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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

-wards   Listen
-wards  suff.  See -ward.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"-wards" Quotes from Famous Books

... think I had been gone ten minutes from the drawing-room. When I returned there, it was to find the festivities at their height, and my husband just on the point of missing me. The look which he directed to-wards me pierced me to the heart; not that I was playing him false, for I was risking life, love and the loss of everything I prized, to save him from himself; but that his love for me should be so strong he could forget the two tortured ...
— The Hermit Of ——— Street - 1898 • Anna Katharine Green (Mrs. Charles Rohlfs)

... it was the blaze of sunlight that had deceived the birds. He heard the sound of the sea that the moon led up the shore, dragging the months away over the pebbles and shingles and piling them up with the years where the worn-out centuries lay; he saw the majestic downs stand facing mightily south-wards; saw the smoke of the town float up to their heavenly faces—column after column rose calmly into the morning as house by house was waked by peering shafts of the sunlight and lit its fires for the day; column by column went up toward the serene downs' faces, and failed before ...
— A Dreamer's Tales • Lord Dunsany [Edward J. M. D. Plunkett]

... strongly in the shape of the great unwashed climbing the ridge of the hill by the paddock; and I felt I should see some characteristic sights along the road. Bidding good-bye, therefore, to my guide at Epsom, I set out on foot along the now-populous road, mine being the only face turned London-wards. Carts laden with trestles and boards for stands now began to be in force. By-and-by the well-known paper bouquets and outrageous head-gear showed themselves as forming the cargo of costermongers' carts. The travellers were all chatty, many of them chaffy. Frequent ...
— Mystic London: - or, Phases of occult life in the metropolis • Charles Maurice Davies

... it, to the naked eye, exhibited nothing more of ornament, save the usual order of ranging the Scales into a triagonal form, onely the edges seem'd a little to shine, the finger being rubb'd from the tail-wards towards the head, the Scales seem'd to stay and raze it; But through an ordinary Magnifying glass, it exhibited a most curiously carved and adorned surface, such as is visible in the second Figure, each of those ...
— Micrographia • Robert Hooke

... look candlestick-wards, Sir Leicester politely performs the grand tour of the drawing-room, brings one, and lights it ...
— Bleak House • Charles Dickens

... Though I be glowing with her kisses, Do I not always share her need? I am the fugitive, all houseless roaming, The monster without air or rest, That like a cataract, down rocks and gorges foaming, Leaps, maddened, into the abyss's breast! And side-wards she, with young unwakened senses, Within her cabin on the Alpine field Her simple, homely life commences, Her little world therein concealed. And I, God's hate flung o'er me, Had not enough, to thrust The stubborn ...
— Faust • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

... apothecary, and in due time was sent off well provided, to the great fair of York, whence she returned with a basket of needles, pins (such as they were), bodkins, and the like articles, wherewith to circulate about Hallamshire, but the gate-wards would not relax their rules so far as to admit her into the park. She was permitted, however, to bring her wares to the town of Sheffield, and to Bridgefield, but she might come ...
— Unknown to History - A Story of the Captivity of Mary of Scotland • Charlotte M. Yonge

... scrutiny through the smoke far, very far away, a little to the west of south, I descried the outline of a range of hills, and right in the smoke of one fire an exceedingly high and abruptly-ending mountain loomed. To the south east-wards other ranges appeared; they seemed to ...
— Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration • Ernest Giles

... and radiant with youth, whereat the Chapman's pinched features softened for pure good fellowship, and for the moment he almost wished that he had charged less for the "priceless wollum," as, so smiling, Barnabas turned and strode away, London-wards. ...
— The Amateur Gentleman • Jeffery Farnol et al

... place I would make sure. I would set a term to this danger of mutiny. I would accede to his demands concerning the woman, and settle after-wards ...
— The Sea-Hawk • Raphael Sabatini

... They gave him a little room over an apothecary shop at the edge of the city, off one of the bullet-wards, so that the American would suffer from no lack that the hospital routine could furnish, and still not be denied the ministration of his friend. There were reasons, from the German standpoint, why it was well for Mowbray to have every chance for life. The Russian coup of the destroyed bridges, ...
— Red Fleece • Will Levington Comfort

... particular El Pueblo de Las Uvas. Where it lies, how to come at it, you will not get from me; rather would I show you the heron's nest in the tulares. It has a peak behind it, glinting above the tamarack pines, above a breaker of ruddy hills that have a long slope valley-wards and the shoreward steep of waves ...
— The Land Of Little Rain • Mary Hunter Austin

