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Temps   Listen
Temps  n.  Time. (Obs.)

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"Temps" Quotes from Famous Books

... Anarchist ideas into modern literature, and the influence, on the other hand, which the libertarian ideas of the best comtemporary writers have exercised upon the development of Anarchism. One ought to consult the ten big volumes of the Supplement litteraire to the paper La revolte and later the Temps nouveaux, which contain reproductions from the works of hundreds of modern authors expressing Anarchist ideas, in order to realize how closely Anarchism is connected with all the intellectual movement of our own times. J. S. Mill's ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... introduction was customary in all works of this order and period. The Byzantine MS., already alluded to, is prefaced still more singularly: "Que celui qui veut apprendre la science de la peinture commence a s'y preparer d'avance quelque temps en dessinant sans relache ... puis qu'il adresse a Jesus Christ la priere et oraison suivante," etc.:—the prayer being followed by a homily respecting envy, much resembling that of Theophilus. And we may rest assured ...
— On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) - A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature • John Ruskin

... sustained since the Norman Conquest. Of whom it may truly be said which a counsellor of his own spake of Henry the Third of France, "Qu'il estait tme fort gentile Prince; mais son reigne est advenu en une fort mauvais temps:" "He was a very gentle Prince; but his reign happened ...
— Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books - with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations • Charles W. Eliot

... and earnest hours; to taste the charm of his smiling philosophy, his picturesque conversation, full of exact ideas, all the more profound in that they were founded on experience and pointed or adorned by proverbs, adages, and anecdotes. Thanks to the daily reading of the "Temps," which one of his friends regularly sends him, Fabre is in touch with all the ideas of the day, and expresses his judgment of them; for example, he does not conceal his scepticism with regard to certain modern inventions, such as the aeroplane, whose novelty rather disturbs ...
— Fabre, Poet of Science • Dr. G.V. (C.V.) Legros

... the Americans find no difficulty in enjoying Christmas Day. Old forms and new notions come in for a share of observances; and the young country, in a glow of good humour, with one voice exclaims, "Le bon temps vienara!" ...
— Christmas: Its Origin and Associations - Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries • William Francis Dawson

... excuse their ignorance and inaccuracy by a species of execution which is a perpetual proclamation, "qu'ils n'ont demeure qu'un quart d'heure a le faire," we may reply with the truthful Alceste, "Monsieur, le temps ne fait ...
— Modern Painters Volume I (of V) • John Ruskin

... born naturally evil and worthy of punishment, a moral advance of humanity to perfection is plainly impossible. [Footnote: It may be added that, as G. Monod observed, "les hommes du moyen age n'avaient pas conscience des modifications successives que le temps apporte avec lui dans les choses humaines" (Revue ...
— The Idea of Progress - An Inquiry Into Its Origin And Growth • J. B. Bury

... disciple of Ravaisson, brought out—as has been already remarked [Footnote: Page 3.]—the significance of the operations of vital forces and of liberty. Guyau, whose brief life ended in 1888 and whose posthumous work La Genese de I'Idee de Temps was reviewed by Bergson two years after the publication of his own Time and Free Will, laid great stress on the intensification and expansion of life. Boutroux, in his work, has insisted upon ...
— Bergson and His Philosophy • J. Alexander Gunn

... Vous n'avez pas besoin d'un commentaire des actes de Colbert et de Louis XIV, et je n'ai pas besoin aupres de vous d'apologie. Ce que j'aurais l'honneur de vous dire, vous le savez deja; vous l'avez vu dans les textes des Manuscrits francais et de l'Essai historique. Je veux etre menager d'un temps que vous employez si utilement pour l'education de la jeunesse et ...
— Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 • Various

... est en general toujours constant, toujours le meme; son mouvement, toujours regulier, roule sur deux points inebranlables: l'un, la fecondite sans bornes donnee a toutes les especes; l'autre, les obstacles sans nombre qui reduisent cette fecondite a une mesure determinee et ne laissent en tout temps qu'a peu pres la meme quantite d'individus de chaque espece"... "Les especes les moins parfaites, les plus delicates, les plus pesantes, les moins agissantes, les moins armees, etc., ...
— Darwin and Modern Science • A.C. Seward and Others

... et communiquer durant ledit temps de dix ans, depuis le Cap de Raze jusques au quarantieme degre, comprenant toute la cote de la Cadie, terre et Cap Breton, Bayes de Sainct-Cler, de Chaleur, Ile Percee, Gachepe, Chinschedec, Mesamichi, Lesquemin, Tadoussac, et la riviere de Canada, tant d'un cote que d'aurre, ...
— Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, Vol. 1 • Samuel de Champlain

... October, Alexander appointed Vladan Georgevitch Prime Minister, and bade him form a Government. The merits or demerits of this Government we need not trouble about. What is of interest is that it was at once attacked by the French Press. The Temps accused Vladan of secret understandings with Goluchowsky and Kallay, before forming it. The Courier de Soir thought that "such a policy is the result of the Triple Alliance and is an offence to the balance of Europe." Serbia apparently ...
— Twenty Years Of Balkan Tangle • Durham M. Edith

