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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Carry over   /kˈæri ˈoʊvər/   Listen
Carry over

Transfer or persist from one stage or sphere of activity to another.
Transport from one place or state to another.
Hold over goods to be sold for the next season.  Synonym: hold over.
Transfer from one time period to the next.  Synonym: carry forward.

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"Carry over" Quotes from Famous Books

... own careers have exhibited a shrewd and vivid sense of the realities of politics and trade; it is these men who have most faith in the practical, moral, and social power of the Subsidized Word. The most real thing which they carry over from the region of business into the region of moral and intellectual ideals is apparently their bank accounts. The fruits of their hard work and their business ability are to be applied to the purpose of "uplifting" their fellow-countrymen. ...
— The Promise Of American Life • Herbert David Croly

... lie hid, and tend it. Now, I know such a hiding-hole in Purbeck, which they call Joseph's Pit, and thither we must go; but it will take all the day to get there, for it is seven miles off, and I am older than I was, and thou too heavy a babe to carry over lightly.' ...
— Moonfleet • J. Meade Falkner

... improvement in artillery and the possession of powerful modern guns by the Boers had gravely imperilled the position of Ladysmith. The military authorities could never have anticipated that the town would be besieged by foes armed with artillery that could carry over five miles. But such was the case now, and all there felt, as soon as it was decided to defend the place till the last, that the position ...
— With Buller in Natal - A Born Leader • G. A. Henty

... it; it is the equipping of a number of American ships of war in the ports of France. Considering the price of duck, cordage, ordnance, and other military stores in America, they may be built much cheaper here. This is not the sole advantage, they may carry over stores of every kind in safety, as being French bottoms, ostensibly at least, all the brave and ingenious in the Marine Department in this kingdom would become adventurers in person, or in purse and influence in such a scheme; and I speak ...
— The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. I • Various

Words linked to "Carry over" :   prevail, transport, transfer, carry forward, die hard, carry-over, keep, hold on, accountancy, run, shift, hold over, accounting, endure, persist

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