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Tartareous   Listen
Tartareous, Tartarean  adj.  Of or pertaining to Tartarus; hellish.

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"Tartareous" Quotes from Famous Books

... see and touch your own soul, as you do see and touch your body, believe in it. Deny and reject this principle, and the world will continue to suffer from its belief in gorgons, demons, spectres, gods, and monsters; in Tartarean regions and torments of damned spirits. Adopt it, and life flows undisturbed by visionary fears, and death comes as a long and welcome sleep, upon which no ...
— Zenobia - or, The Fall of Palmyra • William Ware

... that any should have had the hardihood to persist. For it could not have been alone the privation, the infinite toil, the unending suspense in constant menace of death that assaulted their courage; these they had looked for; it was rather the unlifted gloom of those tartarean depths, the unspeakable horrors of an endless valley of the shadow of death, in ...
— The Life Radiant • Lilian Whiting

... a subterranean observer, could such a person have been possible, would have seen Miss Josey most unromantically astride of a limb, half way up the big Tartarean cherry tree overhanging the smoke-house, appropriating those pulpy little purple globes at a most luxurious rate, and staining her cherry lips and her white fingers very nearly of the same color. Susy ...
— Shoulder-Straps - A Novel of New York and the Army, 1862 • Henry Morford

... Reality any longer existed but only Phantasms of realities, and God's Universe were the work of the Tailor and Upholsterer mainly, and men were buckram masks that went about becking and grimacing there,—on a sudden, the Earth yawns asunder, and amid Tartarean smoke, and glare of fierce brightness, rises SANSCULOTTISM, many-headed, fire-breathing, and asks: What think ye of me? Well may the buckram masks start together, terror-struck; 'into expressive well-concerted groups!' It is indeed, Friends, a most singular, ...
— The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle

... and with some probability, that the "bird" was a nautilus; but the wild traditions concerning the barnacle-goose may perhaps have been the base of the fable. The albatross also was long supposed never to touch land. Possible the barnacle, like the barometz of Tartarean lamb, may be a survivor of the day when the animal and vegetable kingdoms had not yet branched off ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 6 • Richard F. Burton

... of Holy Writ, and begged that they might be no longer bored with Scripture. Thoroughly satisfied by their singular way of thinking that his guests were diabolical, paterfamilias cries out in Latin worthy of Father Tom, "Apagite, vos scelerati nebulones!" This said, the tartarean impostor and his companions at once vanished with a great tumult, leaving behind them a most unpleasant foetor and the bodies of three men who had been hanged. Perhaps if the clergyman-cure were faithfully tried upon the next fortune-hunting ...
— Among My Books - First Series • James Russell Lowell

... the white-arm'd Queen refuse; She took the oath requir'd; and call'd by name On all the Titans, sub-Tartarean Gods: Then, sworn and ratified the oath, they pass'd From Lemnos, and from Imbros, veil'd in cloud, Skimming their airy way; on Lectum first, In spring-abounding Ida, nurse of beasts, The sea they left, and journey'd o'er the land, While wav'd beneath their feet the lofty woods. There ...
— The Iliad • Homer

... din, Olympian brattle, The bursting bomb, the thousand-throated cheer Tartarean roar, the volleyed rifle rattle, The rocket's lightning line of fire and fear. I sought my fate 'mid foes in brilliant battle, Gorging with souls the hungry atmosphere; I find my fate from one cold coward's command, A dozen ...
— Soldier Songs and Love Songs • A.H. Laidlaw

... Against the Obstructor; when to meet the noise Of his 'iniquitous' engine, he shall hear Ulsterian thunder; and for lightning set Green fire and rockets shot with equal rage Among his 'items;' and his seat itself Shake with Tartarean tactics, 'dirty tricks,' His own ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 104, March 18, 1893 • Various

... m. tapestry. tararear hum. tardar(se) delay, take long, be long in coming, tarry. tarde adv. late, too late; se hace —— it is growing late. tarde f. afternoon, evening. tardo, -a slow, tardy, sluggish. tarifa f. tariff, price. tartreo, -a Tartarean, infernal. te pron. pers. thee, thyself. tea f. torch. techo m. roof, ceiling. tejer weave, contrive. temblar tremble at, fear, quiver, twitch, tremble. temblor m. trembling, tremor, shiver. tembloroso, -a trembling. temer fear. ...
— El Estudiante de Salamanca and Other Selections • George Tyler Northup

... possessions he now has. Nay, many would foresee for the Indian, through the consummation of his enfranchisement, naught but gloom and sorest plight. These would invest their picture with the sombrest hues; and, making this assume, under their pessimist delineation, blackest Tartarean aspect, would crown it with the exhibition of the Indian, as one sunken, at the instance of the white, in extremest depths of human sorrow; as plunged, engulphed, and detained in a horrible slough of degradation and misery. Such would, in short, ...
— A Treatise on the Six-Nation Indians • James Bovell Mackenzie

... Alcides-like than ever,—the rather as hopes of any success have sunk lower than ever. A modern Alcides, appointed to confront Tartarus itself, and be victorious over the Three-headed Dog. Daun, Lacy, Loudon coming on you simultaneously, open-mouthed, are a considerable Tartarean Dog! Soldiers judge that the King's resources of genius were extremely conspicuous on this occasion; and to all men it is in evidence that seldom in the Arena of this Universe, looked on by the idle Populaces and by the eternal Gods and Antigods (called Devils), did a Son of Adam ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XX. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

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