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Rivage   Listen
Rivage  n.  
A bank, shore, or coast. (Archaic) "From the green rivage many a fall Of diamond rillets musical."
(O.Eng.Law) A duty paid to the crown for the passage of vessels on certain rivers.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Rivage" Quotes from Famous Books

... Ledoux se fit descendre sur le rivage, et fit sa visite Tamango. Il le trouva dans une case en paille qu'on lui avait leve la hte, accompagn de ses deux femmes et de quelques sous-marchands et conducteurs d'esclaves. Tamango s'tait ...
— Quatre contes de Prosper Mrime • F. C. L. Van Steenderen

... estomac: et s'estant revestue, sortoit hors son huis, lors estoit incontinent emportee par l'air d'une grande vitesse: et se trouvoit a l'instant au lieu du Sabat, qui estoit quelquefois pres le cimetiere de la paroisse: et quelques autres fois pres le rivage de la mer, aux environs du Chateau de Rocquaine: la ou estant arivee s'y rencontroit souvent quinze ou saize Sorciers et Sorcieres avec les Diables, qu'y estoient la en forme de chiens, chats, et lievres: lesquels Sorciers et Sorcieres elle n'a peu recognoistre, parce qu'ils estoyent ...
— Witchcraft and Devil Lore in the Channel Islands • John Linwood Pitts

... of historic pageants. All these things the Boy and I would have done, and enjoyed peacefully, had we been alone, but Gaeta elected to find Annecy "dull." There was nothing to do but take walks, or sit by the lake, or drive for lunch to the Beau Rivage, or go out for an afternoon's trip in one of the little steamers. Beautiful? Oh, yes; but quiet places made one want to scream or stand on one's head when one had been in them a day or two. It would ...
— The Princess Passes • Alice Muriel Williamson and Charles Norris Williamson

... resum'd And clos'd the song, with "Blessed they whose sins Are cover'd." Like the wood-nymphs then, that tripp'd Singly across the sylvan shadows, one Eager to view and one to 'scape the sun, So mov'd she on, against the current, up The verdant rivage. I, her mincing step Observing, with ...
— The Divine Comedy, Complete - The Vision of Paradise, Purgatory and Hell • Dante Alighieri

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