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Sans-culotte   Listen
Sans-culotte  n.  
A fellow without breeches; a ragged fellow; a name of reproach given in the first French revolution to the extreme republican party, who rejected breeches as an emblem peculiar to the upper classes or aristocracy, and adopted pantaloons.
Hence, an extreme or radical republican; a violent revolutionist; a Jacobin.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Sans-culotte" Quotes from Famous Books

... Baudot), II. 209, 211, 421, 620.—Guillon de Montleon I. 445 (speech by Chalier, in the Lyons Central Club, March 23, 1793). "They say that the sans-culottes will go on spilling their blood. This is only the talk of aristocrats. Can a sans-culotte be reached in that quarter? Is he not invulnerable, like the gods whom he replaces on this earth?"—Speech by David, in the Convention, on Barra and Viala: "Under so fine a government woman will bring forth without pain."—Mercier "Le ...
— The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 3 (of 6) - The French Revolution, Volume 2 (of 3) • Hippolyte A. Taine

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