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Skew   Listen
Skew  v. i.  (past & past part. skewed; pres. part. skewing)  
To walk obliquely; to go sidling; to lie or move obliquely. "Child, you must walk straight, without skewing."
To start aside; to shy, as a horse. (Prov. Eng.)
To look obliquely; to squint; hence, to look slightingly or suspiciously.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Skew" Quotes from Famous Books

... the same depth. And apparently of the same system and same age is the mass of tombs marked W, which are parallel to the tomb of Zet. Later there appears to have been built the long line of tombs, placed askew, in order not to interfere with those which have been mentioned, and then this skew line gave the di-rection to the next tomb, that of Merneit, and later on to that of Azab. The private graves around the royal tomb are all built of mud brick, with a coat of mud plaster over it, and the floor is of sand, usually also coated over ...
— History Of Egypt From 330 B.C. To The Present Time, Volume 12 (of 12) • S. Rappoport

... their way through the scattered rocks at the foot of these crags, till, just where the rock-wall seemed the closest, the way through the stones turned into a path going through it skew-wise; and it was now so clear a path that belike it had been bettered by men's hands. Down thereby Face-of-god followed the hound, deeming that he was come to the gates of the Shadowy Vale, and the path went down steeply and swiftly. But when he had gone down a while, the rocks on his right hand ...
— The Roots of the Mountains • William Morris

... a high clearstory was secured in conjunction with a vaulted nave, by the use of "six-part" vaulting (Fig. 98). This was an awkward expedient, by which a square vaulting-bay was divided into six parts by the groins and by a middle transverse rib, necessitating two narrow skew vaults meeting at the centre. This unsatisfactory device was retained for over a century, and was common in early Gothic churches both in France and Great Britain. It made it possible to resist the thrust by high side-aisles, and yet to open windows above these under the cross-vaults. ...
— A Text-Book of the History of Architecture - Seventh Edition, revised • Alfred D. F. Hamlin

Words linked to "Skew" :   skew correlation, skew-eyed, reorient, skewness, skew arch, align, skew-whiff

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