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Seismal   Listen
Seismal, Seismic  adj.  Of or pertaining to an earthquake; caused by an earthquake.
Seismic vertical, the point upon the earth's surface vertically over the center of effort or focal point whence the earthquake's impulse proceeds, or the vertical line connecting these two points.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Seismal" Quotes from Famous Books

... the deal was consummated. Half a mile above his claim it was possible for the engineers to throw the stream again into its old bed, a score of men and three days' work accomplishing the conditions which had obtained before the period of seismic disturbance. Then followed days of keen expert investigation. Even when they were sure these men who know as most men do not the value of caution when they are allowed to take time for caution, postponed ...
— Wolf Breed • Jackson Gregory

... to England with us next week," went on Chase dreamily. "We'll leave Japat to take care of itself. I don't know which it is in most danger of, seismic or ...
— The Man From Brodney's • George Barr McCutcheon

... abandoned the law office of the Honourable Hilary Vane and was now engaged in travelling over the State, apparently in search of health. These were signs, surely, which the wise might have read with profit: in the offices, for instance, of the Honourable Hilary Vane in Ripton Square, where seismic disturbances were registered; but the movement of the needle (to the Honourable Hilary's eye) was almost imperceptible. What observer, however experienced, would have believed that such delicate tracings could herald a ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... not only sensitive, but it's unreliable. You might actually drop a jar of the stuff and do nothing but shatter the jar. Another jar, apparently exactly similar, might go off because it got jiggled by a seismic wave from a passing truck half a mile away. But the latter was a great deal more ...
— Anchorite • Randall Garrett

... distinct tremor, and your eyes follow the sound down the river until the two walls of the canon meet in the perspective. In a small way you know how it would feel to hear the rumble of an approaching seismic shock. Only there was no terror in this. It was the laughter of the sunbeam fairies as they loosened the architecture of "the elfin builders of ...
— Some Winter Days in Iowa • Frederick John Lazell

Words linked to "Seismal" :   seismic, seism, unstable

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