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Swale   Listen
Swale  n.  A valley or low place; a tract of low, and usually wet, land; a moor; a fen. (Prov. Eng. & Local, U.S.)

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"Swale" Quotes from Famous Books

... interpose again there came sudden and stirring interruption. From a point far down the "swale," from behind the low bank of the stream bed, three rifle shots rang out on the crisp morning air. The horse of the leading flanker, away out to the right, reared and plunged violently, the rider seeming vainly ...
— A Daughter of the Sioux - A Tale of the Indian frontier • Charles King

... On either side of the road, for a mile before you reached the foot of the hill, stood tall osage orange hedges, their glossy green marking off the yellow fields. South of the hill, in a low, sheltered swale, surrounded by a mulberry hedge, was the orchard, its fruit trees knee-deep in timothy grass. Any one thereabouts would have told you that this was one of the richest farms on the Divide, and that the farmer ...
— O Pioneers! • Willa Cather

... Chairman. Ever since the Scheme of 1864 the Governing Body had been an exceedingly strong one. In addition to those already mentioned there were at different times Mr. Morrison, Mr. C. S. Roundell, Rev. H. I. Swale, and Mr. John Birkbeck, junior. All these men took a great individual interest in the School and as a body ...
— A History of Giggleswick School - From its Foundation 1499 to 1912 • Edward Allen Bell

... after planting some seeds, was clearing a road through a black ash swale and flat lands on our west section line, running north one mile, which let us out to the point mentioned, one mile south of Dearbornville. We blazed the section line trees over, cleared out the old logs and brush, then felled trees lengthwise towards each other, sometimes two together, to walk on ...
— The Bark Covered House • William Nowlin

... of the mountains fail My mansion with its arbour shall endure, —The joy of them who till the fields of Swale, And them who dwell ...
— Lyrical Ballads with Other Poems, 1800, Vol. 2 • William Wordsworth

... asked Dick, rising in his stirrups and pointing to two or three figures of horsemen, down in a little swale, or valley. They were evidently engaged in some lively occupation, for they were riding rapidly to and fro, and from a fire, about which knelt three figures, ...
— The Boy Ranchers - or Solving the Mystery at Diamond X • Willard F. Baker

... of those vast mountains we passed with the help of our guide, till we came into the forest of Swale; and finding ourselves perfectly concealed here, for no soldier had ever been here all the war, nor perhaps would not, if it had lasted seven years, we thought we wanted a few days' rest, at least for our horses. So we resolved to halt; ...
— Memoirs of a Cavalier • Daniel Defoe

... glistening cottonwoods among the tall, rank swale-grass and rough-leaved yellow-weed, the picnic party came to a halt and the merry children swarmed down over the wagon wheels, eager to begin their day's frolic beside the ...
— Tabitha at Ivy Hall • Ruth Alberta Brown

... low bushes which still grew, for some distance, along the swale that formed the thicket on which the camp of Ishmael had rested, caught his ear, at the moment, and cut short the soliloquy. The habits of so many years, spent in the wilderness, caused the old man to bring his rifle to a poise, with something like the activity and promptitude of his ...
— The Prairie • J. Fenimore Cooper

... stock in green vegetation and matters of that kind; I had seen too much of it in the last two days fade away into nothing—nothing but blistering, damned sand. And so I wouldn't believe the cool reeds and the sparkling water until I had dipped down through a little swale and was actually fighting my horse back from the brink. I knew enough to do that, mind you, and to fight back the two mules so that they drank just a little at a time—a little at a time; and all the while I had to wait, with my tongue like sand in my mouth. Over ...
— The Best Short Stories of 1915 - And the Yearbook of the American Short Story • Various

... the ground carefully. Billie joined him. In the soft sand of the wash were tracks of horses' hoofs. Patiently the trailer followed them foot by foot to the point where they left the dry creek-bed and swung up the broken bank to a swale. ...
— A Man Four-Square • William MacLeod Raine

... cover of the slight landswell which then, more plainly marked than it is now, formed the contour line of hummock upon which the fort and village stood. A watery swale grown full of tall aquatic weeds meandered parallel with the bluff, so to call it, and there was a soft melancholy whispering of wind among the long blades and stems. She passed the church and Father Beret's hut and ...
— Alice of Old Vincennes • Maurice Thompson

... for a hundred yards or more to the bushy margin of a creek beyond. A smaller stream or a branch of this same appears at one time to have run close to the hill, leaving faint traces of its contour on the meadow, and one small elliptical swale or soft, boggy spot, a few yards across, near the lower corner of Mr. Newell's barn. It was while digging a shallow pit in this swale that the relic was found. It is a gigantic human figure lying on its back, with its head to the ...
— The American Goliah • Anon.

... this stream, for it is more than likely that at that time, Red River poured its waters directly into the Gulf of Mexico, through Atchafalaya and Cocoudrie Bayous. That these were formerly a part of the channel of Red River, there can be no doubt. The sluggish swale that now leads from the river to the Gulf is a silted channel that was formerly large enough to carry the whole volume of Red River. Such changes in the channel of a river, when the latter flows through "made" soil, are by no means infrequent. It is only a few years since the ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891 • Various

Words linked to "Swale" :   trough

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