... It grieved me so much to grieve him who has been so true, kind, and disinterested a friend." That was how she could bring herself to write thus to Monsieur: "Savez-vous ce que je ferais, Monsieur? J'ecrirais un livre et je le dedierais a mon maitre de litterature, au seul maitre que j'aie jamais eu—a vous Monsieur! Je vous ai dit souvent en francais combien je vous respecte, combien je suis redevable a votre bonte a vos conseils. Je voudrais le dire une fois en anglais ... le souvenir de vos bontes ne s'effacera jamais de ma memoire, et tant que ce souvenir durera ...
— The Three Brontes • May Sinclair

... et solempnel d'ung docteur predicant nomme Rogerus, lequel a este brule tout vif pour estre Lutherien; mais il est mort persistant en son opinion, a quoy la plus grand part de ce peuple a prins tel plaisir qu'ilz n'ont eu craincte de luy faire plusieurs acclamations pour comforter son courage; et mesmes ses enfans y ont assistes le consolantes de telle facon qu'il sembloit qu'on le menast aux nopces."—Noailles to Montmorency: Ambassades, ...
— The Reign of Mary Tudor • James Anthony Froude

... ancienne lettre que j'ai rendue plus claire et un peu mieux ecrite. Vous en serez contente avec moi car, ainsi faisant, j'ai eu le moyen de vous dire que je vous aime et de ...
— The Story of My Life - Recollections and Reflections • Ellen Terry

... "Halifax a eu une reprimande severe publiquement dans le conseil par le Prince d'Orange pour avoir trop balance."—Avaux to De Croissy, Dublin, June 1689. "his mercurial Wit," says Burnet, ii. 4., "was not well ...
— The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 3 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... mind that as soon as the vacation came to an end he would lose no time in packing off to St. Petersburg "this extremely revolutionary young tutor," but meanwhile would keep an eye on him. "Je n'ai pas eu la main heureuse cette fois-ci", he thought to himself, still "j'aurais pu tomber pire". Valentina Mihailovna's sentiments towards Nejdanov however, were not quite so negative; she simply could not endure the idea that he, "a mere boy," had slighted her! ...
— Virgin Soil • Ivan S. Turgenev

... most take thys for a general enformacion and instruccion that certanli losyng eu'more stand upright ... and so withowte dowte we have the differans of the foresayd signes, that is to wete of mascules ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 210, November 5, 1853 • Various

... after the battle of Dreux, the King bade me go and dress M. le Comte d'Eu, who had been wounded in the right thigh, near the hip-joint, with a pistol-shot: which had smashed and broken the thigh-bone into many pieces: whereon many accidents supervened, and at last death, to my great grief. ...
— The Harvard Classics Volume 38 - Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology) • Various

... [Greek: eu] bene, and [Greek: arithmos] numera: it signifies Proportion; it's taken in its general signification in Architecture; for in its particular signification it signifies the true measure that is observed ...
— An Abridgment of the Architecture of Vitruvius - Containing a System of the Whole Works of that Author • Vitruvius

... better to the English leaders to conduct their prisoner to a safer place, to the depths of Normandy where they were most strong. They seem to have carried her away in the end of the year, travelling slowly along the coast, and reaching Rouen by way of Eu and Dieppe, as far away as possible from any risk of rescue. She arrived in Rouen in the beginning of the year 1431, having thus been already for nearly eight months in close custody. But there were no further ministrations of kind women for Jeanne. ...
— Jeanne d'Arc - Her Life And Death • Mrs.(Margaret) Oliphant

... eu, pour l'ensemble du monde organique, une periode de formation ou tout etait changeant et mobile, une phase analogue a la vie embryonnaire et a la jeunesse de chaque etre particulier; et qu'a cet age de mobilite et de ...
— Darwiniana - Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism • Asa Gray

... nobility was not wholly corrupt. One indeed was a foreign prince, Alan Count of the Bretons, a grandson of Richard the Fearless through a daughter. Two others, the seneschal Osbern and Gilbert Count of Eu, were irregular kinsmen of the duke. All these were murdered, the Breton count by poison. Such a childhood as this made William play the man while he was still a child. The helpless boy had to seek ...
— William the Conqueror • E. A. Freeman

