"Beleaguering" Quotes from Famous Books
... only one bullet left, and with that we could scarcely hope even to settle one of them. We sat ourselves down watching our enemies, hoping that they would grow tired of waiting for us and go away; but they seemed by no means disposed to move. Never did a beleaguering army watch more pertinaciously round a hard pressed garrison than did our formidable enemies watch to toss us in the air. In vain we stood up and looked around on every side for our friends, as far as our somewhat limited range ... — A Voyage round the World - A book for boys • W.H.G. Kingston
... and in secrecy, sinking in the extremity of her sorrow before the shrine of her patroness, she besought the protection of kindred purity for the defence of her freedom and honour, and invoked vengeance on the wild and treacherous chieftain who had slain her father, and was now beleaguering her place of strength. Not only did she vow a large donative in lands to the shrine of the protectress whose aid she implored; but the oath passed her lips, (even though they faltered, and though something within her remonstrated against the vow,) that whatsoever ... — The Betrothed • Sir Walter Scott
... in a space of time wonderfully short had penetrated to the remotest of the colonies. Everywhere they met with the same reception; all were eager to join in the work so hopefully begun. Within a day or two, the force beleaguering Boston numbered several thousand; but as many of these came and went between the camp and their homes, no precise estimate can be made. They were without artillery for bombardment, without a commissariat, and ... — The History of the United States from 1492 to 1910, Volume 1 • Julian Hawthorne |
Words linked to "Beleaguering" : Orleans, Plevna, Corregidor, military, Syracuse, military machine, war machine, Atlanta, siege of Yorktown, Vicksburg, blockade, Yorktown, armed services, Pleven, military blockade, Alamo, Petersburg, armed forces, Bataan, encirclement, besieging, battle of Atlanta, Petersburg Campaign, Lucknow, siege, siege of Syracuse, Dien Bien Phu, siege of Vicksburg, siege of Orleans |
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