A communication that belittles somebody or something. Synonyms: depreciation, disparagement.
"Derogation" Quotes from Famous Books — The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster • Daniel Webster — Twelve Types • G.K. Chesterton — The Golden Calf • M. E. Braddon |
Words linked to "Derogation" : shikse, shiksa, spick, coolie, taco, fairy, kafir, spic, annulment, pickaninny, repeal, discourtesy, disrespect, chink, half-breed, faggot, abrogation, queer, poove, Chinaman, guinea, red man, yid, aspersion, pouf, effeminacy, suit, cold water, hymie, poof, nigga, Indian giver, Moonie, nigra, defamation, jurisprudence, greaser, nance, derogate, greaseball, fagot, pansy, coon, cooly, spik, white trash, darkie, gook, half-caste, law, touchy-feely, Jap, disdain, yellow woman, unmanliness, Redskin, sour grapes, Mick, sissiness, slur, Injun, calumniation, darkey, caffer, obloquy, nigger, wog, gamin, shegetz, nazi, dago, tom, sheeny, oriental, piccaninny, Red Indian, softness, oriental person, denigration, butch, depreciation, picaninny, ginzo, Uncle Tom, slant-eye, belittling, poor white trash, Jerry, queen, dike, whitey, kaffir, honkey, wop, detraction, womanishness, condescension, Boche, boy, darky, honkie, throwaway, tree hugger, paddy, Hun, petty criticism, papist, Krauthead, dyke, caffre, jigaboo, Kraut, honky, paleface, hatchet job, calumny, patronage, fag, spade, wetback, nip, kike, yellow man, effeminateness, Mickey, traducement, mammy, street arab |
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