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Topiarian   Listen
Topiarian  adj.  Of or pertaining to the ornamental cutting and trimming of trees, hedges, etc.; practicing ornamental gardening. (R.) "The topiarian artist." "All the pedantries of the topiarian art."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Topiarian" Quotes from Famous Books

... loopholes, and dark downward crannies for dropping stones and fire on the besiegers, the relics of a more unsettled age: but the southern court of the ballium had become a flower-garden, with quaint terraces, statues, knots of flowers, clipped yews and hollies, and all the pedantries of the topiarian art. And toward the east, where the vista of the valley opened, the old walls were gone, and the frowning Norman keep, ruined in the Wars of the Roses, had been replaced by the rich and stately architecture of the Tudors. Altogether, the ...
— Westward Ho! • Charles Kingsley

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