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Vesicular   Listen
Vesicular  adj.  
Of or pertaining to vesicles; esp., of or pertaining to the air vesicles, or air cells, of the lungs; as, vesicular breathing, or normal breathing, in which the air enters freely the air vesicles of the lungs.
Containing, or composed of, vesicles or vesiclelike structures; covered with vesicles or bladders; vesiculate; as, a vesicular coral; vesicular lava; a vesicular leaf.
Having the form or structure of a vesicle; as, a vesicular body.
Vesicular column (Anat.), a series of nerve cells forming one of the tracts distinguished in the spinal cord; also called the ganglionic column.
Vesicular emphysema (Med.), emphysema of the lungs, in which the air vesicles are distended and their walls ruptured.
Vesicular murmur (Med.), the sound, audible on auscultation of the chest, made by the air entering and leaving the air vesicles of the lungs in respiration.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Vesicular" Quotes from Famous Books

... contraction of the individual bits of steam is effected without any diminution of the whole mass of them, but on the contrary, during its steady expansion; in the third place he assumes that the particles of water dust are solid, not vesicular, which is not yet ascertained; in the fourth place, he does not tell us how their number and size are related to the quantity of invisible moisture in the air; in the fifth place, he does not tell us how ...
— The Storm-Cloud of the Nineteenth Century - Two Lectures delivered at the London Institution February - 4th and 11th, 1884 • John Ruskin

... acid, carbolic acid, nitric acid, and carbonate of sodium; but tramps frequently use sorrel and various species of ranunculus. The lesions simulated are usually inflammatory in character, such as erythema, vesicular and bullous eruptions, and ulceration of the skin. They may be complicated by the presence of pediculi and other animal and vegetable parasites. Chromidrosis of the lower eyelids in young women often owes its origin to a box of paints. Factitious skin diseases are seen most commonly on the ...
— Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology • W. G. Aitchison Robertson

... Locustidae, a group intermediate between the Cricket (Achetidae) and the Grasshoppers (Acridiidae). The total length of the body is two inches and a quarter; when the wings are closed the insect has an inflated vesicular or bladder-like shape, owing to the great convexity of the thin but firm parchmenty wing-cases, and the colour is wholly pale-green. The instrument by which the Tanana produces its music is curiously contrived out of the ordinary nervures of the wing-cases. In each wing-case the inner edge, near ...
— The Naturalist on the River Amazons • Henry Walter Bates

... coal; trap dykes; syenitic porphyry dykes; black vesicular trap, penetrating in thin veins the clay shale of the country, converting it into porcellanite, and partially crystallizing the coal. On this sandstone lie fossil palms, and coniferous trees converted into silica, as on ...
— Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa - Journeys and Researches in South Africa • David Livingstone

Words linked to "Vesicular" :   vesicle, vesicular stomatitis

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