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Thriftily   Listen
Thriftily  adv.  
In a thrifty manner.
Carefully; properly; becomingly. (Obs.) "A young clerk... in Latin thriftily them gret (greeted)."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Thriftily" Quotes from Famous Books

... giving a succession of reasons, such as the maid's unwillingness to marry, being but fifteen years of age, his own awkward position in seeming to crowd marriage upon her when she was so rich, etc., etc. The Downings had hoped to have thriftily two marriages in the family in one day, but the daughter Luce's affairs also halted. She had been enamoured of a Mr. Eyer, an unsuitable match. He had put out to sea, to the Downings' delight, but had returned at an unlucky time when she was on with a fresh suitor. Her mother ...
— Customs and Fashions in Old New England • Alice Morse Earle

... way, they were kind to her. She was sent to school regularly, and had plenty to eat and wear, of a certain sort. Every Spring, Aunt Matilda made the year's supply of underclothing, using for the purpose coarse, unbleached muslin, thriftily purchased by the bolt. The brown alpaca and brown gingham, in which she and her grandmother and aunt had been dressed ever since she could remember, were also bought by the piece. The fashion of the garments had not changed, for one way of making a gown was held to be as ...
— Master of the Vineyard • Myrtle Reed

Words linked to "Thriftily" :   thrifty

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