... Tome des Histoires Tragiques, Le succez, & euenement desquelles est pour la plus part recueilly des choses aduenues de nostre temps, & le reste des histoires anciennes. Par F. de Belleforest Comingeois. A Lyon, Par les heritiers de Benoist Rigaud. ...
— Catalogue of the Books Presented by Edward Capell to the Library of Trinity College in Cambridge • W. W. Greg

... absolue, qui est la maladie de l'epoque, et qui resulte de principes abstraits, dont l'application est presque toujours funeste aux peuples qui l'eprouvent, ils ignoraient combien il est dans la nature des choses et dans le bien des nations de modifier l'organization sociale suivant le temps, les lieux, suivant le plus on moins grana degre de civilization, et d'apres mille circonstances, qui ne peuvent etre prevues d'avance, mais que le legislateur capable apprecie au moment ou il est appele a fonder la societe." On the cession of the Illyrian ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843 • Various

... 16: See Blanc: Napoleon Ier. Taine: Le regime moderne. Pasquier: Memoires, Histoire de mon temps. Meneval: Napoleon et Marie-Louise. V^te de Broc: La vie en France sous le premier empire. Metternich: ...
— The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte - Vol. III. (of IV.) • William Milligan Sloane

... woman. "To tell me go! I who was fille-de-chambre to une Grande Duchesse! Mon dieu! la chaleur est tres-incommode! Ingrat—parvenu! Un—deux—trois! Il est temps de se coucher." Helen had just touched her repeater, and with its soft, silvery chime, it struck three. Elise hurried away from the door, where she had lingered, in hopes of being recalled, to comfort herself with a glass of eau-de-sucre, ere she returned to her pillow. Helen got up and locked ...
— May Brooke • Anna H. Dorsey

... lui eut oppose ce qu'on trouve dans les anciens Poetes touchant la beaute de cet oiseau. Vossius a fait une Critique tres judicieuse de cette humeur contrariante de Scaliger, et a marque en meme temps en quoi ces deux Antagonistes etoient superieurs et inferieures, l'un a l'autre."—(Scaliger, in Exercitat., 246.) "Quia Cardanus psittacum commendarat a colorum varietate ac praeterea fulgore, quod et Appuleius facit in secundo ...
— Jerome Cardan - A Biographical Study • William George Waters

... harbour them. "Apprenez, Monsieur," he said angrily on one occasion to Dumouriez, who had accidentally referred to one of the "considerable" personages of the Court, "Apprenez qu'il n'y a pas de considerable ici, que la personne a laquelle je parle et pendant le temps ...
— Russia • Donald Mackenzie Wallace

... de la Ve Armee ne permettent pas de realiser le programme trace par le Marechal French et d'assurer a l'Armee Anglaise, en temps voulu, une aide efficace ...
— 1914 • John French, Viscount of Ypres

... is not made against it by its foes alone; the truth of it is admitted by some of its best friends. If Voltaire exclaims 'O metaphysique, metaphysique, nous sommes aussi avances qu'aux temps des Druides', Kant sadly admits the fact, sets himself to diagnose its cause, and if possible to discover or devise a remedy. Yet we must remember that it was philosophers who first descried those currents in the world of ...
— Progress and History • Various

... the King, a wealthy branch; tant soit peu philosophe, a ce qu'on dit; a traveller. They say he has a South American complexion. I knew him a boy; and his passion is to put together what Nature has unpieced, bones of fishes and animals. Il faut passer le temps. He adores the Deluge. Anything antediluvian excites him. He can tell us the "modes" of those days; and, if I am not very much misinformed, he still expects us to show him the very latest of these. Happily my milliner is back from Paris. Ay, and we have fossils in our neighbourhood, ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... marching, Denonville pretended that he meant only to hold a peace council at Fort Frontenac. "J'ai toujours publie que je n'allois qu'a l'assemblee generale projetee a Cataracouy (Fort Frontenac), J'ai toujours tenu ce discours jusqu'au temps de la marche." Denonville ...
— Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV • Francis Parkman

... actual picture as it must have appeared in all its freshness and purity. "Je n'hesiterais pas," he declares,[103] "a le proclamer le plus important des portraits du maitre, un chef-d'oeuvre ne le cedant a aucun portrait d'aucun pays ou d'aucun temps." ...
— Giorgione • Herbert Cook

... the Romante of the Roose turned into proese, moralized, by the french Molinet, and printed at Paris in the yere 1521, who hathe the same verses in these woordes in proese. AFranchise s'estoit prins vn ieune Bacheler de qui ne scay le nome, fors bell, en son temps filz du seigneure de Guindesore. Whiche yo{u} mighte have well seene, had you but remembered their orthographie, and that the latyne, Italiane, frenche, and spanyshe have no doble w, as the Dutche, the ...
— Animaduersions uppon the annotacions and corrections of some imperfections of impressiones of Chaucer's workes - 1865 edition • Francis Thynne

... the two realists was no doubt widely different. 'C'est en haine du realisme', wrote Flaubert, 'que j'ai entrepris ce roman. Mais je n'en deteste pas moins la fausse idealite, dont nous sommes berces par le temps qui ...
— Recent Developments in European Thought • Various