... had still, sometimes dropping a spoonful of soup on his ruffle, responded profoundly: 'Ah, Monsieur de Montesquieu? Un grand crivain, monsieur, un grand crivain!' Only once, when Ivan Matveitch told him that 'les thophilanthropes ont eu pourtant du bon!' the old man cried in an excited voice, 'Monsieur de Kolontouskoi' (he hadn't succeeded in the course of twenty years in learning to pronounce his patron's name correctly), 'Monsieur de Kolontouskoi! Leur fondateur, ...
— The Jew And Other Stories • Ivan Turgenev

... the Arabs in the siege of Damascus. He is brave, fierce, and revengeful. War is his delight. When Pho'cyas, the Syrian, deserts Eu'menes, Caled asks him to point out the governor's tent; he refuses; they fight, and Caled falls.—John Hughes, Siege of ...
— Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol 1 - A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook • The Rev. E. Cobham Brewer, LL.D.

... mes lettres n'avaient pas accoutume de se suivre de si pres, ni d'etre si etendues. Le peu de temps que j'ai eu a ete cause de l'un et de l'autre. Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parceque je {45} n'ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte. La raison qui m'a oblige de hater vous est mieux connue ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 193, July 9, 1853 • Various

... Eu gard aux sanctions militaires, navales et ariennes dont l'application ventuelle est prvue l'article 16 du Pacte et l'article 11 du prsent Protocole, le Conseil aura qualit pour recevoir les engagements d'Etats dterminant par avance les forces militaires, navales et ...
— The Geneva Protocol • David Hunter Miller

... de Mlle. Trotter. Dans la dedicace elle exhorte M. Locke a donner des demonstrations de morale. Je crois qu'il aurait eu de la peine a y reussir. L'art de demontrer n'est pas son fait. Je tiens que nous nous appercevons sans raisonnement de ce qui est juste et injuste, comme nous nous appercevons sans raison de quelques theoremes de Geometrie; mais il est tousjours bon de venir a la demonstration. Justice et ...
— Some Diversions of a Man of Letters • Edmund William Gosse

... the gouernmente of Macedonia and Grece, and Crates was Treasurer. Me- leagrus and Perdiccas caught other of his dominions, then Ptolemeus possessed Egipte, Africa and a parte of Arabia, Learcus, Cassander, Mena[n]der, Leonatus, Lusimachus, Eu- menes, Seleucus and manie other, who were for their wor- thines in honor and estimacion with Alexander, caught in- to their handes other partes of his dominions, euerie one se- kyng for his time, his owne priuate glorie, dignitie, and ad- uauncemente, but not a publike ...
— A booke called the Foundacion of Rhetorike • Richard Rainolde

... corps du defunt. L'elite des artistes de Paris lui a servi de cortege. Plusieurs dames, ses eleves, en grand deuil, ont suivi le convoi, a pied, jusqu'au champ de repos, ou l'artiste eminent, convaincu, a eu pour oraisons funebres des regrets muets, profondement sentis, qui valent mieux que des discours dans lesquels perce toujours une ...
— Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks

... of which in words of the masculine gender approaches l, in those of the neuter gender r. The o and u, and the t and d, are also frequently blended. The w has not the German but the soft English sound, as in we. The German dipthongs[TN-2] ae, [oe], eu, ei, ue, are employed. The accents are the long ^, the acute ', and that indicating the emphasis '. The latter is usually placed near the commencement of the word, ...
— The Arawack Language of Guiana in its Linguistic and Ethnological Relations • Daniel G. Brinton

... C'est peut-etre par cette raison, que le petit tresor est devenu tres rare, parceque les superstitieux ont fait scrupule de s'en servir; il s'est presque comme perdu, car une personne distinguee dans le monde a eu la curiosite (a ce qu'on assure) d'en offrir plus de mille florins pour un seul exemplaire, encore ne l'a-t-on pu decouvrir que depuis peu dans la bibliotheque d'un tres-grand homme, qui l'a bien voulu donner pour ne plus priver le public d'un si ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 24. Saturday, April 13. 1850 • Various

