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Thrid  adj.  Third. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Thrid" Quotes from Famous Books

... pp. 174-88, a book entitled on the cover 'The Rekenyng of the Margett Cely,' and beginning, 'The first viage of the Margaret of London was to Seland in the yere of our Lord God m iiijciiijxxv. The secunde to Caleis and the thrid to Burdews ut videt. Md to se the pursers accomptes of ...
— Medieval People • Eileen Edna Power

... keep aloof Angels! I'm man and match,—this cudgel for my flail,— To thresh him, hoofs and horns, bat's wing and serpent's tail! A chance gone by! But then, what else does Hopeful ding Into the deafest ear except—hope, hope's the thing? Too late i' the day for me to thrid the windings: but There's still a way to win the race by death's short cut! Did Master Faithful need climb the Delightful Mounts? No, straight to Vanity Fair,—a fair, by all accounts, Such as is held outside,—lords, ladies, grand and gay,— Says he in the face of them, just ...
— Browning's England - A Study in English Influences in Browning • Helen Archibald Clarke

... finest blacke mould, tempered with Oxe dunge that you can get, so that then the hole shalbe but nine inches deepe, then you shall take your tree and place it vpon that earth, hauing care to open euery seuerall branch and thrid of the roote, & so to place them that they may all looke downe into the earth, and not any of them to looke backe and turne vpward: then shall you take of the earth from whence your tree was taken, ...
— The English Husbandman • Gervase Markham

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