... the Carnival at Oberleutensdorf, and left at Dux a manuscript headed 'Passe temps de Jacques Casanova de Seingalt pour le carnaval de l'an 1792 dans le bourg d'Oberleutensdorf'. While in that city, meditating on the Faulkircher incident, he wrote also 'Les quinze pardons, monologue nocturne ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... 94. 2. St. Catharine of Sweden compiled a pious book, entitled, Sielinna Troest, that is, Consolation to the Soul, which fills one hundred and sixty-five leaves in folio, in a MS., on vellum, mentioned by Starnman, Sur l'Etat des Sciences en Suede, dans les temps recules. The saint modestly says in her preface, that as a bee gathers honey out of various flowers, and a physician makes choice of medicinal roots for the composition of his remedies, and a virgin makes up a garland out of a variety ...
— The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints - January, February, March • Alban Butler

... Autres temps, autres m[oe]urs! It is all but impossible for the modern reader to appreciate the audacity of Cain, or to realize the alarm and indignation which it aroused by its appearance. Byron knew that he was raising a ...
— The Works of Lord Byron - Poetry, Volume V. • Lord Byron

... n'a rien a faire Que de se gratter les doigts et se pencher sur mon epaule: "Dans mon pays il fera temps pluvieux, Du vent, du grand soleil, et de la pluie; C'est ce qu'on appelle le jour de lessive des gueux." (Bavard, baveux, a la croupe arrondie, Je te prie, au moins, ne bave pas dans la soupe). "Les saules trempes, et des bourgeons sur les ronces— C'est la, dans une averse, qu'on ...
— Poems • T. S. [Thomas Stearns] Eliot

... to bed for some nights, and begin a course of bark. I take nothing after my coffee, besides, except Orgeat. I have quite relinquished nasty Brooks's, as Lady C(arlisle) calls it. I am with the sexagenary of White's, et de cette maniere je passe le temps ...
— George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life • E. S. Roscoe and Helen Clergue

... eyes wistfully to the train, where, amid cries of "En voiture, en voiture!" heads were at windows and doors banging loud. The porter was pressing. "Ah vous n'avez plus le temps!" ...
— What Maisie Knew • Henry James

... est fait, je me marie, Je veux vivre comme un Caton. Il fut en temps pour la folie Il en est un pour la raison! [Footnote: Rough translation:— Yes! all is o'er, I'm going to wed, Like Cato I'm resolved to live. The time for youthful folly's sped, My life ...
— Memoirs • Prince De Joinville

... de temps suffit pour changer toutes choses! Nature au front serein, comme vous oubliez! Et comme vous brisez dans vos metamorphoses Les fils mysterieux ...
— Astronomy for Amateurs • Camille Flammarion

... ces connaissances soient des vrits striles propres seulement satisfaire une vaine curiosit, elles ont leur application aux travaux de la mtallurgie qui leur doivent la perfection o on les a ports depuis quelques temps." Holbach understood very clearly the utility of science in his scheme of increasing the store of human well-being, and would doubtless have translated other useful works had not other interests prevented. There is a MSS. note of his in the ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... he has shown it to be, 'properly speaking, a history in portraits'. The characters were drawn from familiar figures in French society. 'Ainsi s'explique', says Cousin, 'l'immense succes du Cyrus dans le temps ou il parut. C'etait une galerie des portraits vrais et frappants, mais un peu embellis, ou tout ce qu'il y avait de plus illustre en tout genre—princes, courtisans, militaires, beaux-esprits, et surtout jolies femmes—allaient se chercher et se reconnaissaient avec un plaisir ...
— Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles • Various

... continued this policy to date. Jean Grave, once a shoemaker and now a celebrated anarchist, was condemned to six months in La Sante prison for an offensive article in his paper, Les Temps Nouveaux. Such is the liberty allowed a political that while serving this sentence he was given paper and materials with which to write another objectionable article, called "La Societe Mourante et 1'Anarchie," for the publication of which ...
— Jailed for Freedom • Doris Stevens

... conclusive as far as England and France were concerned. Lloyd George swung over instantly to the President's side, and on the following day Le Temps carried this ...
— Woodrow Wilson as I Know Him • Joseph P. Tumulty

... de ces syllabes sales Qui dans les plus beaux mots produisent des scandales; Ces jouets eternels des sots de tous les temps; Ces fades lieux-communs de nos mechants plaisants; Ces sources d'un amas d'equivoques infames, Dont on vient faire insulte a la pudeur des femmes." (MOLIERE, Les ...
— The Romance of Words (4th ed.) • Ernest Weekley

... partly pour passer le temps, partly because I really want to hear 'The Outlaws Isle' performed, and all under protest that the windmill will soon be swept away ...
— The Long Vacation • Charlotte M. Yonge

