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Quickset   Listen
Quickset  v. t.  To plant with living shrubs or trees for a hedge; as, to quickset a ditch.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Quickset" Quotes from Famous Books

... should bide. And it might have been worse; for all the level country between us and the hills was fat, green meadow and marsh, on which were many cattle and sheep feeding. Here and there were groves of great trees, hemmed in with the quickset fences that are as good as stockades for defence round the farmsteads of the English folk, and on other patches of rising ground were the huts of thralls or herdsmen, and across the wide meadows glittered and flashed streams and meres, ...
— Havelok The Dane - A Legend of Old Grimsby and Lincoln • Charles Whistler

... followed Hermione like Mary's little lamb, and how the worthy keeper, James Grubb, did not quite catch the wicked William Saltmarsh in the act of setting a beautiful new brass wire snare at a particular spot in the quickset hedge between the park and the twelve-acre field, but was confident he would catch him the next time he tried it, how Moses Skingle, the sexton, fell out with Mr. Speller, the superannuated village schoolmaster, ...
— Paul Patoff • F. Marion Crawford

... end of this stiff ground a stiffish leap awaited them; an old quickset had been cut down, and all the elm-trees that grew in it, and a new quickset hedge set on a high ...
— A Terrible Temptation - A Story of To-Day • Charles Reade

... harmonious Greek and bewitching poetry," observes Horace Walpole, "the garden of Alcinous was a small orchard and vineyard with some beds of herbs and two fountains that watered them, inclosed within a quickset hedge." Lord Kames, says, still more boldly, that it was nothing but a kitchen garden. Certainly, gardening amongst the ancient Greeks, was a very simple business. It is only within the present century that it has been any where elevated ...
— Flowers and Flower-Gardens • David Lester Richardson

Words linked to "Quickset" :   cutting, planted, slip

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