"Bog plant" Quotes from Famous Books
... allowed it, there pansies of velvety blue and black and brown had been planted. In a hot sun I climbed the chateau cliff to where the water, conveyed to the summit, dribbled and dropped, or squirted and splashed, nourishing countless fronds of fern and beds of moss, and many a bog plant. The cedars and umbrella pines in the spring sun exhaled their aromatic breath, and the flowering birch rained down its yellow dust over one from ... — In Troubadour-Land - A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc • S. Baring-Gould |
Words linked to "Bog plant" : sweet flag, marsh elder, Ranunculus lingua, skunk cabbage, polecat weed, Sium sisarum, rush, American brooklime, Calla palustris, water plant, grass-of-Parnassus, Sium suave, shell-flower, yellow-eyed grass, swamp lily, Veronica americana, turtlehead, brooklime, greater water parsnip, snakehead, kingcup, foetid pothos, lesser spearwort, Symplocarpus foetidus, Sium latifolium, cowslip, Ranunculus flammula, meadow bright, Veronica beccabunga, Saururus cernuus, Triglochin maritima, flagroot, marsh plant, Caltha palustris, sweet calamus, aquatic plant, cattail, water arum, parnassia, May blob, water plantain, Acorus calamus, sabbatia, Alisma plantago-aquatica, lizard's-tail, sedge, swamp plant, myrtle flag, European brooklime, greater spearwort, marsh marigold, Chelone glabra, iva, water parsnip, calamus, Lysichiton americanum, shellflower, hydrophytic plant, arrow grass, hydrophyte, snake-head, water dragon, skirret, wild calla |
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