... les noms d'Abelard et d'Heloise embellissent toujours ce delicieux ravage. On interroge avec une curiosite avide ces roches eternelles et ces grottes mysterieuses qui furent les temoins discrets de leurs peines et de leurs plaisirs. On se reporte a ces temps recules ou ces amants venaient dans cette solitude enchanteresse, se confier mutuellement leur vifs inquietudes; on croit les voir s'egarer sous ces riants ombrages, et s'abandonner a toutes les inspirations de l'eloquence, a toutes les illusions ...
— A Visit to the Monastery of La Trappe in 1817 • W.D. Fellowes

... fine fellow—a splendid dog, indeed; very tall for a thorough-bred; and now you'll not forget, seven, 'temps ...
— The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Vol. 1 • Charles James Lever

... Frederic. L'organisation de la famille. Selon le vrai modele signale par l'histoire de toutes les races et de tous les temps. Paris, 1871. ...
— Introduction to the Science of Sociology • Robert E. Park

... sorcelerie estoit la meilleure religion.—Ieanne Dibasson aagee de vingt neuf ans nous dict que le sabbat estoit le vray Paradis, ou il y a beaucoup plus de plaisir qu'on ne peut exprimer. Que ceux qui y vont trouuent le temps si court a force de plaisir & de contentem[e]t, qu'ils n'en peuuent sortir sans vn merveilleux regret, de maniere qu'il leur tarde infiniment qu'ils n'y reuiennent.—Marie de la Ralde, aagee de vingt huict ans, tres belle femme, depose qu'elle auoit vn singulier plaisir d'aller au sabbat, ...
— The Witch-cult in Western Europe - A Study in Anthropology • Margaret Alice Murray

... le secretaire a fait part d'une lettre de Monsieur Humphreys, ancien colonel au service des Etats-Unis, par laquelle il demande trois medailles pour Messieurs Washington, le general Gates et le general Green. Il envoie en meme temps des renseignements sur les actions de ...
— The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876 • J. F. Loubat

... with its broils, its pastimes, its intrigues;—these, by a mental sorcery long forgotten, were made to involve a wilderness of sensation, a world of rich incident, an universe of varied emotion, of excitement the most passionate and spirit-stirring. "Oh, le bon temps, ...
— Selections From Poe • J. Montgomery Gambrill

... in the Temps. England will not apply the brakes. Mr. Winston Churchill, to be sure, lauds the care-free fortune of his fatherland, which even after Trafalgar, he says, did not command the seas as freely as today; but in his inmost heart even this "savior of Calais" does not cheat himself ...
— New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 2, May, 1915 - April-September, 1915 • Various

... plus incommode et le plus disgracieux, que la mode ait jamais invente, c'est surtout au milieu des champs que tous ses inconvenients et toutes ses laideurs revoltent.... Au milieu de ce cadre austere et grandiose, qui transporte l'imagination au temps de la poesie primitive, apparaisse cette mouche parasite, le monsieur aux habits noirs, au menton rase, aux mains gantees, aux jambes maladroites, et ce roi de la societe n'est plus qu'un accident ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 27, January, 1860 • Various

... which have been consulted for the poetry of Sir Philip Sidney and the times in which he lived are—Vol. I. of An English Garner; M. Jusserand's Roman du Temps de Shakespere, and a very interesting essay on Sir Philip Sidney and his works, published in ...
— Penshurst Castle - In the Days of Sir Philip Sidney • Emma Marshall

... le temps n'est pas eloigne ou l'on saura apprecier au Chili le patriotisme et l'energie, dont le Colonel Tupper ...
— The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock • Ferdinand Brock Tupper

... chateau de l'Andalousie, Au temps ou l'amour se montrait constant, Ou Beaute, Valeur, et Galanterie Guidait aux combats un fidele amant, Un beau chevalier un soir se presente, Visiere baissee, et la lance en main; Il vient demander si sa douce amante N'est pas (par hasard) chez ...
— Records of a Girlhood • Frances Anne Kemble

... spirit or of variety in the dancing at Morrison's. From Mr. Snodder, the exciseman, who danced the original old-fashioned trois-temps, to young Bucklebury, of the Bank, who stationed himself immediately underneath the central chandelier, and spun rapidly round with his partner upon his own axis, like a couple of beetles impaled upon ...
— The Firm of Girdlestone • Arthur Conan Doyle

... bien dire que, de son temps, ni beaucoup avant, il ne s'est point trouve de plus triomphante princesse, car elle etait belle, bonne, douce et courtoise, a toutes gens. Le Loyal Serviteur Histoire du bon Chevalier, le seigneur de Bayard, ...
— Lucretia Borgia - According to Original Documents and Correspondence of Her Day • Ferdinand Gregorovius

... magico-religious notion of sanctity, of mana, appeared in the idea and notation of time. This has been shown by Hubert in his profound analysis of La representation du temps dans la religion et la magie (Progr. ec. des Hautes-Etudes), 1905 Melanges hist. des rel., Paris, ...
— The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism • Franz Cumont

... time Hector Malot resolved not to write fiction any more. He announced this determination in a card published in the journal, 'Le Temps,' May 25, 1895—It was then maliciously stated that "M. Malot his retired from business after having accumulated a fortune." However, he took up his pen again and published a history of his literary life: Le Roman de mes Romans (1896); besides two volumes ...
— Conscience, Complete • Hector Malot

