"Busk" Quotes from Famous Books
... remnant of hers, a busk-point, a feather of her fan, a shoe-tie, a lace, a ring, ... — The Anatomy of Melancholy • Democritus Junior
... not busk the plaid over their heads, as their mothers did? A tartan screen, and once a year a new cockernony from Paris, should serve a countess. But ye have not many of them left, I think—Mareschal, Airley, Winton, Vemyss, Balmerino, all passed and gone—aye, aye, the countesses and ... — Redgauntlet • Sir Walter Scott
... writtingis, Treasurer Tak in this gray horse, Auld Dunbar, Which in my aucht with service trew In lyart changit is his heu. Gar house him now against this Yuill And busk him like ane Bischoppis muill, For with my hand I have indorst To ... — Royal Edinburgh - Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets • Margaret Oliphant
... do," said Tibb, "were it ony feasible house; but there will be neither pearlins to mend, nor pinners to busk up, ... — The Monastery • Sir Walter Scott |