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Bona fide   /bˈoʊnə faɪd/   Listen
Bona fide

Undertaken in good faith.
Not counterfeit or copied.  Synonyms: authentic, unquestionable, veritable.  "A bona fide manuscript" , "An unquestionable antique" , "Photographs taken in a veritable bull ring"

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"Bona fide" Quotes from Famous Books

... with their squires beside them, and their shining tandems before them, they took the light well, too, and the spectacle was so brilliant that I trust my imagery may be forgiven a novelist pining for the pageantries of the past. I do not know to this moment whether these knights were bona fide gentlemen, or only their deputies, driving their tandems for them, and I am equally at a loss to account for the variety, of their hats. Some wore tall, shining silk hats; some flat-topped, brown derbys; some simple black pot-hats;—and is there, then, no rigor as to the head-gear of people driving ...
— Henry James, Jr. • William Dean Howells

... food that he privately regaled himself on soup, beefsteak, chocolate, and eggs. It was also discovered that one of the 'committee,' who were supposed to watch and see that the experiment was conducted in a bona fide manner, 'stood in' with the faster and helped him deceive the others. The result of the Vienna experiment is bound to cast suspicion on all previous fasting accomplishments of Signor Succi, if not upon ...
— Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine • George M. Gould

... corresponded, but whom I had never met. This was Mr. John Bellows, of Gloucester, publisher, printer, man of letters, or rather of words; for he is the author of that truly remarkable little manual, "The Bona Fide Pocket Dictionary of the French and English Languages." To the review of this little book, which is dedicated to Prince Lucien Bonaparte, the "London Times" devoted a full column. I never heard any one who had used it speak of it except with admiration. The modest Friend ...
— Our Hundred Days in Europe • Oliver Wendell Holmes

... offer I've made you is a bona fide one. You'll make good. You will be worth the five thousand and more in no time. I know your kind. I told you I was a good picker. It isn't a question of buying. Can the movie stuff. It's ...
— Wild Wings - A Romance of Youth • Margaret Rebecca Piper

Words linked to "Bona fide" :   veritable, authentic, genuine, unquestionable, sincere, echt

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