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Shiah   Listen
Shiah, Shiite  n.  A member of that branch of the Mohammedans to which the Persians belong. They reject the first three caliphs, and consider Ali as being the first and only rightful successor of Mohammed. They do not acknowledge the Sunna, or body of traditions respecting Mohammed, as any part of the law, and on these accounts are treated as heretics by the Sunnites, or orthodox Mohammedans.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Shiah" Quotes from Famous Books

... Both Shiahs and Sunnis say that a Musalman may not marry one of the idolaters? Is the Sahib a priest, then, that he knows so much? I will tell him something that he does not know. There is neither Shiah nor Sunni, forbidden nor idolater, in Love; and the Nine Bars are but nine little fagots that the flame of Love utterly burns away. In truth, I would have taken Her; but what could I do? The headman would have sent his men to break my ...
— Indian Tales • Rudyard Kipling

... various dramatis personae, informing and luminous knowledge upon the local charactistics of places, or the social customs of peoples. For instance, he takes advantage of being at Meshed to bring in the passion-play of Hussein, as annually enacted by the Shiah Mohammedans in the month of Moharrem; of mentioning Herat to introduce the bad-i-sad-o-bist-ruz or famous 'wind of 120 days'; of conducting his hero to Kum, to describe the curious prescription of bast or ...
— The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan • James Morier

... Marriage"—probably with reference to the junction of the Sind and Jhelum rivers. Shah Jehan, The greatest builder of the Mogul Emperors. Ruled from 1627 to 1658, when he was deposed and imprisoned by Aurungzeb. Shalimar, Shalimar Bagh, Shambrywa, One of the peaks of the Kaj-nag. Shiah, A Mohammedan sect, usually much at variance with those of Sunni persuasion. Shikara, A light sort of canoe. Shikari, A necessary joint in the "fighting tail" of the sportive visitor to Kashmir. Usually a fraud, ...
— A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil • T. R. Swinburne

Words linked to "Shiah" :   religious order, Islam, Shiite Muslim, Shi'ite Muslim, religious sect, sect, Shia, Shiah Islam, Shiite, Shi'ite, Muslimism, Shia Muslim

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