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Bonanza   /bənˈænzə/   Listen

An especially rich vein of precious ore.
A sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money).  Synonyms: boom, bunce, godsend, gold rush, gravy, manna from heaven, windfall.

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"Bonanza" Quotes from Famous Books

... out? and walk off with it for a hundred yards?" demanded Matthewson, a Bonanza King, he ...
— The Call of the Wild • Jack London

... from beginning to end. Toward the close of the examination, however, it began to dawn on the abductor that possibly he had made an error. Be that as it might, he was none the less convinced that he had a bonanza in his hands, and one which could be made to serve him as well as ...
— Brave Tom - The Battle That Won • Edward S. Ellis

... to dig for it. Moreover, digging in the boulders and gravel, under the terrific heat of the California sun in midsummer, was none too easy; and no matter how rich the diggings averaged—short of an actual bonanza—the miner was disappointed in his expectations. One man is reported saying: "They tell me I can easily make there eleven hundred dollars a day. You know I am not easily moved by such reports. I shall be satisfied ...
— The Forty-Niners - A Chronicle of the California Trail and El Dorado • Stewart Edward White

... South. In the region of arable and watered lands the typical American unit—the small farm tilled by the owner—appeared as usual; but by the side of it many a huge domain owned by foreign or Eastern companies and tilled by hired labor. Sometimes the great estate took the shape of the "bonanza farm" devoted mainly to wheat and corn and cultivated on a large scale by machinery. Again it assumed the form of the cattle ranch embracing tens of thousands of acres. Again it was a vast holding of diversified interest, such as the Santa Anita ranch near Los Angeles, a domain ...
— History of the United States • Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard

... wide variations of temperature which are common here in May, can be the controlling factor. We've made a few walnuts, hickories, and hicans grow, but still have too many zeroes for any complacency. This year may be our bonanza. Most of the grafts on some 40 trees are shooting buds. Perhaps it's the grafting tape we tried this spring. In 1948 we'll be able to write it all down ...
— Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting • Northern Nut Growers Association

... munitions—which might be the one thing to lose the war, in which case nothing would be left for any of us but to pay war indemnities to the enemy. Critics declared that non-taxable bonds were an iniquity in favour of the big investor who could heap up bonanza investments without taxes; another way of accusing the Finance Minister of being in league with the "big interests." But we must do Sir Thomas the credit of taking a sure way to encourage the small ...
— The Masques of Ottawa • Domino

Words linked to "Bonanza" :   boom, happening, mineral vein, natural event, vein, gravy, occurrence, occurrent

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