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Unrealize   Listen
Unrealize  v. t.  To make unreal; to idealize. "His fancy... unrealizes everything at a touch."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Unrealize" Quotes from Famous Books

... things presented by the memory, and generalized by the understanding; —I can readily believe, I say, that in this there may be too much of what our learned 'med'ciners' call the 'idiosyncratic' for true poetry.—For, from my very childhood, I have been accustomed to 'abstract', and as it were, unrealize whatever of more than common interest my eyes dwelt on, and then by a sort of transfusion and transmission of my consciousness to identify myself with the object; and I have often thought within the last five or six years, that if ever I should feel once again ...
— The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1838 • James Gillman

... with Jack's talents, if we had one now, would not dare to do the part in the same manner. He would instinctively avoid every turn which might tend to unrealize, and so to make the character fascinating. He must take his cue from his spectators, who would expect a bad man and a good man as rigidly opposed to each other as the deathbeds of those geniuses are contrasted in the prints, which I am sorry ...
— English literary criticism • Various

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