... "Buvons, amis, le temps s'enfuit, Menageons bien ce court espace. Peut-etre une eternelle nuit Eteindra le jour ...
— Ebrietatis Encomium - or, the Praise of Drunkenness • Boniface Oinophilus

... has its cannon pointed (full of grapeshot); thrice applies the lit flambeau; which thrice refuses to catch,—the touchholes are so wetted; and voices cry: "Arretez, il n'est pas temps encore, Stop, it is not yet time!" (Deux Amis, iii. 192-201.) Messieurs of the Garde-du-Corps, ye had orders not to fire; nevertheless two of you limp dismounted, and one war-horse lies slain. Were it not well to draw back out of shot-range; finally to file off,—into the ...
— The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle

... slandering Lowe's character, the Czar Alexander met his step-daughter, the Countess Balmain, at Verona, and in reference to Sir Hudson's painful duties at St. Helena, said of him: "Je l'estime beaucoup. Je l'ai connu dans les temps critiques."[560] ...
— The Life of Napoleon I (Volumes, 1 and 2) • John Holland Rose

... temps j'ai regarde comme injustes et impolitiques les mesures qui etablissaient entre les citoyens d'une meme nation des differences de qualifications sociales fondees sur la diversite des croyances religieuses. Comme roi j'ai soutenu ce principe, et je vous ai deja temoigne plusieurs fois combien ...
— Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question • Lucien Wolf

... peuplade par ou vous voyagez, vous laisse rarement parler seul aux Indiens. Lorsque vous parlez en sa presence a quelque Indien qui entend un peu le Castillan, si ce Religieux trouve mauvais que vous conversiez trop long-temps avec ce Naturel, il lui fait entendre dans la langue du pays, de ne vous point repondre en Castillan, mais dans sa langue: l'Indien obeit." ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 • Emma Helen Blair

... Philippe Auguste II. of France, of Richard Coeur de Lion and of Alfonso II. of Aragon, with that of many smaller nobles. The biography says of him, "E fo faitz seigner de la cort del Puoi Santa Maria e de dar l'esparvier. Lone temps ac la seignoria de la cort del Puoi, tro que la cortz se perdet." "He was made president of the court of Puy Sainte Marie and of awarding the sparrow-hawk. For a long time he held the presidency of the court of Puy, until the court was ...
— The Troubadours • H.J. Chaytor

... prince, says Noailles, "fust souldainement mesne au gibet par ceulx de la part du Roy et de M. Wyatt; et sans quelques hommes qui tout a propoz y accoururent, ils l'eussent estrangle; ce que se peult clairement juger par les marques qu'il en a et aura encores d'icy a long temps au col."—Noailles to Montmorency: ...
— The Reign of Mary Tudor • James Anthony Froude

... qui y perit jeune malgre toutes sortes de menegemens, ne feroit qu s'y montrer s'il etoit oblige d'y cultiver son champ de ses propres mains. Pour tirer parti de cette colonie, l'on doit donc proteger l'importation des Negres qui y sont en trop petit nombre; mais il est en meme temps de l'interet du Gouvernement, de veiller a ce que les habitans n'y abusent pas du pouvoir que la loi et droit de propriete ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917 • Various

... assented. "But a man is never so tenacious of his rights as when he hasn't any. However, autres temps, autres moeurs. I don't suppose you'll have any trouble of that kind. Certainly, I hope not, ...
— McClure's Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 5, April, 1896 • Various

... generalment jusqu'a ces derniers temps, que les negres avoient moins de capacite morale que les blancs; des auteurs meme estimables l'ont imprime.[4] Ce prejuge commence a disparoitre; les etats du nord pourroient fournir des exemples du contraire. Je ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916 • Various

... smallest French Coin; and assisted in the Song which the Man called out beforehand (as they do Hymns at Church), and of which I enclose you the poor little Copy. 'Le Bon Pasteur, s'il vous plait'—I suppose the Circumstances: the 'beau temps,' the pleasant Boulevards, the then so amiable People, all contributed to the effect this Song had upon me; anyhow, it has constantly revisited my memory for these forty-three years; and I was thinking, the other day, touched me more than any of ...
— Letters of Edward FitzGerald to Fanny Kemble (1871-1883) • Edward FitzGerald

... 6th, 10 P.M.—I am writing in bed in my lovely little room overlooking the garden, and facing some nice red roofs and both the old Towers of the town (one dating from le temps des Espagnols) in le Chateau, instead of in my attic in the narrow street where you heard the tramp of the men who viennent des tranches in the night. We had a lovely dinner, served by the fat and tres aimable Marie in a small, panelled dining-room, with old ...
— Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front, 1914-1915 • Anonymous

... perhaps, so fateful—and also so vain. War is one of the gifts of life; but, alas! no war appears so very necessary when time has laid its soothing hand upon the passionate misunderstandings and the passionate desires of great peoples. "Le temps," as a distinguished Frenchman has said, "est un galant homme." He fosters the spirit of concord and justice, in whose work there is as much glory to be reaped as ...
— The Mirror of the Sea • Joseph Conrad

