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Rochet   Listen
Rochet  n.  
(Eccl.) A linen garment resembling the surplise, but with narrower sleeves, also without sleeves, worn by bishops, and by some other ecclesiastical dignitaries, in certain religious ceremonies. "They see no difference between an idler with a hat and national cockade, and an idler in a cowl or in a rochet."
A frock or outer garment worn in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Rochet" Quotes from Famous Books

... one of the parishe commes to me, and sayes, 'Syr, thys ys a busye day with us, we cannot heare you; it is Robyn Hoode's day; the parishe is gone abroad to gather for Robyn Hoode.' I pray you let them not, I was fayne there to geve place to Robyn Hoode. I thought my rochet should have been regarded thoughe I were not; but it woulde not serve, it was fayne to give place to Robyn Hoode's men. It is no laughyng matter, my friendes, it is a wepynge matter, a heavy matter under a pretence for gatherynge for Robyn Hoode, a traytoure and a thefe, to put out a preacher, ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Vol. 20. No. 568 - 29 Sept 1832 • Various

... Aspires seemingly to be the leader among German Princes; to reduce Hanover and us,—us, with the gold of England in our breeches-pocket,—to the second place? A reverend old Bishop of Liege, twitched by the rochet, and shaken hither and thither, like a reverend old clothes-screen, till he agree to stand still and conform. And now a Silesia seized upon; a Pragmatic Sanction kicked to the winds: the whole world to be turned topsy-turvy, and Hanover and us, with ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XII. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

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