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Side line   Listen
Side line, Sideline  n.  
A line pertaining or attached to the side of a thing.
Specif., a line for hobbling an animal by connecting the fore and the hind feet of the same side.
A line of goods sold in addition to one's principal articles of trade; a course of business pursued aside from one's regular occupation.
A secondary road; esp., a byroad at right angles to a main road. (Canada)
(Sports) Either of two marked lines which delimit the side boundaries of a playing field, as in football or soccer.
(Sports) (plural) The areas in a sports arena just beyond the sidelines (4), where coaches and alternative players sit or stand.
on the sidelines not actively involved in an activity, such as a sporting event, but available for use when needed; in reserve; as, the coach kept him on the sidelines for a week.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Side line" Quotes from Famous Books

... but Breed did not share this dread. He was Flatear's match in size and strength and so was not concerned. Breed could not know that Flatear's hatred had become almost an obsession; that night after night the slayer was craftily trailing him and that killing coyotes was but a side line to lighten the hours of a protracted stalk for Breed himself. Flatear was a veteran warrior and he waited only for an opportunity to attack when he should find Breed alone. Nose and ears kept him apprised of the yellow wolf's whereabouts, ...
— The Yellow Horde • Hal G. Evarts

... necessity of robbing a hen-roost, the cackling poultry in this instance as efficient in the cause of law and order as the geese that saved Rome. Copenny, listening sardonically, could not be thankful for such small favors. His venture as a moonshiner at all events was, so to speak, a side line of employ. He was trained a blacksmith, and had a pretty fair stake in the world, according to the rating of a working-man of this region, now in jeopardy of total loss. The rest had nothing to lose, and as ever and anon ...
— The Ordeal - A Mountain Romance of Tennessee • Charles Egbert Craddock

... wave, and, abandoning the prospect of becoming another Nelson, had joined the police force as a humble constable. But he did not remain one long; and became in turn a Fleet Street publican, the proprietor of a Haymarket night-house, an auctioneer, a picture dealer, a bill discounter (with a side line in usury), and the editor of a Sunday organ. Next, the theatre attracted his energies; and in 1852 he secured a lease of Drury Lane at the moderate rental of L70 a week. On Boxing-night he offered his first ...
— The Magnificent Montez - From Courtesan to Convert • Horace Wyndham

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