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Strigil   Listen
Strigil  n.  (Gr. & Rom. Antiq.) An instrument of metal, ivory, etc., used for scraping the skin at the bath.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Strigil" Quotes from Famous Books

... angle, or the problem about the area of the parabolic section of a cone. And Archimedes's servants were forced to hale him away from his draughts, to be anointed in the bath; but he notwithstanding drew the lines upon his belly with his strigil. And when, as he was washing (as the story goes of him), he thought of a manner of computing the proportion of gold in King Hiero's crown by seeing the water flowing over the bathing-stool, he leaped up as one possessed or inspired, crying, "I have found it;" which after he had several times ...
— Essays and Miscellanies - The Complete Works Volume 3 • Plutarch

... probably, by Polyclitus and his immediate followers), making the head smaller and the body slenderer and "dryer," and he mentions a statue by him in Rome called an Apoxyomenos, i.e., an athlete scraping himself with a strigil. A copy of such a statue was found in Rome in 1849 (Fig. 166). The fingers of the right hand with the inappropriate die are modern, as are also some additional bits here and there. Now the coincidence in subject between this statue and that mentioned ...
— A History Of Greek Art • F. B. Tarbell

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