... authorities for the period are Masson: Napoleon inconnu. Chuquet: La jeunesse de Napoleon. Jung: Bonaparte et son temps. Boehtlingk: Napoleon Bonaparte: seine Jugend und sein Emporkommen. Las Cases: Memorial de Sainte-Helene. Antommarchi: Memoires. Coston: Premieres annees de Napoleon, Nasica: Memoires sur l'enfance et ...
— The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte - Vol. I. (of IV.) • William Milligan Sloane

... 'both were so young, and one so beautiful!' ... I was but a penniless cornet in those days—hardly more than a boy. Happily an unsuspecting Frenchman of good family was there who had loved her long, and she married him. 'Il etait temps!' ... ...
— Peter Ibbetson • George du Marier et al

... comfort is that I have never forgiven the brothers who interfered so cruelly, in such an uncalled-for manner, between my dear husband and myself. To quote my friend Monsieur Sganarelle—"Ce sont petites choses qui sont de temps en temps necessaires dans l'amitie; et cinq ou six coups d'epee entre gens qui s'aiment ne font que ragaillardir l'affection." You observe the colouring is not quite what it ...
— Curious, if True - Strange Tales • Elizabeth Gaskell

... Shakespeare' (Paris, 1828, 2 vols.), was the last French critic of repute to repeat Voltaire's censure unreservedly. Guizot, in his discourse 'Sur la Vie et les OEuvres de Shakespeare' (reprinted separately from the translation of 1821), as well as in his 'Shakespeare et son Temps' (1852), Villemain in a general essay, {350b} and Barante in a study of 'Hamlet,' {350c} acknowledge the mightiness of Shakespeare's genius with comparatively few qualifications. Other complete translations followed—by Francisque Michel (1839), by Benjamin ...
— A Life of William Shakespeare - with portraits and facsimiles • Sidney Lee

... suspected," continues Sir Samuel in his narrative, "and on my questioning them again about Lord Hood, one of them replied, 'Soyez tranquille, les Anglais sont de braves gens, nous les traitons bien; l'amiral anglais est sorti il y a quelque temps.'" ...
— The Lieutenant and Commander - Being Autobigraphical Sketches of His Own Career, from - Fragments of Voyages and Travels • Basil Hall

... le Comte de Neuilly qui, se rappelant vos anciennes bontes, vient chercher sous ses auspices, un asyle et une retraite paisible et aussi eloignee de tout rapport politique que celle dont il y a joui dans d'autres temps, et dont il a toujours precieusement conserve ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria

... appears to me that these letters relate to some liaison of the gentleman's youth; though I am fain to confess myself surprised to discover that, even in a period notorious for looseness of morals, a man should enter into such details in a correspondence with his sister. Autres temps, autres moeurs. I have selected my extracts with great care, and hope that you may be able to make more use of them than I can at present imagine possible. I shall post this letter and enclosure with my own hands, though in order to do so I must pass the Black Swan. I shall despatch ...
— Charlotte's Inheritance • M. E. Braddon

... Et, depuis ce temps, nous avons ete de vieux amis. Non seulement nous passions nos journees au jury, ou nous etions toujours ensemble, cote-a-cote. Mais nos habitudes s'etaient faites telles que, non contents de dejeuner en face l'un de l'autre, je le ramenais diner presque ...
— Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin • Robert Louis Stevenson

... les esprits d'un certain ordre n'est souvent qu'une grande vue prise hors du temps et du lieu, et ne gardant aucun rapport reel avec les objets environnants. Le propre de certaines prunelles ardentes est de franchir du regard les intervalles et de les supprimer. Tantot c'est une idee qui retarde de plusieurs siecles, et que ces vigoureux esprits se figurent encore presente ...
— On Compromise • John Morley

... Francs-Peronnais Auront bon jour, Toujours et en tout temps Francs-Peronnais auront ...
— Everyman's Land • C. N. Williamson and A. M. Williamson

... devoirs de l'homme la reconnaissance envers les generations qui nous ont precedes dans la tombe, en nous laissant le fruit de leurs pensees et de leurs travaux? Certes la religion des ancetres est de tous les temps et de tous les climats; elle est meme chez certains peuples orientaux la religion unique; mais en quel pas les liens entre les morts et les vivants sont-ils plus forts qu'en France, les deuils plus solennels ...
— Defenders of Democracy • The Militia of Mercy

... grace s'il se peut, defier l'ennemi, connaitre l'aventure, jouer ce qui a peu dure, ce qui est encore illusion, reve, ambition, ce qui est encore une beaute, o jeunesse, voila ce que vous aimez! Vous n'etes pas liee, vous n'etes pas fanee, vous pouvez courir le monde.—RENE BAZIN, Recits du temps ...
— Leaves from a Field Note-Book • J. H. Morgan

... du Merveilleux dans les Temps modernes, Figuier, speaking of Cagliostro about this period of his ...
— The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry • M. M. Pattison Muir

