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Scurvily   Listen
Scurvily  adv.  In a scurvy manner.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Scurvily" Quotes from Famous Books

... sister, and you reminded me always of her. But that is all over now—done with for good.... I have to address myself to dying as it becomes one of my race to die." He smiled at me. "One must die in peace to die like a Christian. Life has treated me rather scurvily, only the gentleman must not repine like a poor man of low birth. I would like to do a good turn to the friend who is the brother of his sister, to the girl-cousin whom I do not love with love, but whom I understand ...
— Romance • Joseph Conrad and F.M. Hueffer

... back. To him they gave ten crowns, and promised a share of a two-crown dinner on the morrow; whereat we may suppose his mouth watered. In course of time, he got wind of the real amount of their booty and understood how scurvily he had been used; but he seems to have borne no malice. How could he, against such superb operators as Petit-Jehan and De Cayeux; or a person like Villon, who could have made a new improper romance out of his own head, instead ...
— Familiar Studies of Men & Books • Robert Louis Stevenson

... first benefactor I o'erthrew; And how shou'd I be to a second true? The public trust came next into my care, And I to use them scurvily prepare: My needy sov'reign lord I play'd upon, And lent him many a thousand of his own; For which great interest I took care to charge, And so my ill-got wealth ...
— The True-Born Englishman - A Satire • Daniel Defoe

... to him, to stop the roving of his tongue and passions: and even impudent men look for this reverence from him, and distaste that in him, which they suffer in themselves, as one in whom vice is ill-favoured, and shews more scurvily than another. A bawdy jest shall shame him more than a bastard another man, and he that got it shall censure him among the rest. And he is coward to nothing more than an ill tongue, and whosoever dare lye on him hath ...
— Microcosmography - or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters • John Earle

Words linked to "Scurvily" :   basely

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