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Quebracho   Listen
Quebracho  n.  (Bot.) A Chilian apocynaceous tree (Aspidosperma Quebracho); also, its bark, which is used as a febrifuge, and for dyspnoea of the lung, or bronchial diseases; called also white quebracho, to distinguish it from the red quebracho, a Mexican anacardiaceous tree (Loxopterygium Lorentzii) whose bark is said to have similar properties.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Quebracho" Quotes from Famous Books

... or other necessities of life, and are consumed by those nations which do not produce enough from their own soil to keep their teeming populations. Another export which is worthy of particular mention comes from the forests, viz., quebracho, which, in the form of logs and extract, was exported in 1908 to the value of L1,200,000. The value of material of all sorts sent from England to Argentina in 1908 was L16,938,872 (this figure includes such things as manufactured woollen goods, leather goods, oils, and ...
— Argentina From A British Point Of View • Various

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