"Calumniation" Quotes from Famous Books
... and that exhibited in the following extract from a long letter written by Governor Bernard to Lord Shelburne, near the end of the year 1766, which is entirely filled with a review of Otis's career and character, and is a curious specimen of studied calumniation. The introductory remarks show sufficiently well the spirit of the whole. "I would avoid personalities, but in the present case it is impossible. The troubles in this country take their rise from, and owe their continuance to, one man, so much, that this history alone would contain a full ... — James Otis The Pre-Revolutionist • John Clark Ridpath |
Words linked to "Calumniation" : malignment, libel, defamation, blackwash, depreciation, name, smear, epithet, slander, derogation, name calling, hatchet job, vilification, names, traducement, assassination, disparagement, character assassination, calumny |
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