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Rosen   Listen
Rosen  adj.  Consisting of roses; rosy. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Rosen" Quotes from Famous Books

... war then waging between Russia and Japan. The Emperor of Russia, immediately after the treaty of peace which so happily terminated this war, in a note presented to the President on September 13, through Ambassador Rosen, took the initiative in recommending that the conference be now called. The United States Government in response expressed its cordial acquiescence, and stated that it would, as a matter of course, take part in the new conference and endeavor to further its ...
— Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to the Present • Various

... for wines; the soyle apte to beare olyves for oyle; all kinds of fruites; all kindes of oderiferous trees and date trees, cypresses, and cedars; and in New founde lande aboundaunce of pines and firr trees to make mastes and deale boards, pitch, tar, rosen; hempe for cables and cordage; and upp within the Graunde Baye, excedinge quantitie of all kinde of precious furres." So that one may "well and truly conclude with reason and authoritie, that all the commodities of our olde decayed and daungerous trades in all Europe, Africa, and Asia haunted ...
— Beginnings of the American People • Carl Lotus Becker

... beginnings of Aryan language and Aryan thought,—this seemed to me an undertaking not altogether unworthy a man's life. What added to the charm of it was that it had once before been undertaken by Frederick Rosen, a young German scholar, who died in England before he had finished the first book, and that after his death no one seemed willing to carry on his work. What I had to do, first of all, was to copy not only the text, but the commentary of the Rig-veda, a work which when finished will fill six of these ...
— Chips From A German Workshop - Volume I - Essays on the Science of Religion • Friedrich Max Mueller

... All rosen red de mornin fair Shone gaily o'er de hill, A violet plue de shky crew teep In rifer, pond, und rill; All cloudy grey de limeshtone rocks Coom oop troo dimmerin wood; All shnowy vite in mornin light ...
— The Breitmann Ballads • Charles G. Leland

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