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Entente   Listen

An informal alliance between countries.  Synonym: entente cordiale.
A friendly understanding between political powers.  Synonym: entente cordiale.

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"Entente" Quotes from Famous Books

... well knows that Philip Hardin will stop at nothing. As the French coast nears, Hortense mentally resolves NOT to part with Marie Berard. Marie is a valuable witness of the past relations. She is the only safeguard she has against Hardin's manifold schemes. So far there is no "entente cordiale" between mistress and maid. They watch ...
— The Little Lady of Lagunitas • Richard Henry Savage

... first flush of his love a sense of embarrassment, following his discovery of the fact that his father and Colonel Pennington were implacable enemies, had decided Bryce not to mention the matter of the girl to John Cardigan until the ENTENTE CORDIALE between Pennington and his father could be reestablished, for Bryce had, with the optimism of his years, entertained for a few days a thought that he could bring about this desirable condition of affairs. The ...
— The Valley of the Giants • Peter B. Kyne

... with whom I had to do was the minister of foreign affairs, M. de Giers; but he was dying. I saw him twice in retirement at Tzarskoye Selo, and came to respect him much. He spoke at length regarding the entente between Russia and France, and insisted that it was not in the interest of war but of peace. "Tell your government," he said, "that the closer the lines are drawn which bind Russia and France, the more strongly ...
— Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White Volume II • Andrew Dickson White

... be only too glad to get rid of the contamination of being obliged to arrest him. Those of our readers who know the high character of the two gentlemen who were thus forced into a hostile meeting, will not be surprised to know that the most ample apologies were tendered on both sides, and that the entente cordiale has been thoroughly restored. The bullet—which it is said played a highly important part in the subsequent explanation, proving to have come from a REVOLVER fired by some outsider—has been extracted from Mr. McKinstry's thigh, and he is doing well, with every prospect ...
— Cressy • Bret Harte

... hate. The "not very tasteful 'Gott strafe England'" has given the English a new word, one writer remarks (Sept. 21, 1915). Naturally, American testimony favourable to Germany is exclusively quoted, just as in this country we quoted exclusively that favourable to the Entente. And some space was given to the utterances of such men as Sven Hedin and Bjoern Bjoernson, who, as neutral observers, had formed a high opinion of the way that German character was meeting the crisis. There was not, however, so ...
— The Better Germany in War Time - Being some Facts towards Fellowship • Harold Picton

... explained the poet, producing a railway company's handbill. "By this means we shall enlarge our minds, and somebody has pretended that 'knowledge is power'—it must have been the principal of a school. It is not for nothing that we have l'Entente Cordiale—you may now spend a Sunday in London at about the cost of ...
— A Chair on The Boulevard • Leonard Merrick

... to say be toke in his entente, his langage was so fayer & pertynante, yt semeth unto manys herying not only the worde, but veryly the thyng. Caxton's Book ...
— The Gilded Age, Part 2. • Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) and Charles Dudley Warner

... herself. Whenever she heard a step on the floor, a knock at the door, she keyed herself for the ordeal of the anesthetic and the operating table. But the ancient jealousies and rivalries of the Entente nations, which had been forgotten during the war, returned with peace and now it looks as though, as a result of these nations' distrust and suspicion of each other, the Turks would win back by diplomacy what they lost in battle. How History repeats itself! The Turks have often been ...
— The New Frontiers of Freedom from the Alps to the AEgean • Edward Alexander Powell

... From bird's eggs to souvenirs of Guillaume, whom he adores. The house is supposed to have been at one time lived in by the Conqueror, and old Malaumain has made busts of him, and pictures, and all kinds of things. He will talk to you about l'Entente cordiale and the crossing of the two races, and the Friendly Hand, until you muzzle him. He is a dear old chap, and his wife is a very excellent cook. I used to run away when I was a little kid visiting grand-mere, and go and beg her ...
— The Halo • Bettina von Hutten

... but put the cat down on the floor. When she made some effort to regain his lap he surreptitiously suggested, with the tip of his boot, that their entente was at an end. ...
— Waysiders • Seumas O'Kelly

... L'ENTENTE CORDIALE.—A portion of the French Fleet is soon to be entertained on English shores. The first of these vessels sighted as it approaches will be sufficient evidence of their French ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 101, August 1, 1891 • Various

... some other avenue; I have not the least notion of condemning myself by any such judgment. But I think it is pretty certain that fewer and fewer authors are turning from journalism to literature, though the entente cordiale between the two professions seems as great as ever. I fancy, though I may be as mistaken in this as I am in a good many other things, that most journalists would have been literary men if they could, at the ...
— Henry James, Jr. • William Dean Howells

... convient pas dans notre situation europeenne. Elle a de plus ete conduite d'une facon irreguliere, l'action au Tonkin succedant a l'inaction en Egypte. Cette affaire d'Egypte aurait pu servir de base a une entente avec l'Angleterre. Au lieu de cela on n'a pas voulu l'aider, puis on a boude parce qu'elle agissait seule, et lorsque les difficultes ont commence pour elle, on n'a su ni s'entendre absolument pour agir en commun, ni s'effacer derriere l'Europe pour ne pas assumer la responsabilite ...
— Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. - In Two Volumes. VOL. II. • John Knox Laughton

Words linked to "Entente" :   agreement, alinement, alignment, understanding, coalition, entente cordiale, alliance

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