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Disrupt   /dɪsrˈəpt/   Listen

(past & past part. disrupted; pres. part. disrupting)
Make a break in.  Synonyms: break up, cut off, interrupt.
Throw into disorder.
Interfere in someone else's activity.  Synonym: interrupt.

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"Disrupt" Quotes from Famous Books

... threatened was a principle which custom had established. If he expected to save the girl at the Rancho Seco he could not temper his actions with mercy. And he knew that if he was to succeed in his design to disrupt the outlaw gang he would have to remove the man who stood before him, working himself into a new frenzy. There seemed to be no ...
— 'Drag' Harlan • Charles Alden Seltzer

... Sophocles, like the youngest of dramatists, can strangely enough make mistakes. The entry of Heracles practically makes the play double, marring its continuity. The necessary and remorseless sequence of events which is looked for in dramatic writing is absent. This tendency to disrupt a whole into parts brilliant but unrelated is a feature of Euripides' work; it may perhaps find a readier pardon exactly because Sophocles himself is not able to avoid it always. But the greatest triumph is the character of Deianeira. It is such as one would ...
— Authors of Greece • T. W. Lumb

... economic environment. In addition, Pakistan's infrastructure is inadequate and deteriorating, low levels of literacy constrain industrial growth, and increasing sectarian, ethnic, and tribal violence disrupt production. ...
— The 1995 CIA World Factbook • United States Central Intelligence Agency

... came to Stanley Junction. He demanded that the men on the Great Northern engage in a sympathetic strike until the other road was brought to terms. The older, wiser hands laughed at him. Jim Evans had returned to Stanley Junction, and at once joined in a movement to disrupt the local union by ...
— Ralph on the Engine - The Young Fireman of the Limited Mail • Allen Chapman

... examination of all Federal and State programs and policies directly or indirectly influential on the landscape, to make certain that their effects are beneficial or their adverse effects are minimized and that they encourage rather than disrupt local efforts to avert blight even while achieving sound growth. Obvious connections exist between good local environments and such things as planning aid programs and grants for parks and recreation areas, but other grant programs, public works, road and utility ...
— The Nation's River - The Department of the Interior Official Report on the Potomac • United States Department of the Interior

... no less important matters, did I see other men practice discipline upon themselves. I saw men forego the discussion of subjects in which they believed with all their hearts and with all their minds solely for the purpose of doing nothing that would tend to disrupt the Caucus or give the impression throughout the United States that the men who had stuck together so closely in times of daring and danger could not still stick and face, as a band of brothers in the American Legion, any perils or pitfalls which peace might hold for this country. Therefore, ...
— The Story of The American Legion • George Seay Wheat

... agitate for better conditions was instantly discharged; spies were at all times busy among the workers; and if a labor union were formed, the factory owners would obtain sneak emissaries into it, with orders to report on every move and disrupt the union if possible. The factory capitalists in Massachusetts, New York, Illinois and every other manufacturing State were determined to keep up their system unchanged, because it was profitable to work children eleven and a half hours a day in a temperature that in summer ...
— Great Fortunes from Railroads • Gustavus Myers

... (1 and 2 combined) rupture, abrupt, interrupt, disrupt, eruption, incorruptible, irruption, bankrupt, rout, ...
— The Century Vocabulary Builder • Creever & Bachelor

... of his Ninth Symphony Beethoven calls voices to the aid of his instruments. It was a daring innovation, as it seemed to disrupt the form, and we know from the story of the work how long he hunted for the connecting link, which finally he found in the instrumental recitative. Having hit upon the device, he summons each of the preceding movements, which are purely instrumental, into the presence of his augmented forces ...
— How to Listen to Music, 7th ed. - Hints and Suggestions to Untaught Lovers of the Art • Henry Edward Krehbiel

... was the wife of one of President Jackson's cabinet members, yet when she appeared upon a ball-room floor, all the ladies left it. It was Jackson and Eaton against the world. That same situation to-day, granted certain conditions, might mean a war which would disrupt this Union. In fact, I consider Josephine St. Auban to-day more dangerous than ...
— The Purchase Price • Emerson Hough

... too thoroughly an egoist not to be also an egotist; if he love, the object shall know it. During a lifetime he may conceal it through stress of expediency and honour, but it shall bubble from his dying lips, though it disrupt a neighbourhood. It is known, however, that most men do not wait so long to disclose their passion. In the case of Lorison, his particular ethics positively forbade him to declare his sentiments, but he must needs dally with the subject, ...
— Whirligigs • O. Henry

... Republican victory had been like a slap in the face to slave-holding democracy. Its strongholds were secretly arming, mobilizing, drilling. And though Lincoln wisely held his peace—warned all the States which hummed with wild secession talk that their aggression alone could disrupt the Union—the wily Stanton, through the machinery of the War Department, prepared with quiet grimness for ...
— Port O' Gold • Louis John Stellman

... they may appear to be, are divided by crevices which extend from the soil level it may be to the depths of thousands of feet. These rents are in part due to the strains of mountain-building, which tend to disrupt the firmest stone, leaving open fractures. They are also formed in other ways, as by the imperfectly understood agencies which produce joint planes. It often happens that where rocks are highly tilted water finds its way downward between the layers, ...
— Outlines of the Earth's History - A Popular Study in Physiography • Nathaniel Southgate Shaler

Words linked to "Disrupt" :   disruptive, butt in, disruption, interrupt, burst upon, put aside, pause, heckle, intermit, barge in, jam, cut short, discontinue, cut in, block, chisel in, take off, chime in, burst in on, break, cut, inject, interject, break up, take time off, stop, punctuate, stop over, interpose, break off, break in, put away, cut off, come in, put in, throw in

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