... Ali turned to him and said, "I long for the sight of the Commander of the Faithful." Then said Ja'afar to Mohammed bin Sulayman, "Make ready to travel, for we will say the dawn-prayer and mount Baghdad-wards;" and he replied, "To hear is to obey." Then they prayed and they took horse and set out, all of them, carrying with them the Wazir, Al-Mu'in bin Sawi, who began to repent him of what he had done. Nur al-Din rode by Ja'afar's side and they stinted not faring on till they arrived at Baghdad, ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton

... late; and this far end of the garden was not overlooked by any windows. So the Tribute blazed on merrily unchecked. Villagers far away, catching sight of the flare, muttered something about "them young devils at their tricks again," and trudged on beer-wards. Never a thought of what day it was, never a thought for Nelson, who preserved their honest pint-pots, to be paid for in honest pence, and saved them from litres and decimal coinage. Nearer at hand, frightened rabbits popped up and vanished with a flick of white tails; scared birds fluttered among ...
— Dream Days • Kenneth Grahame

... of the pendulum. No one knows just what started it prosperity-wards. Some said it was that the farmers, disheartened with wheat-growing, were applying themselves to stock, and certain it is that in "mixed farming" the community eventually found its salvation; others ...
— The Homesteaders - A Novel of the Canadian West • Robert J. C. Stead

... down the side street. But Widow Finkelstein pressed it down with all her force, arresting the motion like a drag. Incensed by the laughter of the spectators, Shosshi put forth all his strength at the shafts, jerked the widow off her feet and see-sawed her sky-wards, huddled up spherically like a balloon, but clinging as grimly as ever to the defalcating barrow. Then Shosshi started off at a run, the carpentry rattling, and the dead weight of his living burden making ...
— Children of the Ghetto • I. Zangwill

... nigh Ceraunian mountain-sides thence o'er the sea we flit, Whence the sea-way to Italy the shortest may be made. But in the meanwhile sets the sun, the dusk hills lie in shade, And, choosing oar-wards, down we lie on bosom of the land So wished for: by the water-side and on the dry sea-strand 510 We tend our bodies here and there; sleep floodeth every limb. But ere the hour-bedriven night in midmost orb ...
— The AEneids of Virgil - Done into English Verse • Virgil

... or four rebuildings. There has seemed to be no limit to the demands of the public or the fertility of Scribner's brain. Persistent changes were made in the system of signalling. The first signal, used by Bell and Watson, was a tap on the diaphragm with the finger-nail. Soon after-wards came a "buzzer," and then the magneto-electric bell. In 1887 Joseph O'Connell, of Chicago, conceived of the use of tiny electric lights as signals, a brilliant idea, as an electric light makes no noise and can be seen either by night or by day. In ...
— The History of the Telephone • Herbert N. Casson

... traditional with her ever since Peter the Great, with prophetic foresight, laid down the lines by which her future conduct was to be guided; and political interest has none the less urged her on to extend her possessions Asia-wards, and to secure as much seaboard in any direction as will suit her ambitious designs. Conquests in Asia, moreover, provide a convenient safety-valve for adventurous, discontented, or unscrupulous spirits, ...
— The Contemporary Review, Volume 36, September 1879 • Various

... understand what is meant by the Church of God. When we speak of the Church we generally mean a society to aid men in their progress God-wards; but the Church of God is by no means co-extensive in any age with that organized institution which we call the Church; sometimes it is nearly co-extensive—that is, nearly all on earth who are born of God are found within its pale, ...
— Sermons Preached at Brighton - Third Series • Frederick W. Robertson

... of eeriness and gloom in that wood, and I began—more for my companion's sake than my own—to long for a glimpse of some outlet, a sight of the sunlit sea beyond, and for the murmur of the burn which I felt sure, ran rippling coast-wards beneath the fringes of this almost ...
— Ravensdene Court • J. S. (Joseph Smith) Fletcher

... of the pursuing car inched up on his right, effectually blocking any attempt to strike off toward the east, to the Boulevards and the centre of the city's life by night. He had no choice but to fly west-wards. ...
— The Lone Wolf - A Melodrama • Louis Joseph Vance

... door, and saw the monster and died. Behind among the woods, is Gloddaeth, THE PLACE OF FEASTING, where the bards were entertained; and farther away, up the valley of the Conway towards Llanrwst, is the Lake of Ceirio-nydd and Taliesin's grave. Or, again, looking seawards and Anglesey-wards you have Pen-mon, Seiriol's isle and priory, where Mael-gwyn lies buried; you have the SANDS OF LAMENTATION and Llys Helig, HEILIG'S MANSION, a mansion under the waves, a sea-buried palace and realm. Hac ibat ...
— Celtic Literature • Matthew Arnold