... of age accompanied by her father in the same box with me, and I observed to her, "Ou est donc l'Ogre? il parait que l'on en a fait un Seigneur feodal." "Oui, monsieur (she replied), et avec raison, car ils etaient bien les Ogres de ce temps la." I entered into a long conversation with my fair neighbour and found her well informed and well educated, with great good sense and knowledge of the world far beyond her years. She told me that she had begun to study English and that her father was a miniature painter. I took leave ...
— After Waterloo: Reminiscences of European Travel 1815-1819 • Major W. E Frye

... mental sorcery long forgotten, were made to involve a wilderness of sensation, a world of rich incident, a universe of varied emotion, of excitement the most passionate and spirit-stirring, 'Oh, le bon temps, ...
— Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works • Edgar Allan Poe

... early copies none seems so attractive as that engraved on the leaden plates which Pausanias saw at Ascra. Then, in modern times, what "great allies" has the collector, what brethren in book-hunting? The names are like the catalogue with which Villon fills his "Ballade des Seigneurs du Temps Jadis." A collector was "le preux Charlemaigne" and our English Alfred. The Kings of Hungary, as Mathias Corvinus; the Kings of France, and their queens, and their mistresses, and their lords, were all amateurs. So was our Henry VIII., and James I., who "wished he could be chained to ...
— The Library • Andrew Lang

... Scurvy and the rigours of the first winter carried off thirty-five colonists out of a total of seventy-nine. The winter of 1606-1607 was happily much less severe; moreover, Champlain's "Ordre de Bon-Temps," and Lescarbot's wit and gaiety contributed to cheer the shivering exiles. In the spring, however, the first ship from St. Malo brought bad news from France. The enemies of De Monts at home had triumphed, and had persuaded the ...
— Old Quebec - The Fortress of New France • Sir Gilbert Parker and Claude Glennon Bryan

... journal as the place where the friendly Indians showed him their fish-hooks made of barbed bone lashed to wood, but which has become better known as Plymouth Bay where the Pilgrims landed fifteen years later—there instead of Port Royal, where even Lescarbot's "Ordre de Bon- Temps" could not overcome the evil reports in France concerning a "churlish wilderness"! Or if Champlain, instead of seeking later the Rock of Quebec—whose rugged charms he could not forget even in the presence of the site of Boston or in the ...
— The French in the Heart of America • John Finley

... objet etait de profiter de ce moment d'alarme pour que la flottille, agissant en meme temps, put detruire celle des Turcs. Un troisieme motif, et vraisemblablement le plus plausible, etait de jeter la consternation parmi les Turcs, et de les engager a capituler."—Hist. de ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron

... of the village we noticed a peasant planting seeds in the little garden in front of his house. The earth had all been dug and raked smooth by a boy and a couple of children. To our "Bon jour" he replied, and added "Il fait bon temps n'est ce pas?" looking up at the sun ...
— On the Fringe of the Great Fight • George G. Nasmith

... so, they never made a bigger mistake in their vie. The meal closed with general expressions of good-feeling. A little bird has whispered to us that there will be no more parties at the De Smythes' pour long-temps. ...
— Literary Lapses • Stephen Leacock

... d'or, ceins ton riche bandeau, Jeune et divine poesie, Quoique ces temps d'orage eclipsent ton flambeau. * * * * * * La liberte du genie et de l'art T'ouvre tous les tresors. Ta grace auguste et fiere De nature et d'eternite Fleurit. Tes pas sont grands. Ton front ceint de lumiere ...
— The French Revolution - A Short History • R. M. Johnston

... rhythmic and sprightly dance of exactly 8 measures (an old French Tambourin taken from Weckerlin's Echos du Temps Passe) we see clearly the influence of the metrical stanza of words and of the balanced phrases in the instrumental part, necessary to accompany the steps of the dancers. The melody of the accompaniment was played ...
— Music: An Art and a Language • Walter Raymond Spalding

... destroyed in the Revolution, but the two statues were saved. They are of white marble, and are placed on a monumental slab, side by side, with this inscription: "De tous temps la fidelite Bretonne rendit hommage a ses souverains." Duke John II. is represented in a hauberk of mail, the hood turned back, with cotte d'armes, shield, and sword. Duke John III. has his head encircled ...
— Brittany & Its Byways • Fanny Bury Palliser

... compelled to walk, bitterly as did the sedan-chairmen of Bath before the days of Beau Nash. Of course the Quitandeira, or market-woman, holds her own. The rest of the street population seems to consist of negro "infantry" and black Portuguese pigs, gaunt and long- legged. The favourite passe-temps is to lie prone in sun or shade, chattering and smoking the cachimbo, a heavy clay pipe, with peculiar stem—"to sleep supine," say the Arabs, "is the position of saints; on the dexter side, of kings; on the sinister, of learned men; and on ...
— Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton

... the Temps. I was surprised. Why the Temps, a serious, sombre, doctrinaire, impartial ...
— Maupassant Original Short Stories (180), Complete • Guy de Maupassant

... Le temps passe. Tout meurt. Le marbre m[^e]me s'use. Argrigente n'est plus qu'une ombre, et Syracuse Dort sous le bleu ...
— Confessions of a Book-Lover • Maurice Francis Egan

... Broadwood's, we may conclude that he also appreciated the pianos of this firm. In a letter dated London, 48, Dover Street, May 6, 1848, he writes to Gutmann: "Erard a ete charmant, il m'a fait poser un piano. J'ai un de Broadwood et un de Pleyel, ce qui fait 3, et je ne trouve pas encore le temps pour les jouer." And in a letter dated Edinburgh, August 6, and Calder House, August 11, he writes to Franchomme: "I have a Broadwood piano in my room, and the Pleyel of Miss Stirling ...
— Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks

... was heard, and the call for the password was answered again by the shout of "Il est temps ...

