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Traduction   Listen
Traduction  n.  
Transmission from one to another. (Obs.) "Traditional communication and traduction of truths."
Translation from one language to another. (Obs.)
Derivation by descent; propagation. (R.) "If by traduction came thy mind, Our wonder is the less to find A soul so charming from a stock so good."
The act of transferring; conveyance; transportation. (R.) "The traduction of brutes."
Transition. (Obs.)
(Logic) A process of reasoning in which each conclusion applies to just such an object as each of the premises applies to.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Traduction" Quotes from Famous Books

... alone render appreciable to the consciousness? Undoubtedly every brain has its own set of moulds ready to shape all material of thought into its own individual set of patterns. If the mind comes into consciousness with a good set of moulds derived by "traduction," as Dryden called it, from a good ancestry, it may be all very well to give the counsel to the youth to plant himself on his instincts. But the individual to whom this counsel is given probably has dangerous as well ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)

... and manner of the odes of Pindar. 'If (says Cowley) a man should undertake to translate Pindar, word for word, it would be thought that one madman had translated another: as may appear, when he, that understands not the original, reads the verbal traduction of him into Latin prose, than which nothing seems more raving.' I then proceeded with his own free version of the second Olympic, composed for the charitable purpose of rationalizing the ...
— English Critical Essays - Nineteenth Century • Various

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