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Wuste   Listen
Wuste, Wust  v.  obs. Imp. of Wit.

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"Wuste" Quotes from Famous Books

... giving her a complete history of the malady, from its birth in the right great toe, three years previous, through all its eccentric phenomena, to that stage of the disease which made it, as the venerable sufferer observed with, some pride, the "very wust case the doctors ...
— Round the Block • John Bell Bouton

... scrimpin' fem'ly sech ez you git up Down East, Th' ain't a growed member on 't but owes his thousuns et the least: She is some old; but then agin ther' 's drawbacks in my sheer; Wut's left o' me ain't more 'n enough to make a Brigadier: The wust is, she hez tantrums; she is like Seth Moody's gun (Him thet wuz nicknamed frum his limp Ole Dot an' Kerry One); He'd left her loaded up a spell, an' hed to git her clear, So he onhitched,—Jeerusalem! the middle o' last year Wuz right nex' door compared to where she kicked the critter tu (Though ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 09, No. 51, January, 1862 • Various

... wiping his mouth in anticipation. "It's my b'lief, Peter, as that there boy'll turn out either a reg'lar good un, or 'bout the wust ...
— Quicksilver - The Boy With No Skid To His Wheel • George Manville Fenn

... Tom, you and I used to talk over these yer matters down in Natchez, and I used to prove to ye that we made full as much, and was as well off for this yer world, by treatin' on 'em well, besides keepin' a better chance for comin' in the kingdom at last, when wust comes to wust, and thar an't nothing else ...
— Uncle Tom's Cabin • Harriet Beecher Stowe

... her stiddy, but we cain't do much more'n set down an' cuss haff the time, we're so afeard we'll git throwed out. Wal, after we come to the foot of the slide, we breathes easy-like, an' Jud he says it's all right, for that there was the wust place. For about three miles the pianner set on that boat as stiddy as a church, an' from there on down to Four it was pretty good sailin'. Of course we went a good deal faster in the steep places than any other boat ever sent down the flume, because the heft o' the thing, ...
— The Spinner's Book of Fiction • Various

... "Wust scrape I eber got into wid old Marsa John was ober Henny. I tell ye she was a harricane in dem days. She come into de kitchen one time where I was helpin' git de dinner ready an' de cook had gone to de spring-house, an' ...
— Standard Selections • Various

... 'the wust of it is, gentlemen, they are all so shocking large, and there is no small ones among them; they can't be divided into lots, still, as you seem to be disappointed, I will make you an offer for them, cash down, all hard gold.' So I gave ...
— Nature and Human Nature • Thomas Chandler Haliburton

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