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Zif   Listen
Zif  n.  The second month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, corresponding to our May.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Zif" Quotes from Famous Books

... the smell of the goat on my clothes made her sick to her stummick, and she acted just like an excursion on the lake, and said if I didn't go and bury myself and take the smell out of me she wouldn't never go with me again. She was just as pale as a ghost, and the prespiration on her lip was just zif she had been hit by a street sprinkler. You see my chum and me had to carry the goat up to my room when Pa and Ma was out riding, and he blatted so we had to tie a handkerchief around his nose, and his feet ...
— Peck's Bad Boy and His Pa - 1883 • George W. Peck

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