... nearly every house in Salem two or more fire-buckets, marked with the owner's name, were, when not in use, kept hanging in the front hall. At fires, lanes, as they were called, of men were formed, under the direction generally of the fire-wards, and water was passed from one to another and to the fire from some neighboring pump ...
— The Olden Time Series: Vol. 2: The Days of the Spinning-Wheel in New England • Various

... short cut over fields to the left, which eventually, after one or two plunges into ditches, landed him safely in Mrs. Morran's back yard. Dickson and Dougal crossed the bridge and tramped Dalquharter-wards by the highway. There was no sign of human life in that quiet place with owls hooting and rabbits rustling in the undergrowth. Beyond the woods they came in sight of the light in the back kitchen, and both seemed to relax their watchfulness when it was most ...
— Huntingtower • John Buchan

... Caliph, "Say me, wilt thou return with us to Tigris' bank and cast thy net on my luck, and whatsoever turneth up I will buy of thee for an hundred gold pieces?" The man rejoiced when he heard these words and said, "On my head be it! I will go back with you;" and, returning with them river-wards, made a cast and waited a while; then he hauled in the rope and dragged the net ashore and there appeared in it a chest padlocked and heavy. The Caliph examined it and lifted it finding it weighty; so he gave the fisherman two hundred dinars ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 1 • Richard F. Burton

... it were, to do again. So pilgrims, bound for Mecca, pray'd At burning noon; so warriors said, Scarf'd with the cross, who watch'd the miles Of dust which wreathed their struggling files Down Lydian mountains; so, when snows Round Alpine summits, eddying, rose, The Goth, bound Rome-wards; so the Hun, Crouch'd on his saddle, while the sun Went lurid down o'er flooded plains Through which the groaning Danube strains To the drear Euxine;—so pray all, Whom labours, self-ordain'd, enthrall; Because they to themselves propose ...
— Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold • Matthew Arnold

... the o'erclouded, dust over-shadow'd Tumult of war, to gods have I hearken'd, Fearfully shouting; hearken'd while discord's Brazen voices clang through the field Rampart-wards. ...
— The German Classics of The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, • Editor-in-Chief: Kuno Francke

... 'but you're so desperate quick. My Aunt she knew what was comin' to people. My Uncle being a burgess of Rye, he counted all such things odious, and my Aunt she couldn't be got to practise her gifts hardly at all, because it hurted her head for a week after-wards; but when Frankie heard she had 'em, he was all for nothin' till she foretold on him—till she looked in his hand to tell his fortune, d'ye see? One time we was at Rye she come aboard with my other shirt and some apples, and he fair beazled ...
— Rewards and Fairies • Rudyard Kipling

... hast wasted and will double it more than twofold." Now when the Prince was aroused from his sleep he recounted to his mother all he had seen in his dream; but his parent began to laugh at him, and he said to her, "Mock me not: there is no help but that I wend Egypt-wards." Rejoined she, "O my son, believe not in swevens which be mere imbroglios of sleep and lying phantasies;" and retorted saying, "In very sooth my vision is true and the man whom I saw therein is of the Saints of Allah and his words are veridical." Then ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 3 • Richard F. Burton

... reversed by the present Hara ministry. For I have yet to find a single foreigner or Chinese who is conscious of any difference of policy, save as the end of the war has forced the necessity of caution, since other nations can now look China-wards as they could ...
— China, Japan and the U.S.A. - Present-Day Conditions in the Far East and Their Bearing - on the Washington Conference • John Dewey

... himself outside the office at last, and in the bustle of Fleet Street, he turned his steps west-wards. ...
— The Man Who Lost Himself • H. De Vere Stacpoole

... off:[K4b] howbeit shee saith shee had no hurt then, but rose againe, and went to her Aunts in Osbaldeston, and returned backe againe to her Fathers house the same night, being fetched home by her father. And she saith, That in her way home-wards shee did then tell her Father, how shee had beene dealt withall both then and at sundry times before that; and before that time she neuer told any bodie thereof: and being examined why she did not, she sayth, she could not speake thereof, though she desired so to doe. And she further sayth, ...
— Discovery of Witches - The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster • Thomas Potts

... heed. But come, amend thy speed, Methinks thy fasting-need These gloomy vapours breed. Thy inner man doth plead Good beef with ale or mead Wherein, thou Fool decreed, I am right well agreed 'T were goodly thing to feed, Nor will I thee impede, So follow Folly's lead And food-wards we'll proceed." ...
— The Geste of Duke Jocelyn • Jeffery Farnol

... I broke the silence. We were resting on a ledge of rock then, smoking, staring away north-wards among the moonlit kopjes. There he sat beside me, fair-haired and tall, strong and rejoicing in his strength, always courteous but strangely dumb. He was going to-morrow. Would he go without ...
— Cinderella in the South - Twenty-Five South African Tales • Arthur Shearly Cripps

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