... that he would deign to espouse Mademoiselle's twenty-two millions; and next that King Louis should consent to a marriage, the strangest certainly ever resolved upon. Strange, indeed, that she, the grand-daughter of Henry the Great, Mademoiselle d'Eu, Mademoiselle de Dombes, Mademoiselle d'Orleans, Mademoiselle the King's first cousin, the Mademoiselle destined to the throne, should ask the King's permission to marry a Gascon cadet. Louis, as the sequel to an overture made to him by ...
— Political Women, Vol. 2 (of 2) • Sutherland Menzies

... source autoritative que la nouvelle repandue par quelques journaux d'apres laquelle la demarche du Gouvernement d'Autriche-Hongrie a Belgrade aurait ete faite a l'instigation de l'Allemagne est absolument fausse. Le Gouvernement Allemand n'a pas eu connaissance du texte de la note Autrichienne avant qu'elle ait ete remise et n'a exerce aucune influence sur son contenu. C'est a tort qu'on attribue a l'Allemagne ...
— Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History

... of a language, the vowels, are well developed in Finnish, and their due sequence is subject to strict rules of euphony. The dotted o; (equivalent to the French eu) of the first syllable must be followed by an e or an i. The Finnish, like all Ugrian tongues, admits rhyme, but with reluctance, and prefers alliteration. Their alphabet consists of but nineteen letters, and of these, b, c, d, f, g, are found ...
— The Kalevala (complete) • John Martin Crawford, trans.

... J'ai eu d'autant plus de regret, Monsieur, du retard qu'a eprouve l'execution de la medaille qui m'a ete destinee par le gouvernement des Etats-Unis, que j'ai appris qu'il etait du a des causes qui ont du vous contrarier. J'espere qu'une troisieme operation ...
— The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876 • J. F. Loubat

... de particulier, l'auteur pretend dmontrer qu'elle ne peut convenir qu' des enthousiastes peu propres aux devoirs de la socit, pour lesquels les hommes sont dans ce monde. Il entreprend de prouver, dans la troisime partie, que la religion chrtienne a eu les effets politiques les plus sinistres et les plus funestes, et que le genre humain lui doit tous les malheurs dont il a t accabl depuis quinze dix-huit sicles, sans qu'on en puisse encore ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... milieu des autres;" whereas, in his Hist. du Mexique, Tom. IV, p. 651, he translates the whole of this reply of the Cakchiquel king by these words: "Eh quoi! aurais-je envoye mes guerriers et mes braves mourir pour vous et chercher un tombeau a Gumarcaah, si j'avais eu des ...
— The Annals of the Cakchiquels • Daniel G. Brinton

... "MONSIEUR: J'ai eu l'honneur de recevoir votre office du 6 du passe, par lequel vous avez exprime le desir que la medaille instituee par feu le Roi Frederic VI., en recompense de la decouverte de cometes telescopiques, ...
— Maria Mitchell: Life, Letters, and Journals • Maria Mitchell

... journey, not made pleasanter by having to change four or five times, he arrived late in the evening at Eu, where he spent the night. The next morning, an hour's drive in a hotel omnibus brought him to Ault, a small market-town in the department of Somme, which the Americans had recommended to him as the quietest, cheapest, most unpretending, and at the same time picturesquely ...
— The Malady of the Century • Max Nordau

... will always have such! By their not having declared war with us, one should think they intended a peace. It is allowed that our fine horse did us no honour: the victory was gained by the foot. Two of their princes of the blood, the Prince de Dombes, and the Count d'Eu his brother, were wounded, and several of their first nobility. Our prisoners turn out but seventy-two officers, besides the private men; and by the printed catalogue, I don't think many of great family. Marshal Noailles' mortal wound is quite vanished, ...
— Letters of Horace Walpole - Volume I • Horace Walpole

... et dont les dates connues de l'histoire demontrent l'absurdite, avoit eu des partisans en France—elle tendoit a avilir la maison regnante, et a persuader au peuple que le trone n'appartient pas aux descendans de Louis XIV. prince furtivement sutstitue, mais a la posterite du second fils de Louis XIII. qui est la tige de la branche d'Orleans, et qui est reconnue comme ...
— A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, • An English Lady

