"Crinkle" Quotes from Famous Books
... a dull rust-red. There was level ground ahead, a wind-swept floor as hard as rock. Link rushed the car over this free distance. Madeline's ears filled with a droning hum like the sound of a monstrous, hungry bee and with a strange, incessant crinkle which she at length guessed to be the spreading of sheets of gravel from under the wheels. The giant car attained such a speed that Madeline could only distinguish the colored landmarks to the fore, and these faded as the wind ... — The Light of Western Stars • Zane Grey
... public gaze, the girl crowded back into a corner of the cab, as though trying to efface herself. Her eyes closed almost automatically; the curve of laughing lips became a doleful droop; a crinkle appeared between the arched brows; waves of burning crimson flooded her face ... — The Brass Bowl • Louis Joseph Vance
... packing-cases, the staff-officers rose from their work to stand at salute like stone images, in respect to a field-marshal's rank. There was no word of greeting but a telling silence before Turcas spoke. His voice had lost its parchment crinkle and become natural. The blue veins on his bulging temples were a little more pronounced, his thin features a little more pinched, but otherwise he was unchanged and he seemed equal to another strain as heavy as the ... — The Last Shot • Frederick Palmer
... them there while they could. They still kept their hands up in reverent salute many steps after they had passed by. Every time Joan put her handkerchief to her eyes you could see a little quiver of emotion crinkle along the faces ... — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain
... girl of a strange race so like his own. A skin from the velvet heart of a rose and eyes that looked deep into his and into his mind when he permitted; eyes, too, that could crinkle to ready laughter or grow misty when she sang those weird melodies of such ... — Astounding Stories of Super-Science January 1931 • Various
... belief in the prodigious capacity of the Shawanoe, he fixed upon a point further down stream and closer to the other bank for his reappearance; but the seconds lengthened into minutes and nothing was seen. The wing of the flitting insect, had it glanced against the surface, would have caused a crinkle or two which the watchful eyes of the Sauk would have detected, but as it was, his vision, roaming back and forth, and here and there over the calm surface, saw no sign that any thing of the kind ... — Footprints in the Forest • Edward Sylvester Ellis
... A little crinkle appeared in the silhouette of a cheek, and she said, "I do like to hear you say 'the deuce.' I don't believe Uncle Nicholas ever said 'the deuce' ... — Peak and Prairie - From a Colorado Sketch-book • Anna Fuller |
Words linked to "Crinkle" : lifeline, line of life, knit, line of destiny, skin, crow's feet, seam, ruck up, line of fate, crow's foot, fold, laugh line, tegument, depression, impression, mensal line, pucker, heart line, turn up, line of Saturn, cutis, wrinkle, crease, line of heart, cockle, fold up, crinkly, love line, life line, frown line, imprint, dermatoglyphic, ruck |
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