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Seme   Listen
Seme  adj.  (Her.) Sprinkled or sown; said of field, or a charge, when strewed or covered with small charges.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Seme" Quotes from Famous Books

... naif, et expressif de cet age que nous aimons a nous representer de loin comme l'age d'or du bon vieux temps ... Nicolas croyait a son Roy et a sa Dame, il croyait surtout a son Dieu. Nicolas sentait que le monde etait seme a chaque pas d'obscurites et d'embuches, et que l'inconnu etait partout; partout aussi etait le protecteur invisible et le soutien; a chaque souffle qui fremissait, Nicolas croyait le sentir comme derriere le rideau. Le ciel par-dessus ce Nicolas ...
— Domnei • James Branch Cabell et al

... in som places, which likes the pen better: and for the difference in writing, where som particular caueat will chek a common rule. In all these seuen I will so examin the particularities of our tung, as either nothing shall seme strange at all, or if anie thing do seme, yet it shall not seme so strange, but that either the self same, or the verie like vnto it, or the more strange then it is, shal appear to be in, those things, which ar more familiar vnto vs for extraordinarie ...
— Early English Meals and Manners • Various

... land to plague, Had cast his eies on my Queene, out of hande His plaguing bolte had falne out of his hande: Fire of his wrathe into vaine smoke should turne, And other fire within his brest should burne. Nought liues so faire. Nature by such a worke Her selfe, should seme, in workmanship hath past. She is all heau'nlie: neuer any man But seing hir was rauish'd with her sight. The Allablaster couering of hir face, The corall coullor hir two lipps engraines, Her beamie eies, two Sunnes of this our world, Of hir faire haire the ...
— A Discourse of Life and Death, by Mornay; and Antonius by Garnier • Philippe de Mornay

... man. And yet with vs all, there is suche silence, as if God therewith were nothing offended. The naturall man, ennemy to God shall fynd, I knowe, many causes why no suche doctrine oght to be published in these our dangerous dayes. First, for that it may seme to tend to sedition[k]: secondarilie, it shal be dangerous, not onlie to the writer or publisher, but also to all such as shall reade the writinges, or fauor this truth spoken: and last it shall not amend the chief offenders, partlie because it shall neuer come to their ...
— The First Blast of the Trumpet against the monstrous regiment - of Women • John Knox

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