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Rheum   Listen
Rheum  n.  (Med.) A serous or mucous discharge, especially one from the eves or nose. "I have a rheum in mine eyes too."
Salt rheum. (Med.) See Salt rheum, in the Vocabulary.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Rheum" Quotes from Famous Books

... accompanied her sister, for she was always nervous and ill at ease in her absence, but she was withheld by two considerations. In the first place, she was suffering from what was then termed a rheum, which we should call a bad cold in the head, so that the idea of a wet cold journey of some hours' duration was exceedingly unwelcome; in the second, it was not thought seemly by either sister that the young girls, their guests, should be left in the house without ...
— The Lost Treasure of Trevlyn - A Story of the Days of the Gunpowder Plot • Evelyn Everett-Green

... Thursday, the marshal withdrew my guard. After I had been to mass on Easter Day, I went to Court, and as I kissed the king's hand, he asked me (as had been arranged) why I wore my arm in a sling. I said I had been suffering from a rheum, and he ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... against the gravel in the reins; but all is comprehended in the virtue of the theriacle, or electuary, which I have often made for my poor neighbours, and may well be term'd the forester's panacea against the stone, rheum, pthysic, dropsie, jaundies, inward imposthumes; nay, palsie, gout, and plague it self, taken like Venice-treacle. Of the extracted oyl (with that of nuts) is made an excellent good varnish for pictures, wood-work, and to preserve polish'd iron from ...
— Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) - Or A Discourse of Forest Trees • John Evelyn

Words linked to "Rheum" :   magnoliopsid genus, Rheum australe, Himalayan rhubarb, discharge, genus Rheum, rhubarb, Rheum emodi, Rheum rhaponticum, family Polygonaceae, dicot genus, Rheum palmatum, Indian rhubarb, Polygonaceae, Rheum cultorum, emission, buckwheat family, red-veined pie plant, rheumy

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