... professes to have translated his work from the English of one Mr. D'Avisson (Davidson?) although there is a terrible ambiguity in the statement. "J' en ai eu," says he "l'original de Monsieur D'Avisson, medecin des mieux versez qui soient aujourd'huy dans la cnoissance des Belles Lettres, et sur tout de la Philosophic Naturelle. Je lui ai cette obligation entre les autres, ...
— The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1 (of 5) of the Raven Edition • Edgar Allan Poe

... blood can reconcile us now Unto that horrible incarnadine, But friend or foe will roll in civic slaughter. And have I lived to fourscore years[443] for this? I, who was named Preserver of the City? 150 I, at whose name the million's caps were flung[eu] Into the air, and cries from tens of thousands Rose up, imploring Heaven to send me blessings, And fame, and length of days—to see this day? But this day, black within the calendar, Shall be succeeded by ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 4 • Lord Byron

... account of the practice of the Caroline Islands, is as follows: "Lorsqu'il meurt quelque personne d'un rang distmgue, ou qui leur est chere par d'autres endroits, ses obseques se font avec pompe. Il y eu a qui renferment le corps da defunct dans un petit edifice de pierre, qu'ils gardent au-dedans de leur maisons. D'autres les enterrent loin de leurs habitations."—Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, tom. xv. ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. 15 (of 18) • Robert Kerr

... Qui du tournois sont retournes, Qui du tout en tout est feru. S'en avoit tout le pris eu Le chevalier qui reperoit Des messes qu' oies avoit. Les autres qui s'en reperoient Le saluent et le conjoient Et distrent bien que onques mes Nul chevalier ne prist tel fes D'armes com il ot fet ce jour; A tousjours en avroit l'onnour. Moult en i ot qui se rendoient A lui ...
— Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams

... Yet how can we deal with the authority of Dionysius of Halicarnassus alone, who, on the one hand, discriminates quantity so exquisitely as to make four degrees of shortness in the penultimates of [Greek: —hodos hr odos, tz opos] and [Greek: —stz ophos], and this expressly [Greek: —eu logois psilois], or plain prose, as well as in verse; and on the other hand declares, according to the evidently correct interpretation of the passage, that the difference between music and ordinary speech consists in the number only, and not in the quality, of tones:—[Greek: ...
— Specimens of the Table Talk of S.T.Coleridge • Coleridge

... speak English? . . . . Parlez-vous anglais? I do not speak French very . Je ne parle pas tres bien le well. francais. Where do you come from? . . . D'ou venez-vous? How did you come? . . . . . . Comment etes-vous venu? On foot, in a carriage, in . A pied, eu voiture, en auto, en an auto, by rail, by boat, chemin de fer, en bateau, a on a bicycle, on horseback, bicyclette, a cheval, en in an ...
— Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Infantry • War Department

... living person. Whether the next tract, Squire Bickerstaff Detected, was, as Scott asserts, the result of an appeal to Rowe or Yalden by Partridge, and they, under the pretence of assisting him, treacherously making a fool of him, or an independent j'eu d'esprit, is not quite clear. Nor is it easy to settle with any certainty the authorship. In the Dublin edition of Swift's works, it is attributed to Nicholas Rowe; Scott assigns it to Thomas Yalden, the preacher of ...
— An English Garner - Critical Essays & Literary Fragments • Edited by Professor Arber and Thomas Seccombe

... don't know what puts it into my head to-night to recall myself to your affectionate memory. I suppose it is that when we are happy the mind reverts instinctively to those with whom formerly we shared our exaltations and depressions, and je t'eu ai trop dit, dans le bon temps, mon gros Prosper, and you always listened to me too imperturbably, with your pipe in your mouth, your waistcoat unbuttoned, for me not to feel that I can count upon your sympathy to-day. Nous en sommes ...
— A Bundle of Letters • Henry James

