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Villanage   Listen
Villanage  n.  
(Feudal Law) The state of a villain, or serf; base servitude; tenure on condition of doing the meanest services for the lord. (In this sense written also villenage, and villeinage) "I speak even now as if sin were condemned in a perpetual villanage, never to be manumitted." "Some faint traces of villanage were detected by the curious so late as the days of the Stuarts."
Baseness; infamy; villainy. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Villanage" Quotes from Famous Books

... possession of power, were only anxious to retain and extend it. The Great Charter was extorted from King John by the barons in order to consolidate their power; they attended to the interests of the common people (who then were in a state of villanage) just so far as they could clearly see would be for their own interest, and no further. The world is much indebted to those sturdy barons; they did more good than they ever thought of doing. There were germs in that charter that have borne excellent ...
— History of Woman Suffrage, Volume I • Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Matilda Joslyn Gage

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