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Sacre   Listen
Sacre  n.  See Saker.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Sacre" Quotes from Famous Books

... October), in the afternoon, there came out of Cartagena, two frigates bound for St. Domingo, the one of 58, the other of 12 tons, having nothing in them but ballast. We took them within a league of the town, and came to anchor with them within sacre shot of the east Bulwark. There were in those frigates some twelve or thirteen common mariners, which entreated to be set ashore. To them our Captain gave the greater frigate's ...
— Sir Francis Drake Revived • Philip Nichols

... the sign of the Cross swiftly as he did so, and unheeding the ironical, if hesitating, laughter in the court. Then he said: "'Bien,' I will tell you the story-the whole truth. I was in the Stony Plains. Little Hammer was 'good Injin' then. . . . Yes, sacre! it is a fool who smiles at that. I have kissed the Book. Dam! . . . He would be chief soon when old Two Tails die. He was proud, then, Little Hammer. He go not to the Post for drink; he sell not next year's furs for this year's ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

... Alice began to point out familiar monuments, the spire of the Sainte Chapelle, the square of the Louvre, the gilded dome of Napoleon's tomb, the crumbling Tour Saint Jacques, disfigured now with scaffolding for repairs, and the Sacre Cour, shining resplendent ...
— Through the Wall • Cleveland Moffett

... thousands to-day to the basilica of the Sacre Coeur of Montmartre, where special services were held. This church was planned and built in expiation of the war of 1870. It was finished only a few months ago, and was to have been ...
— Paris War Days - Diary of an American • Charles Inman Barnard

... at the Savoyarde usually followed the dinner. This evening at the Cou-Cou then resembled any other evening. Do you know how to go there? You must take a taxi-cab to the foot of the hill of Montmartre and then be drawn up in the finiculaire to the top where the church of Sacre-Coeur squats proudly, for all the world like a mammoth Buddha (of course you may ride all the way up the mountain in your taxi if you like). From Sacre-Coeur one turns to the left around the board fence which, it would seem, will always hedge in this unfinished monument of pious Catholics; ...
— The Merry-Go-Round • Carl Van Vechten

... Salem, springing to his feet and whirling his hat round. "You sacre dam raakeel," shouted the lieutenant of the party, bringing the flat of his sabre across his ...
— Omoo: Adventures in the South Seas • Herman Melville

... vit dans la grace et non dans la loi. Mais s'il est vrai, comme je pense, que ce temps qu'on croit perdu est justement l'epoque unique, precieuse, irreparable, ou, parmi les jeux puerils, le genius sacre essaye son premier essor, la saison ou les ailes poussent, ou l'aiglon s'essaye a voler ... Ah! de grace, ne l'abregez pas. Ne chassez pas avant le temps cet homme nouveau du paradis maternel; encore un jour; demain a la bonne heure, mon Dieu! ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 358, August 1845 • Various

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