... fourteen years. The second time he was in better health and spirits than the first time. Madame du Cayla sent to the Duke to ask him to call upon her; he went twice and she was not at home. At his levee the King said, 'Il y a une personne qui regrette beaucoup de n'avoir pas eu le plaisir de vous voir.' The courtiers told him the King meant Madame du C. He went the same evening and saw her. She is a fine woman, about forty, and agreeable. She sees the King every Wednesday; he writes notes and verses to her, ...
— The Greville Memoirs - A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William - IV, Volume 1 (of 3) • Charles C. F. Greville

... islands that groaned beneath the Corsairs' devastations; the Duke of Bourbon took command of an expedition (at the cost of the Genoese) which included names as famous as the Count d'Auvergne, the Lord de Courcy, Sir John de Vienne, the Count of Eu, and our own Henry of Beaufort; and on St. John Baptist's Day, with much pomp, with flying banners and the blowing of trumpets, they sailed on three hundred galleys for Barbary. Arrived before Africa, not without the hindrance of a storm, they beheld the city in the form of a bow, reaching out its ...
— The Story of the Barbary Corsairs • Stanley Lane-Poole

... demonstration; they remained indifferent and tolerant, and there was not a breath of applause. The only criticism that appeared in the papers was: "Madame Philips, une Americaine, a fait son apparence dans 'Trovatore.' Elle joue assez bien, et si sa voix avait l'importance de ses jambes elle aurait eu sans doute du succes, car elle peut presque chanter." Poor Miss Philips! I felt so sorry for her. I thought of when I had seen her in America, where she had such success in the same roles. But why did she get herself up so? There ...
— In the Courts of Memory 1858-1875. • L. de Hegermann-Lindencrone

... injured by a version. "Je l'ay voue a la commodite particuliere de mes parens et amis; a ce que m'ayans perdu (ce qu'ils out a faire bientost) ils y puissent retrouver quelques traicts de mes humeurs, et que par ce moyen ils nourrissent plus entiere et plus vifue la conoissance qu'ils out eu de moi." ...
— Literary Character of Men of Genius - Drawn from Their Own Feelings and Confessions • Isaac D'Israeli

... vu M. Seguin, et je lui ai demande d'ou provenaient les renseignements dont il s'etait servi pour dire dans son ouvrage que les Du Rozel descendaient des Bertrand de Bricquebec. Il m'a repondu qu'il l'ignorait; qu'il avait eu en sa possession une grande quantite de Copies de Chartres et d'anciens titres qui lui avaient fourni les materiaux de son histoire, mais qu'il ne savait nullement d'ou elles provenaient."—Historical Memoirs, &c., vol. i. p. 5. ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 236, May 6, 1854 • Various

... Stolzen, Der an Ehren nicht mehr einem andern Manne 5 Zu gnnen gemeint war im Garten der Mitte, Als wie unter'm Himmel erworben er selbst!): 'Bist du der Brwelf, der mit Brecht bekmpfte Auf weiter See im Wetteschwimmen, Da bermthig und ehrbegierig 10 Eu'r Leben ihr wagtet in Wassertiefen, Die beid' ihr durchschwammt? Da brachte zum Schwanken Den Vorsatz der furchtbaren Fahrt euch Keiner Mit Bitten und Warnen, und Beide durchtheiltet Mit gebreiteten Armen die Brandung ihr rudernd, 15 Durchmasset das ...
— The Translations of Beowulf - A Critical Biography • Chauncey Brewster Tinker

Words linked to "Eu" :   Kingdom of The Netherlands, monazite, Ireland, Espana, Luxemburg, Kingdom of Denmark, Greece, European Union, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Nederland, Denmark, Portugal, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Kingdom of Belgium, Danmark, Eire, Austria, U.K., Irish Republic, Italian Republic, Ellas, Italia, Britain, French Republic, Kingdom of Spain, Oesterreich, Republic of Austria, europium, global organization, world organisation, Europe, Republic of Finland, Great Britain, Kingdom of Sweden, Republic of Ireland, world organization, Holland, international organization, metallic element, Belgium, Spain, Italy, atomic number 63, Sverige, Netherlands, international organisation, United Kingdom, Germany, Finland, UK, Hellenic Republic, FRG, metal, Portuguese Republic, Sweden, Luxembourg, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Suomi, Belgique, The Netherlands

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