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Connective   /kənˈɛktɪv/   Listen

Connecting or tending to connect.  "Connective tissue in animals" , "Conjunctive tissue in plants"

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"Connective" Quotes from Famous Books

... the secondary may be regarded as only relatively emphatic, as being related in a subordinate way to the principal, and as maintaining a connection with the rest of the sentence, or as hanging upon the words which follow, or as being a step leading up to the main idea. The vocal indication of this connective principle is the circumflex inflection. The tone will be raised, as in the principal emphasis, but instead of being allowed to fall straight to a finality, it is turned upward at the finish, to hook on, as it were, to the following. The weight ...
— Public Speaking • Irvah Lester Winter

... life, millions of these cells retain their primary characters, and constitute the white corpuscles of blood, "phagocytes," and connective tissue corpuscles; others again, engage in the formation of material round themselves, and lie, in such cases, as gristle and bone, embedded in the substance they have formed; others again, undergo great changes in form and internal structure, and become permanently modified into, for instance, ...
— Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata • H. G. Wells

... are three in number in the majority of grasses and six are met with in Leersia, Hygrorhiza and Bamboos. Each stamen consists of a very delicate long filament and an anther basifixed to the filament. But as the anthers are long and the connective is reduced to its minimum, they appear as if versatile when the stamens are out. When there are three stamens one stands in front of the flowering glumes and the other two in front of the palea, one opposite each edge of the palea. ...
— A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses • Rai Bahadur K. Ranga Achariyar

Words linked to "Connective" :   subscriber line, instrumentation, function word, junction, coupling, connect, closed-class word, temporary hookup, connective tissue, earth, instrumentality, telephone circuit, ground, yoke, conjunction, conjunctive, subordinate conjunction, jumper, line, connection, connecter, slip ring, attachment, patch, bond, subordinating conjunction, phone line, hitch, continuative, hookup, connectivity, coordinating conjunction, telephone line, backbone

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