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Spangle   Listen
Spangle  n.  
A small plate or boss of shining metal; something brilliant used as an ornament, especially when stitched on the dress.
Figuratively, any little thing that sparkless. "The rich spangles that adorn the sky."
Oak spangle. See under Oak.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Spangle" Quotes from Famous Books

... separately; they may be attached by stitches from the centre outwards or by the thread being passed through a piece of purl and then returning to the back through the hole in the centre of the spangle. Fig. 139 illustrates another way of using these spangles to form a long tail shape. Here again they are attached with the help of pieces of purl. In the same figure are given some illustrations of the use of the fancy ...
— Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving • Grace Christie

... at one desk is the artist to whose genius we owe the obese robin perched upon a horse-shoe, or the churchyard by moonlight after (apparently) a severe spangle-storm. Here again a poet, whose eye in a fine frenzy rolling proclaims an inspiration, or at least some subtle variant upon a familiar theme. He stoops and, even as I watch, has traced swiftly, with vibrant pen, ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, January 5, 1916 • Various

... WOULD you the spangle of existence spend In Matrimony? Slow about, my Friend! A maiden's hair is more oft false than true, And on the chemist may her ...
— The Rubaiyat of a Bachelor • Helen Rowland

... was hardly yet apparent, lights were beginning to spangle the city like pop-corn bursting in a deep skillet. Christmas Eve, impatiently expected, was peeping over the brink of the hour. Millions had prepared for its celebration. Towns would be painted red. You, yourself, have heard the horns and dodged the ...
— Strictly Business • O. Henry

... on the heather, or the rare sunset-smile of June; out of his heart must well the freshness that in later spring and early summer brightens the bracken, nurtures the moss, and cherishes the starry flowers that spangle for a few weeks the pasture of the moor-sheep. Unless that light and freshness are innate and self-sustained, the drear prospect of a Yorkshire moor will be found as barren of poetic as of agricultural interest: where the love of wild nature is strong, the locality will perhaps ...
— The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851 • Various

... promise of five more bulls there was general applause. The band rolled out fresh music. There was a thunder of drums and the banderilleros came on, gorgeous in velvet, glittering in spangle and tinsel. ...
— Five Nights • Victoria Cross

... the windows, and a draughty wind fluttered the tinselly decorations of last night. The floor was strewed with fragments of garments torn in the crush—paper and silken flowers, here a rosette, there a buckle, a satin bow, a tinsel spangle. Benches and tables were piled about the room, which was half dark; only to westward, through one window, was visible a paler gleam, which might by comparison ...
— The First Violin - A Novel • Jessie Fothergill

... worthy purpose, son. And it seems too bad that Pishy can't pull out something with her bit, when it's to be had so easy. From what that spangle-faced beau of hers tells me there's got to be some expensive plumbing done in that castle he gets sawed off on ...
— The Spenders - A Tale of the Third Generation • Harry Leon Wilson

... this endless shroud, in which we can discover neither rent nor spangle, still continues. Where are we? Over what strange country, possessing neither cities, towns, nor villages, are we hovering in the tomb-like silence of this interminable darkness? We seem, indeed, to have been carried by a puff of wind ...
— Wonderful Balloon Ascents - or, the Conquest of the Skies • Fulgence Marion

... built by Guarini in 1694, and is encrusted with the dark grayish-blue marble from Fabrosa, near Mondovi, which brings out in striking relief the pure white of the statues and the rich gilding of the ornaments, cornices, capitals, and eight-limbed stars which spangle the interior. Double monolith columns of the same dark marble, with bronze pedestals and capitals, support six arches ornamented with diaper-work on the soffits. Above them rise six smaller arches ...
— The South of France—East Half • Charles Bertram Black

Words linked to "Spangle" :   grace, gleam, embellish, bespangle, glint, ornament, shine, spangly, sequin, diamante, decorate, glitter, adorn, beautify, adornment

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