... world is a great body, which has sense, spirit, and reason;" that "matter, in appearance the most cold and insensible, is in reality animated, and capable of engendering thought." It might be amusing, were it not melancholy, to refer to one of his proofs of this position: "Une horologe mesure le temps; certes, c'est la un effet intellectuel produit par une cause physique!"[111] His grand principle is the doctrine of what he calls "Unisubstancisme," and it is applied equally to the nature of God and the soul of man. God is ...
— Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws • James Buchanan

... 'Ainsi le bon temps regretons Entre nous, pauvres vieilles sottes, Assises has, a croppetons, Tout en ung tas comme pelottes; A petit feu de chenevottes Tost allumees, tost estainctes. Et jadis fusmes si mignottes! Ainsi en ...
— Harvard Classics Volume 28 - Essays English and American • Various

... regular annual ephemerides the earliest, so far as I am aware, is the Connaissance des Temps or French Nautical Almanac. The first issue was in the year 1679, by Picard, and it has been continued without interruption to the present time. Its early numbers were, of course, very small, and meagre in their details. They were issued by the astronomers of ...
— Side-lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science • Simon Newcomb

... wrote two comedies—"L'Oublieux" in 1691, and "Les Fontanges." These were not printed till 1868. They added nothing to his reputation. Between 1691 and 1697 were composed the immortal "Histoires ou Contes du Temps Passe" and the "Contes en Vers." Toward the end of his life he busied himself with the "Eloges des Hommes Illustres du Siecle de Louis XIV." The first of these two stately volumes came out in 1696 and ...
— The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault • Charles Perrault

... fiacres drive madly through the streets conveying women, flashing with jewels and as beautiful as dreams, from opera and concert, and the little bijou supper rooms of the Cafe Tout le Temps are filled with laughing groups, while bon mots, persiflage and repartee fly upon the air—the ...
— Rolling Stones • O. Henry

... of THAIS; where, between his Exit and the Entrance of PYTHIAS (who comes to give an ample relation of the garboils he has raised within), PARMENO who was left upon the stage, has not above five lines to speak. C'est bien employe, un temps si court! says the French poet, who furnished me with ...
— An English Garner - Critical Essays & Literary Fragments • Edited by Professor Arber and Thomas Seccombe

... patricienne de Florence (qui avoit fourni dix Gonfaloniers de Justice a cette republique, et place ses armes sur les monnaies de l'etat), fut un des derniers defenseurs de la liberte de sa patrie, et un des meilleurs capitaines de son temps. En 1529, il defendit le fort de Spello, en Toscane, contre les troupes liguees du pape et de l'Empereur Charles Quint. Il obligea le prince d'Orange, qui les commandait, a se retirer, et se distingua aussi ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 74, March 29, 1851 • Various

... est certain que les grands mangeurs de viande sont en general cruels et feroces plus que les autres hommes. Cette observation est de tous les lieux, et de tous les temps: la barbarie Angloise est connue, &c. Emile de Rousseau, tom. i. p. 274. Whatever we may think of the general observation, we shall not easily allow the truth of his example. The good-natured complaints of Plutarch, ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 2 • Edward Gibbon

... all men in the world LES ANGLAIS are the most impatient of obeying anybody.] Mais si ce sont-la les Anglais de l'Europe, c'est encore plus les Anglais d'Amerique. Une grande partie de ces Colons sont les enfans de ces hommes qui s'expatrierent dans ces temps de trouble ou l'ancienne Angleterre, en proie aux divisions, etait attaquee dans ses privileges et droits; et allerent chercher en Amerique une terre ou ils pussent vivre et mourir libres et presque independants:—et ces enfans n'ont pas degenere des sentimens republicains ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XIX. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... they can manage thus to summarise their several points and merits, during the pauses of the Trois Temps, or while nailing "a rover" at croquet, or, mayhap, when promenading ...
— She and I, Volume 1 • John Conroy Hutcheson

... revoltes en 1666, les Hollandois etoient restes les maitres de toute cette etendue de cotes entre Sillebar et Baros, ou ils etablirent divers comptoirs, dont celui de Padang est le principal depuis 1667. Le commandant, qui y reside, est en meme temps Stadhouder (Lieutenant) de l'Empereur de Maningcabo, a qui la Compagnie a cede, sous diverses restrictions & limitations, la souverainete sur tous les peuples qui babitent le ...
— The History of Sumatra - Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And - Manners Of The Native Inhabitants • William Marsden

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